Instigator / Pro

The Damage Inbreeding Causes Demonstrates Evolution Can’t be True


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Premise: The genetic code of organisms is breaking down over time not being developed and enhanced over time as required for molecules to man evolution. I am using inbreeding as an observable example of deterioration of the genome and am ready to expand my position in the debate to follow.

Rules: Quote your sources and be respectful.


Inbreeding: The Encyclopedia Britannica defines inbreeding as, “the mating of individuals or organisms that are closely related through common ancestry, as opposed to outbreeding, which is the mating of unrelated organisms. Inbreeding is useful in the retention of desirable characteristics or the elimination of undesirable ones, but it often results in decreased vigour, size, and fertility of the offspring because of the combined effect of harmful genes that were recessive in both parents” (

Macroevolution: The gain of additional new genetic information through mutations. If the resulting change in the organism is not determined to represent a net gain in genetic information it falls under one of the next two definitions.

Microevolution/Speciation (for purpose of this debate I will use the term speciation): The process by which animals pass on or fail to pass on genetic traits to their offspring. As John D. Morris, Ph.D. explains, “The small or microevolutionary changes occur by recombining existing genetic material within the group” ( This process never results in new genetic information but frequently results in loss of genetic information. For example, dogs with short hair genes in a cold climate are likely to freeze to death resulting in only the dogs with long hair genes remaining. Rather than gaining new genetic code for log hair this dog population has lost the genes required for short hair. Mutations good or bad do not fall under this definition.

Genetic Entropy: As defined by genetic entropy, “is the genetic degeneration of living things. Genetic entropy is the systematic breakdown of the internal biological information systems that make life alive. Genetic entropy results from genetic mutations” (


>Reported Vote: OoDart // Mod action: [Removed]

>Points Awarded: 6 points to pro for arguments, conduct, and sources

>Reason for Decision: See below

>Reason for Mod Action:
To award argument points, the voter must (1) survey the main arguments and counterarguments in the debate, (2) weigh those arguments and counterarguments against each other, and (3) explain, based on the weighing process, how they reached their decision.

To award sources points, the voter must (1) explain how the debaters' sources impacted the debate, (2) directly assess the strength/utility of at least one source in particular cited in the debate, and (3) explain how and why one debater's use of sources overall was superior to the other's.

To award conduct points, the voter must (1) identify specific instances of misconduct, (2) explain how this misconduct was excessive, unfair, or in breach of the debate's rules, and (3) compare each debater's conduct. Misconduct is excessive when it is extremely frequent and/or when it causes the debate to become incoherent or extremely toxic. In the case of awarding conduct points solely on the basis of forfeits, there is an exception to these steps: a debater may award conduct points solely for forfeited rounds, but only if one debater forfeited half or more of their rounds or if the voter also awards argument points (or explains their decision not to award argument points in a manner which meets the argument points voting standards).

None of these are satisfactorily completed.



Pro explained how the two processes could not occur simultaneously.
Con failed to rebut, simply providing opinions without sources and essentially saying, "You are wrong."
In R2, con essentially conceded the debate, saying, "I probably will lose this debate but at this point I have zero idea what Pro is arguing."
It's fairly obvious what pro is arguing. There is a resolution to this debate, after all.
Pro used reputable sources, con used one source, although it didn't cover the information that was being talked about.


>Reported Vote: bobo // Mod action: Removed

>Points Awarded: 6 points to pro for sources, conduct, and arguments

>Reason for Decision: Pro provided understandable information from reliable sources. Did not notice any misspelling. Pro used proper and polite words to disagree with con.

>Reason for Mod Action: This user is inelligable to vote. In order for an account to be eligable to vote, they must first have completed 2 debates OR 100 forum posts AND read the site's COC. They have done none of these.

Please review the COC:

OoDart's debates that are completed, have 2 with forfeits in them.


2 blatant votebombs, just remove it please even if I will lose anyway. Neither user is even eligible to vote.

My vote accidentally submitted before explaining conduct:

Con forfeited a round.


I would love to bedate you on origins some time. Unfortuanentl a demanding debate challenge has slipped on to my plate. Perhaps you would like to take a rain check, and we can properly hash this out. Regrettably the conversation here has gotten too personal to be very productive.

Remember to always keep the conversation civil.


Watch this amazing video

you are so retarded you must be inbred


religious people are completely retarded


you are a coward let me prove to you how true evolution is, you cowardly little worm

evolution has been proven to be a fact

The more i think about this the more i realize you have to be crazy to even think this are you trolling?


