Instigator / Pro

Minecraft Steve can beat any UFC Fighter in a Fight.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
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Voting system
Contender / Con

No kritiks, no trolls.

The resolution is a resolution. Things like:

"Minecraft steve could not exist in real life"
"Minecraft steve would instantly die because of physics"

are not allowed. This is solely based on if one of them encountered each other, who would win.

Round 1

Thanks Intelligence_06 for contending my challenge. I hope this will be my best discussion yet.
Before we begin, I would like to provide some definitions and BoP specifics. 

Minecraft Steve: The default player you play with in Minecraft. He is the main character in Minecraft

UFC Fighter: A fighter that is in the UFC.

Fight: A brawl. In this case, it will be a fight to the death.
BoP is shared in this case. My opponent must prove that a UFC fighter would win, and I must prove that Minecraft Steve will win.


Let's begin by taking a look at the best UFC fighter of all time. According to multiple lists, it's Anderson Silva.

Anderson Silva can lift an astonishing 220 pounds (,the%20middleweight%20champion%20regularly%20competes%20at%20185%20lbs.). This is amazing for a human. He has dozens of wins and dozens of TKO's. He has blackbelts in many forms of martial arts.

Keep this in mind when reading my argument.

Contention 1: Brute Strength
As I said before, Anderson Silva can left 220 pounds. That's an extreme amount. But, it is massively dwarfed by how much Minecraft steve can lift.

The heaviest item you can currently carry in full 64 stacks in the Notch Apple. It has the weight of 8 cubic meters of gold plus an apple (the apple is pretty much irrelevant). This enables one notch apple to be 360,000 pounds, or 154,400 kg. That's one. 

shulker box has 27 slots. There is 64 notch apples per slot. 64 times 27 times 154,000 is 266803200 kg. 

But, we're not done yet. Steve's inventory enables him to hold 37 slots (left hand included). Multiplying everything together, you get an estimated lift strength of 11 million tons, or 22 billion pounds. He's 100 million times stronger than Anderson Silva.

Steve shows no signs of physical deterioration after carrying this much. He can lift 1,600 Eiffel Towers, while still sprinting at full speed.

Contention 2: Punch Strength

Take it from this user from quora:
Steve can punch a cubic meter of solid diamond to dust with his bare fist.
According to Wikipedia, diamond has a strength of 60–225 gigapascals, depending on the purity and crystal orientation of the diamond. Since Steve breaks all diamond at the same rate, I will go with the highest strength, 225 GPa. Translated into PSI (human punches are measured in PSI), you get 32,630,000,000.
Thirty-two billion pounds per square inch. (
32 billion pounds per square inch. He can literally smash a car with those hands. One flick, and you're dead. In fact, in creative mode, he can break it instantly. He can kill you instantly

A average boxer punches between 500-1000 psi. That's nothing. Nothing compared to 32 billion pounds psi.

You're dead no matter the strength. He can punch through the planet.

Contention 3: Speed
Steve can run at an average pace. 12.3 mph. But keep in mind, he can do that all day with hardly any rest. He doesn't need water, he only needs a couple of carrots. But, with his strength he can easily destroy a UFC Fighter within 5 seconds. He can jump one meter with no sweat.

I believe I have easily fulfilled my BoP, by proving that Steve has powers stronger than Superheroes. Humans are nothing compared to Steve.
I thank Crocodile the debater for giving me an opportunity to let me pick up things that would be regular had if I am an extrovert, and because I am NOT an extrovert thus I would be here debating instead of hanging with my supposed-girlfriend who may or may not play minecraft.

Anyways, arguments here. Every argument is typed from a Google Doc and rebuttals(if necessary) will be added later since I cannot predict my opponent’s reasons.

