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The Democratic party is the party of fascism,intolerance and racism.


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So Nazis Zeig-heiling Trump don’t really count as fascists, because we all know fascists are really anyone who feels Society is better served by additional government managed programs organized to try and provide equality of opportunity its citizens?


Nazis arent just fascists, they are more fascists.


Most *white* nationalist are republicans.


Most “Fascists” do indeed affiliate with the Republicans, they classify themselves as part of the Alt-Right. Hence all the Nazi flags at the “unite the right” march, hence why at an Alt Right conference, they Nazi Saluted Donald Trumps Victory.

While you maybe preoccupied with insulting the left moreso than being either accurate or factual, at least we should be able to agree that actual Nazis are fascists?


Now I'll admit that most nationalists are republicans but not fascists. I dont insult the left is a mob in America.


Yes, most communists are Democrats, most Fascists - and the majority of White Nationalists are Republican.

What you’re doing, is pretending that “Fascism” means big government that’s not what Fascism means. Liberalism, again, also doesn’t really mean big government.

Fascism, is an authoritarian political system categorized by overt militarism, appeal to racial purity and Scapegoating of racial groups in order to promote internal unity. It relies on part on corporatism - the big german companies made out like bandits, and inherent military strength. Fascists authoritarian governments do tend to be big, but not all big governments are fascists.

It seems like so many other conservatives you don’t really have an argument, or specific facts, your more interested in hurling tropes and insults. Perhaps you should read up on how the German people were indoctrinated through systems of Propoganda. There are some stark parallels with what is going on with the right wing fake news machine.


Ramshustu is Stacey Abrams CONFIRMED


WHAT are you insane. "All fascists are republicans" Yeah ok buddy that is a GROSS GENERALIZATION OF FASCISTS. All communists are democrats then. I can play your game. Yeah i'm not looking up definitions from leftist wikipedia or Google.

Fascism-Big government
Liberalism-big government

Not that hard to understand


The Republican Party isn’t Fascist, but all fascists are republicans.

You really should google what fascism means, because it seems you just want to define it as “anything that the Democrats Do” rather than what if actually means.

I listed key properties of fascism - and how the Republican Party follows them, those are much more
Commensurate with what Fascism actually entails.


But that isn't the "republican party". Try and name a leading republican who are a fascist and no fake voter suppression doesn't count,nice try, what are you- Stacey Abrams. Democrats have fascism not in the form of nazism. Very large governments are like fascism ideas. I got more quotes too!

"Most bad government stems from BIG government"-Thomas Jefferson.

But hey lets not get wrong fabricated facts in the way of the truth


A.) That’s not really true - Fascists were primarily corporatists. The Nazis specifically put socialist in the name of the party for Pr reasons to steal support from actual socialists. Indeed - Facsism was historically a right wing response to organized left wing labour movements - including socialism.

B.) Today, Neo- Nazis, white nationalists, Authoritarians, are all mostly Republican. Overt Militarilism, Nationalistic displays of patriotism and the upholding of patriotic symbols to almost a religious extent, again - all Republicans. Implicit dog whistles of racial purity with loaded language such as “breeding”, the whiteness of the country, and pressing the danger of changing racial demographics - also mainly Republicans. Even Democracy - right now, you have republicans controlled elections purging voters, trying to make it harder forpeople to vote, excessively GerryMandering their areas, and raising the alarm about fictitious voter fraud in order to generate public support (in person voter fraud is non existent - trump lies about it, the texas SoS recently resigned after being caught lying about it, Kansas voter fraud guy lied about it repeatedly... again, mostly republican.

But hey, don’t let a snazzy quote get in the way of facts


"if fascism ever came to America,it will come in the name of liberalism"-Ronald Reagen

Keep in mind Nazi's were their SOCIALIST party of their country


Nice Rebuttal, wish I could have accepted in time but you'll probably be better in this debate anyways as evidenced by your R1 rebuttal.