Evolution is a basic principle and science is a basic exercise. The complexity is in the finer details of what we attempt to understand.

Extinction is just as much a part of the evolutionary sequence as development is.

And evolution has no problems. It's only human beings that create imaginary problems. Evolution will continue as it will.

And my fourth point simply suggests that the extinction of organic life on Earth is probably an inevitable consequence.

And a lot of the god thing is probably just another inevitable consequence of our imagination.

Though the notion of creation is nonetheless reasonable.

And I think that it is fair to suggest that the 0 to 1 pre-organic creation event occurred more than seven thousand years ago. (Prove me wrong)


What are you talking about? God simply created everything six to seven thousand years ago. The numerous problems that riddle evolution have no association with this model.

Evolution is not a ‘simple concept.’ It is only simple to those that have a simple understanding of science. Science is not simple in the least, and the more we learn about science the more impossibly stretched the theory of evolution becomes.

Man to molecules devolution will not result in life to start with under evolution. Man to molecules devolution is driving all living organisms to extinction. This is the very enemy of evolution.

I’m not sure what you are referring to on your fourth point, but this point is irrelevant to the discussion if it does not demonstrate an increase in genetic information over time.


Hitchens's Razor applies to blatant assertions followed up with no support. This logical tool properly applies to your unsupported position that evolution is scientifically supported. However, I did provide evidence for all three of my points. But for argument sake, lets explore these further:

1) The law of biogenesis is so universally accepted. Scientific laws are already established as axioms, meaning that they are universally recognized as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true. However, I will provide a source regardless: Biology Online Dictionary defines the law of biogenesis as. “The principle stating that life arises from pre-existing life, not from nonliving material” (

2) Everything comes from nothing defies basic logic. The evidence provided here is basic logic, and yet you dismiss basic logic using an abuse of logic. Defining nothing is so difficult because nothing in all reality possesses no definition. There is nothing there to poses the definition. That being said, Merriam-Webster seems to do a pretty good job of describing nothing, “not any thing : no thing”( So I reassert that everything cannot come from nothing. Once we give nothing the attributes to be or do anything, it is no longer nothing.

3) The deterioration of the genome is heavily supported in the debate you are commenting on. It seems you have lost sight of the purpose of the comments section.


What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.[1][2][3][4]
— Hitchens's Razor

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.[1][2][3][4]
— Hitchens's Razor


Gods fail for exactly the same reasons.

Nonetheless. Evolution is a simple concept relative to a far bigger sequence of events, rather than just the current Darwinian bit.

As such, "man to molecules devolution" can easily be regarded as being a part of the evolutionary sequence.

There is clear evidence to suggest that dominance of the sequence is shifting away from the fragile organic, towards more robust forms of intelligence.


Science does not provide an adequate explanation as to why God might not exist. There is no God of the gaps. Do you believe in Henry Ford or the Model T? The Model T is quite capable of functioning completely independent of Henry Ford. Ruling out the existence of God on the basis of the universes ability to function independently is absurd.

In order for what we know about science to be true, we must assume that our senses are telling us the truth. Do you trust your senses? Under an evolutionary model, natural selection is under no obligation to select that which is true. If a natural sense were to provide an organism with false information in a way that proves beneficial results, that trait would be chosen. The very chaos of the evolutionary model brings into question whether we can trust our senses, and, therefore, whether science can be trusted.

Science contradicts evolution at several lethal points.

1) The law of biogenesis: this scientific law directly contradicts abiogenesis (a non-negotiable requirement for evolution to be true). Without life coming from non-life there is no evolution.

2) Everything comes from nothing: Any working models to explain how everything can come from nothing fall short in that they both (a) do not agree with empirical science and (b) redefine the concept of nothing. The very attempt to define what nothing is automatically identifies what is being described as something other than nothing.

3) The deterioration of the genome: Science observes the genome losing information all the time. The statistics surrounding the empirical science of mutations reveals that all organisms are consistently losing genetic information in an inevitable journey to extinction. This is man to molecules devolution, the very opposite of Darwinistic evolution.

If evolution fails at any one of these points the theory completely breaks down. Empirical science shows that evolution fails at all three.

science does not prove the existence of god it explains why he might not exist how his existence is uneccessary to explain things thats why most scientiest today are atheists


The ‘educated’ tend to think they’ve got it all figured out. They are arrogant and self righteous. This, indeed, is what sets Christianity apart from every other world view including atheism. You are utterly inadequate to save yourself. Don’t look within yourself to solve your problems, for you are the one who is confused. Your point is really quite an irrelevant one considering that there are a great many highly educated creationists. I have cited sources from some of them. Highly intelligent people are on both sides.