  1. Limited Moveset and Clumsy nature

If anyone who has played Mafia before on DArt, he would know that steve would be a strongman that could be virtually immortal if he has enough OP weapons, tools, and materials. However, These are the disadvantages of Steve:
  • Not flexible. Every time you see him alive he is standing upright, which would make his legs or even stomach extremely vulnerable, and no, hitting legs shouldn’t and wouldn’t be against the rules[1].
  • Might commit murder. Using the sheer force that could punch trees open, the opponent might be shot out of the arena and appear at the cemetery the next day, and this would not only be a clear KO, but it is a crime no matter where it is. This is also the reason why One Punch Man wouldn’t be automatically winning every martial arts tournament because murder can be committed.
  • He could dig holes to attack his opponent on the thighs, but that would be destroying property which is also against the law. Using such a move set, and the rug, which in the MC universe would be easy to break. Under the two circumstances, Steve would be disqualified.
  • Steve, knowingly a superhero from the far wilds that has not yet been excavated by us humans, would not get used to the UFC rules knowing that he survives in the wild and has no one to fight for other than the evil mobs, which has no rules. Steve would also lack basic strategy knowing Steve is not canonically a fighter, but rather a dweller of the wild and nothing else, which would mean that Steve would behave dim-witted in an arena with a UFC fighter.

So yeah, Steve may be vulnerable to lower-body attacks, and he might break the rules because he is ignorant. The best guess, he will still behave dim-witted in an organized match because surviving in the wild is different from an organized martial arts tournament and Steve is inexperienced in the latter. Grabbing a bear to a fight with John Cena and the former will be disqualified in seconds.

Steve and the UFC fighter either are fighting in the wild(which would be VERY unlikely), in the streets(which is discouraged[2]), and most likely, in the arena. Since the best bet is in the arena, that would mean they both obey the UFC rules and Steve has a better tendency of breaking them and he is much less experienced in tactical and organized martial arts. In fact, the sheer brute force of Steve would make him a chad that no one wants to pick a fight anywhere else with, and so, the best guess is that the two will fight in the arena and Steve will have less of a tendency of losing.

  • Steve is ignorant of the rules and is clumsy.
  • Steve is inexperienced in martial arts and thus does not know advanced tactics that top UFC fighters use.
  • Steve is most likely fighting in the arena based on how strong he is(consider his chad-looking "muscles" would make no one, not even the fighters want to pick a fight with him.

PRO has to debunk all these reasons in order to catch a win on this topic.


Round 2
Thanks Intelligence_06 for the extremely quick response. (lol). I'll try to rebut your points for this round.

  1. Limited Moveset and Clumsy nature

If anyone who has played Mafia before on DArt, he would know that steve would be a strongman that could be virtually immortal if he has enough OP weapons, tools, and materials. However, These are the disadvantages of Steve:
  • Not flexible. Every time you see him alive he is standing upright, which would make his legs or even stomach extremely vulnerable, and no, hitting legs shouldn’t and wouldn’t be against the rules[1].
  • Might commit murder. Using the sheer force that could punch trees open, the opponent might be shot out of the arena and appear at the cemetery the next day, and this would not only be a clear KO, but it is a crime no matter where it is. This is also the reason why One Punch Man wouldn’t be automatically winning every martial arts tournament because murder can be committed.
  • He could dig holes to attack his opponent on the thighs, but that would be destroying property which is also against the law. Using such a move set, and the rug, which in the MC universe would be easy to break. Under the two circumstances, Steve would be disqualified.
  • Steve, knowingly a superhero from the far wilds that has not yet been excavated by us humans, would not get used to the UFC rules knowing that he survives in the wild and has no one to fight for other than the evil mobs, which has no rules. Steve would also lack basic strategy knowing Steve is not canonically a fighter, but rather a dweller of the wild and nothing else, which would mean that Steve would behave dim-witted in an arena with a UFC fighter.
My opponent has assumed that this fight will be a UFC fight. But, no where in the resolution does it say that. In fact, I clarified in Round 1 that this would be a fight to the death scenario. In every case, in a FTD scenario, steve would win. I also clarified in the comments that it would be "a naked fistfight". This implies that it is not a UFC fight. My opponent has clearly conceded to the fact that Steve could easily destroy a UFC fighter in a fight to the death.

My opponent's entire argument is debunked because he misunderstood "fight".
  • Steve is ignorant of the rules and is clumsy.
  • Steve is inexperienced in martial arts and thus does not know advanced tactics that top UFC fighters use.
  • Steve is most likely fighting in the arena based on how strong he is(consider his chad-looking "muscles" would make no one, not even the fighters want to pick a fight with him.

There are no rules, it doesn't matter if you're inexperienced in martial arts, you can insta kill someone by touching them. Top UFC fighters can't even hurt him with their strongest punch, so it doesn't matter what tactics they use. 
1. Steve's weight? Battle tactics?

