Instigator / Pro

It's Official: White Americans Are Domestic Terrorists: Prove Me Wrong


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After 6 votes and with 21 points ahead, the winner is...

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It's been a minute since I've posted, but I couldn't let this opportunity go to waste. White-Domestic Terrorists stormed government buildings today in D.C., which is an act of terrorism. I've debated this topic on many occasions and have literally destroyed every opponent because my arguments are based on facts and my arguments are proven in real time. The hypocrisy of white people is being proved as we speak because these are the same people who support racist cops who shoot unarmed, nonthreatening Black people. As today's "coup" took place, not a single shot was fired at the white terrorists, which further proves my point. We all know that the European race are global terrorists because history proves it, but I'll just stick to their terrorism here in the US for this debate.

This debate is more so of proving that white Americans aren't domestic terrorists. My opponent will need to prove that white Americans aren't hypocrites when it come to law/order. Punishment for the terroristic acts today should be discussed etc,......"If you can't stand the heat, then get..............."


If you don't think I understand what sociological means, explain it to me in your own definition


U clearly don't understand what "sociological" mean. If you actually knew what it meant, then you'd already know that there's a well-known term or definition.

Thesis/essays have been written on the topic for years via Academia.


Yeah, it's not the general definition. I have been able to find no source that says that your definition is the "sociological definition" whatsoever. You admit that my definition of racism is the literal general and widespread definition. Systematic racism is not the only type of racism. This is a fact, and it is shown through several dictionaries that say the same thing over and over again.


Harassing, name calling, making assumptions is being prejudice but as soon as you affect someone's life/lifestyle/livelihood then it becomes racist.

It's a (sociological definition) rather than a general definition that's found in dictionaries.


Oooh okay so if I harassed a black person and called them the N-Word, that doesn't affect their job, health, purchasing goods etc. Harassing a black person isn't affecting their lives in a monumental way. So, by your logic, I wouldn't be racist by doing that, just like it wouldn't be racist for harassing a Japanese person and calling them a Jap

Also, you never tried taking a stab at my point that no dictionary acknowledges your definition as an actual definition.


What is a domestic terrorist?.....................I'll wait


Thanks for proving my point. The answer to your 1st question is No. The answer to your 2nd question is Yes.

Why? Derogatory name calling isn't affecting their lives i.e. jobs, health, purchasing goods etc,. As soon as you "murdered" someone; you have just affected them.

Racism is Prejudice plus Power. #micdrop


It's really not. The majority of legal handbooks and dictionaries, if not all, literally state racism as hate or discrimination against a person(s) based on their race. Also, your logic fails.

Let's say I hate Asians. Now, I don't, but let's say I did. Now, let's say I move to Japan. I constantly scream at Japanese, calling them Japs, chinks, ching chongs, and the like. You know, derogatory terms. Are you seriously going to tell me that I would not be a racist in that situation?

If my hypothetical racist self that lives in Japan murdered a Japanese local while calling him a nip, do you really think that that crime wasn't inspired by racism?


> I'm quite flattered that u think that I'm David Badash.

Your functional illiteracy is showing, as I have not once said anything to indicate believing your obvious lies. Instead, I warned you to cease impersonating him (the sole author of a paper you claim to have co-written).


Racism is prejudice plus power. I don't know what else to tell you.


Freelance writing doesn't require working at a physical location......but I'm sure you already knew that.

I'm quite flattered that u think that I'm David Badash.


"I simply gave u the definition of racism which is prejudice plus power."

I hate this stupid argument, it's not true. This is only used so that people can be racist to White people. I just feel disappointed whenever I hear people say that.


> I've never met, heard of or worked with that dude.

That dude in question is not just the author of the piece you are claiming to have partly written, but also the editor in chief of the publication for which you claim to work. But you've apparently never even so much as heard of him...

Thanks for the comedy!


Exactly right, which is why no one should have an issue with what I'm saying. #Hypocrisy101


Speaking in general terms is using group justice, instead of individual justice, which the west is founded on.


You have convinced me of nothing. Good night.


Sir, there are various styles of writing, including AP, Casual, Academic, Chicago Manual etc. It's basically all about using certain abbreviations & structure. I said that "I'm one of the writers/editors who wrote the report, which was then made into a final edit & delivered to the (((Author))) who used the information to make the final cut for publication.


U said that you're "liberal as they come, but this is racist."...Did you not say that?...I simply gave u the definition of racism which is prejudice plus power.
I don't have to rebuke your claim because I'm speaking """in general""" and not absolutes.


"I'm a professional writer at multiple publications. Remember when you criticized my writing style earlier? I'm trained to write in an AP Style format."

Based on what you've written here on this website, I find this unlikely. Even as a high school student, I have been able to notice a distinct style in my own writing that carries over between casual writing and academic. Your writing style in this debate does not reflect that of the linked article, however much the content may. You are not obligated to prove anything to me, and my opinion of you may matter little to you, but I would be curious to see any sort of proof that you are a professional writer.


Indeed, but the claim to affirm the resolution wasn't that white people held prejudice was it? It was "White Americans are domestic terrorists" which is false in the sense that most White Americans aren't. Notice how you didn't try to rebuke my overall claim, just try to hand wave it away.


I don't think u understand journalism...Writers can research & transcribe the info while never going to the company's location. The editor does a "fact check" & corrections before the author spins it into his own words....I've never met, heard of or worked with that dude.


Your earlier claim was to have never even heard of the guy... A guy who you also claim to work with so much that it's his name attached in the place of yours.

oh my


As I said before..."I'm (one) of the writers/editors who wrote the report. In most cases of journalism, there's a team or "think tank" that gathers the info. The main author combines the info & writes the end project.

Paralegals gather info for attorneys, who presents the case to the court.....I've never met that guy.


> Nahhh, I never heard of this dude.

Hilarious, given your previous statement: "Sir, I just so happen to be one of the writers/editors who wrote the report...I'm a professional writer at multiple publications."

Of which, the authors are as follow: David Badash.


Racism is prejudice plus power.
For example: I can be prejudice against someone, but I don't have the power to effect his/her life.


I'm only speaking in general terms, not absolutes.


Nahhh, I never heard of this dude.


Please cease impersonating David Badash.


Blaming all white people for riots is like blaming all men for rapes the vast majority of them aren’t associated with in any way (except for having the same gender as a rapist).

I meant to vote con for better arguments.


With all due respect, you do not know anything about me. You have made assumption after assumption.


Dude I am as liberal as they come, in fact, I'm progressive, but this is racist - what're your claiming. You blatantly try to assert that all white americans are domestic terrorists, when that clearly isn't the case, is there a case to be made that the people who stormed the capitol were terrorists, absolutely. Does that implicate all white people? No. Could you argue that a lot of white people might support it? I mean you could, but you'd be wrong. This is clearly an effort to generalize it, and this is the exact type of thing that has the left fighting against itself.


U r insane, but it's insane for me to debate your insanity in a sane way.


Coming from a guy who comes from a race who invented the entire racial construct.


It is only ironic and ridiculous for someone with racism in their heart to think such a thing. Non-racist people would not attempt to bring any race into disrepute.


Judging by that statement, it's clear that you love to victimise minorities. "A white person cannot complain about racism, A man cannot complain about abortion, Men should stop dominating women", all bs from the left.


It's ironic and downright ridiculous to here a white person complaining about racism.


After reading your debate here, I am even more convinced that the Left are the most racist people on the planet.

You may be right because that savage nature definitely appears to be a genetic trait.

Don't stereotype people as being bad for something they can't control.