Instigator / Pro

Human cloning should be legalized.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

To whoever joins this debate, best of luck. If the Con wants to try and either message me questions or comment questions for me, I will do my best to answer them, but I'm not making a guarantee due to my schedule. Lastly, before we start the debate, to structure the debate, I use a system like this
1. Main point.
A. Impacts to show what happens if we don't solve the main point.
B. Another impact if present.
I. Roman numerals to show sub impacts if applicable.
This little bit is a copy and paste, so all these points might not be in every debate I'm in.

On the topic itself, I as Pro am going to add framing, but that's all debatable so I'm not going to put it in the description. I want as little as possible holding Con back from doing what they feel is a good strategy to win the debate, so do your best. Only rule I would say is no new args in the last round.

1 point(s)

Okay, so: this was tough. Tough to follow and tough to decide.

In sources, CON wins by a landslide. Round 1 - which is where the bulk of PRO's argument is set up - there are no sources to back any of the (at times) extravagant claims. There are a few instances where PRO evidently merely skims their own source - for example, the "cloned sisters of dolly" source states that they'll be euthanised at age ten, and that there may be evidence of more rapid than normal ageing. PRO makes quite a big deal of saying that they are "are all healthily at 13 years old", which is plainly contradictory.

In argument,

- Cloning = Good Pop Growth.

PRO holds that population growth is beneficial for space colonisation and "to ensure that humanity has hegemony over the galaxy or at least a fighting chance against possible alien empires". Frankly, this is the strangest line of thought PRO could have taken to justify human cloning, and CON's refutation that "troop quality and tech advancement" is more important to invest in is satisfactory enough to disregard this point. As for space colonisation - that is extremely hypothetical, and without the sources behind it, this voter considers it a moot point.

- Cloning = more research capability, more organ/blood donors.

PRO: this is your STRONGEST point. I would have loved to have seen an expansion on this point specifically - HOW diseases might be treated with research from human cloning, statistics about enormous donor lists, deaths caused by the lack of donor organs and blood, economic/health/research benefit of lab-grown human organs. While CON doesn't do a fantastic job of rebutting this point - "What ... is wrong with ... with animal [experimentation]?" - it isn't presented that great to begin with.

- Cloning = reanimation of great minds.

I like this point - but CON does a pretty good job in rebutting it in R2, to which PRO's response is: "it can't hurt to try." When we're talking about the creation of an entire individual - or multiple individuals at incredible cost to serve a purpose, this reason isn't really good enough. No bills are put through in parliament because "It can't hurt to try.", especially when they're this dangerously close to eugenics.

Cloning: Health Problems

a) Cloning = unethical, since clones die. b) Cloning = unethical, since women's health detriment. c) Cloning = unethical, since clones can't consent to being created. PRO rebuts (a) with "gametogenesis", CON changes tact to anti-eugenics. The women's health detriment point seems to be dropped. The gist of PRO's rebuttal to (c) is vaguely an accusation to CON of being ableist. This voter decides that knowingly creating children that MIGHT have serious problems - not just mentally but physically - is not a good idea. And so CON's point stands.

Cloning: Social Problems

Creating a new form of chattel slavery, "the Island" style. Well sourced. PRO states that - according to the framework - ethical problems should be considered second - but that does not state that they shouldn't be considered.

Overall, CON's points aren't as 'heavy' as PRO's. PRO doesn't really provide backup to a LOT of their claims, though, and CON's refutations are markedly stronger. On the surface of the debate, I would agree with PRO - but CON has thrown more than enough doubt on PRO's arguments for me to change my mind.

Vote cast for CON!

If I might be so audacious as to offer feedback to both sides:

PRO: Come back down to earth. Galactic dominance and colonising the cold reaches of space are perhaps not the best place to focus on when talking about the benefits of human cloning. Your point on research and health benefits could have been split in two and expanded on for a lot more weight, and if that point was done well I likely would have been on your side. When Logos rules, evidence is king. Well fought!

CON: The last Round was a little desperate - come home strong. Maybe refrain from referring to your opponent's arguments as "nonsense". It would have been great to see more attention drawn to some of PRO's claims - how do extra cadavers cure cancer? How does human cloning protect us from aliens? Well done!

Great work to both sides - an interesting read. In my mind, CON won by a hair - but I'm sure there are others that would find PRO to be the victor. Hopefully you guys get some more votes before the voting period concludes. Good luck to both of you!