Steve is about 1.85 meters tall[1]. That is a truth and PRO cannot disagree because it is concrete evidence.

Now, what would be Steve's weight? According to the calculator, Steve would be 74-82 kilograms[2]. Let's just assume that Steve is 90 kgs because he is much blockier than the average man. 

I know that Anderson Silva can literally lift 220 pounds, which translated to Kilograms, would be about 100. So this would mean that said UFC fighter can raise 100 kilograms on his full power. Steve is 74-90 kilograms, so he essentially can be lifted and thrown by Silva. Silva is a UFC fighter and he qualifies for the criteria without a doubt.

Even if Steve is over 100 Kilograms and Silva cannot raise him, he could still punch Steve while avoiding the almighty-omnipotent fist that punches through solid stone and metal. He could, say, hurt Steve half a heart a minute, but he could literally make Steve laying on his stomachs and making him immovable consider Steve is not flexible at all and even "sneaking" wouldn't make him get up considering he will just be twerking on the ground and make a fool out of himself. There is no move-set for Steve that can make him get up or lay down unless it is a mod, which is not canon, or if he is on the bed, which would him even more defenseless. All Mobs in Minecraft would not make Steve lay down because their punches are likely much weaker than Steve's, but Silva the UFC fighter can literally punch everywhere, including the groins(In survival, there aren't rules, and I know in less than a minute the fight will get as R-rated as possible), and punching the back(which, considering Steve can only punch with his arms in front would limit himself and make him defenseless) while steve lays down on his stomach would make an Ultimate W for the UFC fighter.

PRO can either comment that Steve won't fall down or he can get up, but according to the laws of Physics that can make the UFC fighter still a UFC fighter, plus the limited move-set of Steve, it would be obvious that Steve won't get up when he is knocked down.

In fact, a non-heavyweight fighter in UFC had punched in a staggering 400 kilograms[3]. I am pretty sure heavyweights can punch even harder. Canon states that Steve is over 300 kilograms[4], so this guy can already make Steve trip in one punch. A second punch, with less force required, could make Steve lay well on his stomach in the ground, and he would still be the punching bag because his move-set cannot get him up. his rocket-launching fists cannot even be put to efficient work because the most he can do is to make a sinkhole out of the ground and kill both of them(PRO's BoP is that Steve will win, while a scenario that ends in a tie would favor CON consider Steve didn't "win"). Steve's fist is put for mining and crafting and it isn't even for fending off monsters, because if it really WAS made for fending off monsters, then you'd kill skeletons with one hit with bonemeals as the drop. It is not the case, and you wouldn't bring a real-life pickaxe to a medieval battle because swords are much more efficient. Steve's hands are pickaxes or even axes, but his hands aren't swords, it is not made for combat.

So the start of the battle would either be Steve defenseless on the ground, or that Steve punches first and wounds the UFC fighter, then the UFC fighter, who can use faster and varied attacks, go for Steve's legs and even groins, and then make his face downwards to the ground, making Steve a punching bag that cannot get up. Eventually, the battle will be one-sided: Let's just say half of a heart is lost per punch, then only 20 punches are needed to make Steve drop everything he has, while the UFC fighter has major injuries at most. Steve's fists do not efficiently attack monsters as it breaks stones and wood.

Conclusions(if you can't read everything above)
  • Steve will be stuck on the ground if he got knocked down because of his move set.
  • Steve will be a punching bag for the UFC fighter if he got down since he cannot get up
  • Steve's fists aren't made for combat, they are for smithing, mining, and crafting. They can at most injure an entity as the fighter said above.
  • Even if Steve got the first attack and made injuries, a UFC fighter that can punch 5 times a second could defeat Steve dead in its tracks since Steve has a lag in his physique between hitting.
  • Even if it ends in a tie, CON wins.

Round 3
Thanks Intelligence_06 for the quick response.

My opponent begins by saying Anderson Silva can lift 220 pounds and throw Steve. Well, the same thing can be said for Steve. Except for the slight fact that Steve can throw 115789474 Anderson Silvas. I don't think my opponent clearly understands that number. 115 million is such a big number.

Steve can lift the entire population of Russia (without breaking a sweat). In fact, he can lift the entire population of Russia plus the entire population of Oman. 

