Instigator / Con

Your proposal to the "race" problem....


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 2 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

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One day
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Voting period
One week
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Contender / Pro

Disclaimer : Regardless of the setup for voting win or lose, The aim of this interaction, Is for those that view it, Learn and or take away anything that will amount to any constructive value ultimately. So that counts as anything that'll cause one to reconsider an idea, Understand a subject better, Help build a greater wealth of knowledge getting closer to truth. When either of us has accomplished that with any individual here, That's who the victor of the debate becomes.

Please provide a proposed solution to "racism". What is your method, code, idea, formula, whatever, that will help replace or eliminate all "racism" so that everyone will receive the proper treatment not involving "racial" discrimination?

How would you work or have others work as proposed to improve "race relations"?

Now be it that it's a proposal, you can't prove your method will work. But you do have to prove it is the best method yet, possibly ever thought up.

If the deductive reasoning is there to stand tenable with your concept , I'll stand to concede that. If I am able to undermine what's said on the basis of invalid points, you can come back to try again in another challenge.

For questions , please comment /send a message.

Round 1
What is your proposed solution to the "race" problem, "race relations"?
So that we can all get along and like one another, what can we do?

My proposal is to simply believe in God. By definition, God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. He knows the best thing to do and he will execute it if you have faith, because he represents all that is good in the world. So if he does nothing, then we deserve the punishment of racism, and it is not a real problem, because even the all knowing all good being decides that inaction is the best solution. In the past, he has proved that we are able to transcend racism by building the Tower of Babel to reach god, despite having different languages and cultures. So he would be able to know the best solution, because he knows everything.

Proof of God

Kalam Cosmological Argument

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
2. The universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the universe has a cause of God.

Ontological Argument

  1. The concept of a maximally great being is self-consistent.
  2. If 1, then there is at least one logically possible world in which a maximally great being exists.
  3. Therefore, there is at least one logically possible world in which a maximally great being exists.
  4. If a maximally great being exists in one logically possible world, it exists in every logically possible world.
  5. Therefore, a maximally great being (that is, God) exists in every logically possible world (and our world)
Plato's Argument

1. All humans value things that are "good" such as beauty, virtue, truth and justice
2. Such things cannot come from Darwinism alone, since heroic sacrifice defeats the purpose of self survival, but is considered good
3. As God is the form of all things that are good, God exists.

I await pro's questioning.

Round 2
There are some holes with the proposal of just believing in God.

Those that don't believe in God that aren't racist so called, why wasn't theism the answer for them to not be "racist"?

I guess by the flip side, a theist can't be a racist so called.

Not even the theist that believes in God that made a group to be inferior to a superior group,is that so?

Now I don't have to ask will this work or not, this proposal, as it's just a proposal.

It appears that by deductive examination, that theistic faith is not a fix or even applicable to a social problem.

Perhaps a "racist" that became a theist is no longer a "racist". It was a fix for that person. But what about all people?

People that will remain non-theistic, what can you propose then?

What you offered could be a start but it's insufficient.

Because God has a plan for all of us, as long as someone believes in him, there will be sufficient cause for change. In the bible, he had punished sinners severely for their errors in their ways. When people refused to believe in him, he accepted this and sent them through a transformative journey, and the vast majority changed their minds. The few who were completely unwilling, were smite by his fury and sent to hell as a transgression. As you have not countered my proofs, I take it that you also agree that God exists. As such, because his nature is all good, everything that he does is perfect. So this solution will be the best solution possible. He has his own way of changing people's mind, and society for the better. How can we, mere humans alone, question his virtue, his truth guiding the universe?
Round 3
Your response didn't deal with my questions.

Your message came off more like an evangelist message and basically a deflection.

You mentioned countering proofs. You haven't proven that this will work and according to my leading questions , it's not working currently. So as far as proving the best method yet, I don't think so. Unless you can clear up those questions I asked. That was my counter.

But that is the exact definition of God. Even though non-theists feel like nothing has been solved, if he exists, he encompasses all. So we are being justly punished for our sins. Just as a criminal being in jail and justly being rehabilitated is not a problem, the racism as an extension should also not be a problem. Because the wisest being in the universe judges it as so. Therefore whatever we allow God to do is the perfect solution.
Round 4
Those that don't believe in God that aren't racist so called, why wasn't theism the answer for them to not be "racist"?

I guess by the flip side, a theist can't be a racist so called.

Not even the theist that believes in God that made a group to be inferior to a superior group,is that so?

Perhaps a "racist" that became a theist is no longer a "racist". It was a fix for that person. But what about all people?

People that will remain non-theistic, what can you propose then?

Mall has only repeated himself. He has failed to counter the fact that God if real is perfect and we should just let him execute his plan. Because he is all good, his actions will result in the best result possible.