I can’t speak to the ‘average church goer,’ since I don’t seem to be particularly average, but I will say I have yet to personally meet an atheist who knows the Bible better than I do. You are not speaking to the ‘average church goer’; therefore stop fabricating this straw man and throwing me into it. If you can’t refute the scientific evidence presented here with real evidence why are you here?

which is why inbreds tend to be very relgious they are fucking stupid


oh bullshit religion is completely unsupported conjecture ask yourself what are most sceintists atheists/ and why athesits on average have iqus 20 points higher than the devout and why atheists know the bible better than the average church goer because we know its all bullshit and you like being a stupid little sheep


A completely unsupported conjecture. The very sort of argument resorted to when intellectual laziness is prevalent and/or evidence is lacking.


no you dont all you have is psuedo science and an invisible god you jerk off to god is dead science is real and you sir are a fraud


I have Ph.D.'s that backup my 'incomprehensible jargon.' I hope the irony of your statement is not lost on everyone else.

Description: When incomprehensible jargon or plain incoherent gibberish is used to give the appearance of a strong argument, in place of evidence or valid reasons to accept the argument.
Argument by Gibberish - Logically Fallacious › tools › LogicalFallacies › Argument-b...

Description: When incomprehensible jargon or plain incoherent gibberish is used to give the appearance of a strong argument, in place of evidence or valid reasons to accept the argument.
Argument by Gibberish - Logically Fallacious › tools › LogicalFallacies › Argument-b...

pro is using the fallacy of jargon Description: When incomprehensible jargon or plain incoherent gibberish is used to give the appearance of a strong argument, in place of evidence or valid reasons to accept the argument.
Argument by Gibberish - Logically Fallacious › tools › LogicalFallacies › Argument-b...

an absurd nonsequitor dna that is too smilar causes defects so on the contrary this does prove evolution solidly


I think you mean Australopithecus. Some of these specimens were fabricated from fragments scattered over 1.55 kilometers (almost a mile). This specimen is most definitely a mash up of multiple creatures perhaps not even of the same species. These specimens poses overwhelming ape like characteristics. I can’t find any creationist source that claims this is human. You will have to provide a source on that.

Peregocetus pacificus was fabricated based on skull fragments only. This is a perfect example of the sort of frauds evolutionists fabricate. This clearly demonstrates their artistic imagination and lack of integrity. As it turns out, a more complete specimen was obtained later and this creature was found to be a fast running land mammal.


There are literally hundreds of major transitional forms, between many of the major groupings. There are scientific arguments around whether some forms of therapsids should be called mammal like reptiles or reptile like mammals. The same goes for hominid my favourite one is the creationists are unable to agree whether some advanced australapithicus species are 100% human or 100% ape (which seems a pretty definitive example of a transitional form).

The idea that there have been major perpetuated frauds for transitional forms is largely an invention from creationists, and sites like who demonstrably lie about them; and the idea that there should be constant and continuous change that would produce a blended rainbow of species seems not to understand that evolution is mostly adaptation to changes in environment, when the environment is stable for tens millions of of years, one would not expect large scale rapid evolution.

Finally ; as you should know - a whale with a partially formed gill would completely refute evolution - I mean seriously, do you understand how evolution even works before rejecting it out of hand? We already have whales with legs: they’re called Peregocetus pacificus


Are you telling me that you will not trust the conclusion of a medical doctors when it comes to trying to analyze fossils? Why would you not trust me if I show a medical doctor who has analyzed fossils and show that they are Transitional?


Have i not shown my dislike of doctors.


Do evolutionists really have to cherry pick data so hard. If evolution is true it should vertualy impossibly to classify anything. Instead evolutionists are fabricating frauds and basing overarching theories on the most minute detail. One supposed transitionallife form does not make evolution. And we're squabbling over the most trivial of characteristics. Find a whale with a partially formed gill or leg and weve got something to talk about.


Would you like me to quote a Medical Doctor (MD) that has analyzed the whale skeleton and will vouch that it is definitely a transitional form?