Even if Steve is over 100 Kilograms and Silva cannot raise him, he could still punch Steve while avoiding the almighty-omnipotent fist that punches through solid stone and metal. He could, say, hurt Steve half a heart a minute, but he could literally make Steve laying on his stomachs and making him immovable consider Steve is not flexible at all and even "sneaking" wouldn't make him get up considering he will just be twerking on the ground and make a fool out of himself. There is no move-set for Steve that can make him get up or lay down unless it is a mod, which is not canon, or if he is on the bed, which would him even more defenseless. All Mobs in Minecraft would not make Steve lay down because their punches are likely much weaker than Steve's, but Silva the UFC fighter can literally punch everywhere, including the groins(In survival, there aren't rules, and I know in less than a minute the fight will get as R-rated as possible), and punching the back(which, considering Steve can only punch with his arms in front would limit himself and make him defenseless) while steve lays down on his stomach would make an Ultimate W for the UFC fighter.
My opponent underestimates the durability of Steve. He can take several sword hits. He can also be hit 10 times with an arrow and not die or get knocked out. A sword hit is stronger than Silva's punches. 

In fact, a non-heavyweight fighter in UFC had punched in a staggering 400 kilograms[3]. I am pretty sure heavyweights can punch even harder. Canon states that Steve is over 300 kilograms[4], so this guy can already make Steve trip in one punch.
My opponent ignores the fact that Steve can punch in at 32 billion pounds, or 14515000000 kilograms. 14 billion kilograms is also a large amount. If he punches a UFC fighter with his pinky, it will go through his flesh instantly. If he punches the ground, the ground will break through nearly instantly. Instantly. One punch by steve, and the UFC fighter is dead. 

Consider this. My opponent states that he a UFC fighter can take Steve 1/2 hearts down a minute. If Steve lands just ONE punch, or even touches the boxer forcefully, the boxer's body EXPLODES. 

So the start of the battle would either be Steve defenseless on the ground, or that Steve punches first and wounds the UFC fighter, then the UFC fighter, who can use faster and varied attacks, go for Steve's legs and even groins, and then make his face downwards to the ground, making Steve a punching bag that cannot get up. Eventually, the battle will be one-sided: Let's just say half of a heart is lost per punch, then only 20 punches are needed to make Steve drop everything he has, while the UFC fighter has major injuries at most. Steve's fists do not efficiently attack monsters as it breaks stones and wood.
As I said before, if Steve touches the fighter with his pinky, the fighter will explode. 

Steve could also dig through the ground with his bare fist and pull the fighter down. But, as I said before, one touch is all it takes to make Silva, or any human on earth explode. 

Conclusions(if you can't read everything above)
  • Steve will be stuck on the ground if he got knocked down because of his move set.
  • Steve will be a punching bag for the UFC fighter if he got down since he cannot get up
  • Steve's fists aren't made for combat, they are for smithing, mining, and crafting. They can at most injure an entity as the fighter said above.
  • Even if Steve got the first attack and made injuries, a UFC fighter that can punch 5 times a second could defeat Steve dead in its tracks since Steve has a lag in his physique between hitting.
  • Even if it ends in a tie, CON wins.
Steve's hands aren't made for combatting mobs, you say. 

Minecraft mobs, that is. Minecraft mobs are a lot stronger than humans, and are at Steves level. They can take a massive amount of energy. 

My opponent ignores the fact that Minecraft mobs are stronger than humans. I have already proved that Steve is such a massive amount stronger than Silva, and he would certainly win.

He also ignores Steve's durability, and the fact that he can take sword hits without being knocked down, and bow hits. He can survive falls from godly heights as well.

I have successfully proved, that even with one graze of a pinky, the fighter will die instantly. This makes Steve's win certain. I have also proved that his durability comes out on top. 

I firmly believe that I have won this debate, and that you should vote for me.


"It doesn't matter how many resources you have. If you don't know how to use them, it will never be enough."

Rebuttal 1: Steve still has a limited move-set regardless of how much of a superhero he is

I totally agree with Crocodile's point: Steve's brute strength is obviously brutal to any real organism. Let's suppose that is real regardless of what else Steve does(or doesn't).

