Instigator / Pro

Trump is not Racist: Change my Mind


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 7 votes and with 33 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
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Contender / Con

BoP is on con to prove Trump is racist, in present day, using examples from around 10 years ago, give or take. At least a couple of racist things are required to prove Trump is racist. I will pass on the first round. My opponent will pass on his last round. Good luck.

Raciism- Thinking one is superior to another race; discriminating against another race in a way that implies one is superior to another race.


He's prolly going to win on some resolution sheet


No, you should have stated that by this logic: bla bla bla

We already know CNN is shit with gay pedophile Bryan Stelter and crappy cuomo


I was going to, but he would just say the topic is Trump so the Dayton shooter is irrelevant

funny how fake news cnn completely ignored the dayton's motives but pounded El paso dude--unbiased don le-mon and fredo cuomo


not bad for a hiatus, though your not going to win sorry.

You should have pounded that the Dayton shooter was a Elizabeth Warren supporter and a rachel maddow fan and confessed that's where he got his far left radicalness, that would have pushed the offense to oromagi,a progressive


What you think?

"all i have to prove is trump's NOT NOT racist, so as long as he's 2% racist I win the resolution"


I know right!, glad I'm not the only one who despises this shit


fitting lol, he's like OBJECTION: MISPELLED RACISM like ok bro


Oh yeah we call him the sweatbag


:D always


Yeah, at least you debate honestly with me.



I love people who debate to win and use semantics, other than to actual have a productive discussion.

oh no the sweat went off, retreat to bunker 56


Yes, it doesn't mean it's false research but the ulterior motive causes a credibility problem. Navigating studies to find the true facts is difficult and a lot of work. Never did the work so I really don't know what's going on, and TBH I'm too lazy to find out.


Looks as though they may have ulterior motives, but that doesn't mean that their research is necessarily false. If Wikipedia can be trusted, they seem like a-holes.


I will look into the Pioneer Fund, but I haven't known the SPLC to ever tell the truth.


There's money funding the studies. Sometimes that money is coming from racists. See, e.g., etc. Compare this to the situation with tobacco studies, where the tobacco industry actively funded bogus studies. There's a similar situation going on with climate change and energy companies.


Also, could you elaborate more on how the bell curve plays into this and "biases and conflicts of interest"?


My stance is that there is a genetic aspect and that it correlates with race. I don't intend on making sweeping conclusions. There are smart and dumb people of every race, but the relative success of certain regions of the world gives basis to my claims. Also, the effects of the Flynn Effect were considered when calculating IQ for the Minnesota study.

I think that environment is also a big factor. Poor people generally have a lower IQ. People raised in richer countries also have higher IQ than their birth country's average. I believe that some countries/people may be poor because of low IQ, but they need to do more research on that hypothesis of mine.


Yes, but the Flynn effect suggests significant environmental factors are at play, and the IQ data you're referring to from multiple countries is probably coming from the Bell Curve etc., the proponents of which have biases and conflicts of interest. The Minnesota study does suggest a heridtary component and perhaps warrants further study, but it's not very conclusive because of the age of the children at adoption. Environmental factors which have substantial impacts weren't controlled for (e.g. pre-natal nutrition, breast feeding, etc).


The fact that IQ scores vary widely based on region. Eastern Asians have highest IQ, then Europe/America(America's has gone down with all of the immigration), and African countries tend to have very low IQ averages.

Also, the Minnesota Transracial Adoption study, which had kids of different races adopted by upper-middle class white families.


Yes, I agree oro will win. This is what I meant.

fist debate back and it's already controversial


orogami is a great debater so if orogami is who I think he is, he is not losing.

Isaiah 32

The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.
6 For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.
7 The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor* with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.
8 But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand.
9 Rise up, ye women that are at ease; hear my voice, ye careless daughters; give ear unto my speech.
careless daughters; give ear unto my speech.
10 Many days and years shall ye be troubled, ye careless women: for the vintage shall fail, the gathering shall not come.
11 Tremble, ye women that are at ease; be troubled, ye careless ones: strip you, and make you bare, and gird sackcloth upon your loins.
12 They shall lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine.
13 Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers; yea, upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city:

i Believe He is clearly talking about modern liberals. I don't think liberals 3000 years ago were for woman's rights. so it is interesting that he sorta says don't go to liberals for help woman. come to me. Isiah was a prophet who foretold the future. He is talking about modern liberals


i believe god has blinded liberals to the obvious/truth to speed up the end times. Its why i don't usually talk politics. If your a liberal you have no idea what i am talking about


No one voted based on the topic. Half of the rounds were about the rules and that's why people voted against me. Nice that u cherry pick the debate tho


Do you possess hard evidence that those generalities are partially dictated by a genetic component which cannot be solely explained by a social component?


It's true that you argued over the rules, but the rules weren't the only thing you argued . You debated the topic in both debates.


There has been one actual debate on the subject. The one with death was over rules.

2 have gone against me. Considering pinkfreud didn't get my sarcasm in that debate, he actually proved my point against the argument of speedrace. The only real vote has been ramshutu. 2 votes isn't a good sample size.


Out of the 7 votes for arguments on the prior debates, only 1 has been in his favor. I'm content to watch him lose again.


Still at what? I do all kinds of debates.


oh i just saw "by god"? What does that even mean they r blinded by god lol

Thanks everyone for the welcome back wishes, I was only gone for like 2 months lol


For sure.

yeah he's back!


Would you consider me racist if I thought it was partially genetics and partially culture/upbringing?


I should have phrased my comment differently. It's certainly true that there are proven generalities about races (i.e. Asians have a higher IQ score, black people are more likely to commit crimes, etc). However, what matters is why you believe those generalities exist. They exist because of culture and upbringing, not because one race is smarter than the other or is more criminal than the other.

If you believe that these generalities exist solely because different races have different genetics, then I think you are a racist. That's the definition of the term. Now, whether racism is bad can be discussed elsewhere, (even though I believe racism is very bad). However, you should still admit that if you believe different generalities exist solely because of race and not culture or upbringing, you are a racist.


You mean statistically provable generalities about races?


Welcome back!


Best of luck!

*Can't believe you took this debate from me*



Still at this?

Guess you are too far gone.


Welcome back, boat


I believe that liberals have been blinded by god. Do you agree with this


Wouldn't you also agree that racism is the belief that certain races have different characteristics (i.e. "Asians are smarter", "blacks commit more crime", etc)?