Instigator / Pro

Free Wins on DDO?


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 6 votes and with 39 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Yet another debate on DDO

Round 1
I waive, in case of trolling or forfeiting!
Plagiarism note: I am partially using my own arguments from the Comments section. I have full permission from myself to post this as my own work here.

The entire concept of voting is a soft-enforced rule. What that means is that Juggle itself and the website's official documents such as terms of use etc all leave absolutely no official voting restrictions. This entails that you can (genuinely, not just pre-vote-mod) vote for someone who had their opponent is FF'ing every single Round if their debate was bad enough. Both versions (DART and DDO) have loopholes. In DA the loopholes or is patched in a strange way. If you concede openly and your opponent FFs, the only way to vote correctly is that people should give you Conduct and not give either side the other points but most will tie it.
Anyway, since every element of DDO entails risk of a loss even in as extreme a scenario as FF (which is only ever guaranteed at the price of risking a ban for collusion and/or alt-abuse) then no free win exists.

^ This was written after the debate was accepted by me, meaning it's entirely fair even from a time-spent-thinking perspective.

I will love to use a source to introduce equity to you.


In poker, equity refers to the portion of the pot that is yours based on the likelihood (percentage) that you’ll win the hand at a certain point in time. (To put it another way, equity is the percentage of the time you should win a poker hand.)

As an example, if there is $1,000 in the pot, and you are currently an 80% favourite to win the hand, your pot equity is $800.

Subsequently, the general winning poker strategy you should follow when you have an equity advantage over your opponent is to bet for value.

This concept applies to DDO debates. Since the 'accept' button there isn't exactly the point at which the full risk is taken, let's go further. The idea behind free wins is different with and without Full Forfeits.

DDO as is, is a site where if your opponent forfeits, you no longer get the loss (check comments section and stuff for 'proof' as well as looking at DDO itself as this seems to change monthly or something). Alternatively, what happens is your opponent will forfeit Rounds if they don't make it in time but there was always an aception which Pro will likely point out:

If you forfeit the very first Round as the Contender, you don't get a loss, the debate is 'undone'. This simply means it's safer to accept but doesn't actually mean that it's free. 

Let's consider site-rep, getting banned and many other factors here. It's never ever a guaranteed win, ever. There is always a chance of someone defeating you because in DDO even a full forfeit can be lost as voters can justify it if your argument was that terrible. Aside from that, you can never truly fully know that they're being banned unless you're like a moderator there and know with extreme certainty that the user is never coming back. The issue is that banned users on DDO had their open challenges deleted. I can't prove it and it's very easy for my opponent to say I'm lying but basically the only time you were debating a banned user was if they got banned during your debate.

Even if they were banned, you only would truly know they'd never be forgiven or something if you were a moderator and honestly even then it's a gamble unless yo'ure the head admin, seriously think about it the point is that there's still the slightest chance you lose. Similarly, in poker you are only ever the 100% winner after already risking chips to even see enough cards to know that (the risk was before you knew).

Even if you used alts and arranged votebombs last minute, they can be removed post-ending (but new votes cant be added) meaning 'free wins' always had limitations at every stage of DDO debates.
Round 2
Thanks for Accepting the Debate!

Moving On

Free Win:
A win that required minimal effort to achieve or a very easy win.

"RationalMadman got a free win from Club in a Santa Claus debate.

The entire concept of voting is a soft-enforced rule. What that means is that Juggle itself and the website's official documents such as terms of use etc all leave absolutely no official voting restrictions. This entails that you can (genuinely, not just pre-vote-mod) vote for someone who had their opponent is FF'ing every single Round if their debate was bad enough. Both versions (DART and DDO) have loopholes. In DA the loopholes or is patched in a strange way. If you concede openly and your opponent FFs, the only way to vote correctly is that people should give you Conduct and not give either side the other points but most will tie it.
Anyway, since every element of DDO entails risk of a loss even in as extreme a scenario as FF (which is only ever guaranteed at the price of risking a ban for collusion and/or alt-abuse) then no free win exists.
According to our meaning, if there are no actual voting policies, then it is very easy to get a win, for absolutely no reason at all. 


In poker, equity refers to the portion of the pot that is yours based on the likelihood (percentage) that you’ll win the hand at a certain point in time. (To put it another way, equity is the percentage of the time you should win a poker hand.)

As an example, if there is $1,000 in the pot, and you are currently an 80% favourite to win the hand, your pot equity is $800.

Subsequently, the general winning poker strategy you should follow when you have an equity advantage over your opponent is to bet for value.
This concept applies to DDO debates. Since the 'accept' button there isn't exactly the point at which the full risk is taken, let's go further. The idea behind free wins is different with and without Full Forfeits.
DDO as is, is a site where if your opponent forfeits, you no longer get the loss (check comments section and stuff for 'proof' as well as looking at DDO itself as this seems to change monthly or something). Alternatively, what happens is your opponent will forfeit Rounds if they don't make it in time but there was always an aception which Pro will likely point out:
If you forfeit the very first Round as the Contender, you don't get a loss, the debate is 'undone'. This simply means it's safer to accept but doesn't actually mean that it's free. 
Let's consider site-rep, getting banned and many other factors here. It's never ever a guaranteed win, ever. There is always a chance of someone defeating you because in DDO even a full forfeit can be lost as voters can justify it if your argument was that terrible. Aside from that, you can never truly fully know that they're being banned unless you're like a moderator there and know with extreme certainty that the user is never coming back. The issue is that banned users on DDO had their open challenges deleted. I can't prove it and it's very easy for my opponent to say I'm lying but basically the only time you were debating a banned user was if they got banned during your debate.
Even if they were banned, you only would truly know they'd never be forgiven or something if you were a moderator and honestly even then it's a gamble unless yo'ure the head admin, seriously think about it the point is that there's still the slightest chance you lose. Similarly, in poker you are only ever the 100% winner after already risking chips to even see enough cards to know that (the risk was before you knew).
Even if you used alts and arranged votebombs last minute, they can be removed post-ending (but new votes cant be added) meaning 'free wins' always had limitations at every stage of DDO debates.

Yes but we are arguing if there are free wins, not that every debate on DDO has free wins.

By debating backwardseden, you will get free wins via dsjpk5, even if you FF, dsjpk5 will vote for you..

Round 3
Round 4