My last post had errors.

telling which gender something is by the bones is not the same. A lot of time girls are built entirely different from boys. There are huge biological differences.
Speaking of which how did a monkey evolve into a human and The guy ends up entirely different from the girl.There are so many different biological differences. So the theory goes that over billion of years they got there traits by adapting to there environment. So if a male adapts and becomes bigger from doing hard work. Then why does this trait not effect girls the DNA is the same.The answer is simple God created men to Work for the family And females to take care of children and stuff

Telling which gender something is. not the same. A lot of time girls are built entirely different from boys. There are huge biological differences.

Speaking of which had did a monkey evolve into a human. But The guy ends up entirely different from the girl.There are so many different biological differences. So the theory goes that over billion of years they got there traits by adapting to there environment. So if a male adapts and becomes bigger from doing hard work. Then why does this trait not effect girls the DNA is the same.The answer is simple God created men to Work for the family And females to take care of children and stuff.Same with evolution creature. The reason why Animals have traits that would help them in there environment. Is because God

The creator must have had knowledge that the dog would be hot during the summer so he applied this knowledge and made it so the creature to shed its fur during the summer.

the creator of the mountain goat gave the goat special feet that make it easier to mountain climb..because he knew it would need them because they live in the mountains

" ear that indicated transitional properties of the war between ungulates and whales - more complete forms of the fossils have subsequently been found.

OK so it is a little outdated.

There talking about a transition fossil what else could they possibly be talking about.

The reason why the site said the ear had to be identical to the whale is because that is what there models had along with the other bones you mentioned

We are not just talking about pictures. We are talking about models. The prevolved whale Fossil models in the museums has a skull with a blowhole. But no blowhole has been found.Only a top part of the skull exist.

Again - you seem to be blatantly ignoring everything being said to focus on the same false premises I have explained are wrong. Let me be clear - again.

The bones found included portions of skull and ear that indicated transitional properties of the war between ungulates and whales - more complete forms of the fossils have subsequently been found.

That the ear wasn’t identical to a whale does not change that this is a transitional form. Your website lied.

That the fossil has properties of ungulates does not change that this is a transitional form. Your website lied.

That an —artist— painted a blow hole, or tried to fill in the gaps for an incomplete skeleton does not mean the bones discovered are not transitional.

Starting off with few bones does not make this not a Jew species, or not transitional. As mentioned (and ignored - we can tell age sex and species from pieces of femur alone - so not having lots of bone isn’t a big deal).

The website - and you 1 have made it clear you don’t really understand what a transitional form is - given your demand that it be more whale like; and this ignorance of how transitional forms is being used to attack it.

Now, if you want to persistently ignore every fact presented against you - feel free to continue your own ignorance, but please stop repeating the same nonsense I have already addressed.

This entire point is nothing but dishonest misrepresentation of the science and the specimen.

"the discovered species is not a whale - it doesn’t look like a whale - it doesn’t have the ear of a whale - however the bones discovered "

Exactly then why did the creature they presented have these features.Even though no bones of these things were fund


They made it clear they were talking about a transition fossil .What else would they be talking about.

Embryo is true because of picture. That is why i linked pictures instead of argument.

"the discovered species is not a whale - it doesn’t look like a whale - it doesn’t have the ear of a whale - however the bones discovered (and have now been corroborated with multiple other finds), show a sigmoid process in the ear, the ear isn’t a whale ear, but has a diagnostic traits of a whale, as well as diagnostic traits of ungulates. "

The creature they presented had blowholes flippers ears even though none of these body parts had been found.


Yes - this is all covered in what I said below; and is a deliberately dishonest and unscientific attempt to attack evolution, and to convince those ignorant of the science or the discovery.

The discovered species is not a whale - it doesn’t look like a whale - it doesn’t have the ear of a whale - however the bones discovered (and have now been corroborated with multiple other finds), show a sigmoid process in the ear, the ear isn’t a whale ear, but has a diagnostic traits of a whale, as well as diagnostic traits of ungulates. is deliberate misrepresenting this find, by implying the war must be exactly like a whale to be transitional (false), that a complete skeleton is required to determine that (false - as explained), and that because artist - that isn’t the scientist who made the discovery - used artistic license and painted a blow hole : that the diagnostic trait that exist doesn’t

This is dishonest claptrap from a non scientific source, being parroted by those who don’t know any better and seem not to care about what anyone says.

There was only a couple bones. They created an entire animal. There should be more similarity.

"Dr Werner recorded on video Dr Thewissen admitting that a key evidence of whale ancestry, the sigmoid process of the ear-bone apparatus (again), was actually nothing like a whale ear bone"

Video on bottom of site