It is also true that Steve can only do things when he is right-side up, and according to the physics that could make it happen(consider the "UFC fighter", in the MC world, would possibly NEED to take the shape of STEVE and become one of those humanoid beings consider that is the shape of ALL evolved humanoid creatures, who can still deal damage like any other zombie, so it needs to take place in the real world in order to make the fight itself work), Steve, which is less than 400 kilograms and more than 74, could be punched by the UFC fighter such as Silva, landing on his stomach, and Steve, lacking the BASIC ability to get up, would just be nothing more than a punching bag, and could not get upright unless the UFC fighter lifts him and grabs him and places him on the ground, which would NOT possibly happen as it brings the UFC fighter a disadvantage.

The most Steve can do with his hand literally STUCK toward the ground is to break the ground, which would not bring him an advantage since he will be breaking the ground once at a time, and then he will go down, the only thing he could do to change his position is to dig straight down, which, if there is magma below, he could die.

PRO mentions that Steve could lift hundreds of millions of UFC fighters, but ignores that STEVE DOES NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO LIFT. No matter how much Uranium a country has, if the nation does not have a single engineer that can use nuclear power, then all of these will go to waste at least domestically. Animal Crossing Players may have materials beforehand but still remains unable to craft if he does learn how the material would be crafted. 190 IQ people would still NOT know what quantum mechanics is if he RESISTS learning anything about it. Potential is potential, but turning potential to an active outcome is something else. Steve has potential but otherwise does not have the complete capability to be omnipotent even with his completely immortal fist. If he is down, he CANNOT get up.

Remaining powerless when down(which is very possible), Steve will starve to death MUCH quicker than the average person[1]. Take this example:
There is definitely something strange going on here. I'm starving to death when I afk in flowing water, even though I'm not moving - I'm being pushed against a solid wall. Does this count as swimming? I ran a test and took a nap, and my hunger bar remained full. Then when I went to sleep, I died of starvation.
Regardless of the "sleep" means in real-life or Minecraft, it would probably mean less than 10 days. In real life, humans can starve for 35-40 days[2]. Although ability decreases, the UFC fighter's durability internally is much better than Steve's, as he could die of hunger under 10 real days. The UFC fighter only needs to disarm Steve then make him law down on his stomach, then Steve will just grow pain in position and cannot do anything to his advantage. The UFC fighter, meanwhile, would just punch the ashes and blood out of Steve while Steve can not do anything as long as his feet are not on the ground. The UFC fighter can just stand up after sleeping on the ground like any other actual human.

After that, Steve would starve to death under 10 days meanwhile the UFC guys can still live for another month. The battle will soon become something that is anything but a battle because the "brawl" is too one-sided towards the UFC guy to favor Steve.

PRO's argument is just his FISTS and BODY and when he CANNOT use his fists nor BODY to his advantage, the UFC guy wins objectively. Steve will starve to death faster than he can be wounded to death.

Rebuttal 2: Assured

PRO bears the BoP, that is clear. Now, what is his BoP?
Minecraft Steve can beat any UFC Fighter in a Fight.
PRO obviously need to negate any scenarios that favor the UFC warrior, and in case, there is at least one. Sequences go like this:
  • Two persons appear
  • UFC guy punches Steve with maximum force, causing him to trip and fall
  • Steve lays on his stomach
  • Steve can do nothing helping him to get up and the UFC guy can just pummel him as fast as he wants to
  • Steve, knowing he can do literally nothing, will starve to death quicker than the UFC guy who is an actual human.
This is obviously one way that the UFC guy can win. Punchers that can punch 5 times a second can obviously punch faster than steve(who can only punch 4 times a second according to this video[3]), and the UFC guy will get the upper hand to make Steve dead in its tracks if he at least tries. In this scenario that is applicable to most environments, the UFC guy wins and that would mean the UFC guy has a better tendency of winning, which it wouldn't make that "Steve CAN BEAT ANY UFC FIGHTER in a fight" true, consider that Steve has a larger tendency of losing. The only kind scenario in which Steve wins is if the UFC guy was spawned on the cliff or something similar and that would make it unfair. For fair arenas, this is how Steve loses.

PRO's argument assumes that Steve WILL win against any UFC guy, and I had proved him false.

Overall, Steve wasn't beaten by anyone else, his futility in some fields leads to his own demise. The UFC guy in the end would win.

I have proved that in most cases, Steve would end up with his feet not on the ground, and because of his move-set he cannot get up.
I have proved that Steve starves to death quicker than the average UFC guy, which he will die first anyway.
I have proved that I have negated every of PRO's points.