Instigator / Con

An entire starwars army could defeat Eve


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

The BoP is on PRO.

-- Defeat: Win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat. [oxford]
-- EVE: The second protagonist from the movie "Walle"
-- Army: Ground forces
-- Star Wars: The nine movies

1. No prior knowledge about each other
2. Time and fuel is indefinite, but no side can get reinforcements
3. No use of any specifically anti-electronics weapon
4. No fortifications or stationary installations
5. No force users allowed

Full resolution: A star wars army on one planet can destroy or defeat the EVE (s).


I must say I am very disappointed by your vote. First and foremost you ignore every single argument that I made to show why it would be impossible to even hit EVE. Even if I were wrong, PRO did not rebut, and so you completely ignoring this crucial argument disproving PRO's case makes your vote utterly biased. Secondly, your very own experience as a "feat debater" is your only way to even claim that PRO won the argument point. I literally used scientific sources to show how future materials will have properties today considered impossible. This leads to my third objection, and that is that you do not give the sources argument. I literally proved my sources to be more reliable than PRO's, while also using scientific sources to prove that future materials could have properties today considered impossible. Coupled with my analysis of the actual source material in the movies, my sources actually back up my claims that EVE has impossibly resistant armour.

I disproved the effectiveness of every weapon by PRO individually, and he never rebutted. How dare you then as a voter to disregard what happened in the actual debate and instead bring up your own experience? Even if you bought the semantical argument that "anything is possible" you still can't deny that the overwhelming majority of arguments were won by me and that all battles between sources were won by me. I also raise the question of where PRO proved anything. Apart from giving us a number of watts, PRO never proved at all that the star wars army could harm EVE. That's like saying that my rifle has a calibre of x and then claiming that I could penetrate a tank. Without comparing the strength of each part no conclusion can be made. Meanwhile, I actually compared the armour of EVE to the weaponry of the star wars army and showed why EVE would go unharmed. Yet again, even if I were wrong, PRO didn't rebut.

Your vote simply ignores every point I made, and every rebuttal I made. Your vote then is utterly unfair.

Did you simply not read the argument, or did you leave out most points made in the debate specifically for me to lose?


Thank you for voting

I've given this time, but I still can't imagine Eve murdering all those people.


Thank you for the vote


I will vote, but cannot today - I don't think.


If any of you want to vote I will highly appreciate it.
Time is running out with no votes yet.
The vote doesn't need to be long.

Vote bump


Seeing your comment about voting on this debate, and knowing that time is running out, I add a friendly reminder. Do you still want to vote?


Thanks! I haven't even bought in the sith army :)


Impressive first round.


Force telepathy = Instawin
EMP weapons = Instawin
Continuous reinforcements for infinity = Instawin

As you can see, the rules set in place have only eliminated your instawins, not your means of actually fighting EVE.


But you made the change from "EVE could defeat star wars" to "Star Wars could defeat EVE", which severely skews the debate in your favor.

I am sorry, but the comics and the animated series contain way too much surprise and OP beings. So no.

However, you will make many decisions I will also have to follow. For example these two: location and your army. Adittionally, I only disallowed using the force to control EVE, lightsabers are still allowed.


In my argument, am I allowed to use a being from the clone wars or comics, as it is in star wars? I know you said "from the movies", but you've already eliminated the force, anti electric weapons and reinforcements, which severely skews the debate in your favour


Thank you for your understanding.


No problem, take your time.


I lost the last debate we had due to the voter "scratching his head" not understanding the ideas clashing or logic involved in the debate.
I will not let that happen again, therefore I will explain the technical details at the beginning of the debate.


I will explain why it is superior in every way to star wars technology. That will take a lot of space.

You made me change the resolution from "eve can defeat star wars" to "star wars could defeat eve". That is a super impactful change. Not only do I have to show why EVE is superior, but also why star wars cannot defeat it. It is for that reason that I cannot also let you get the first word. I also wrote in the description that we talk about eveS, so as to not grant you the victory on mere chance.

Regardless, you have nothing to worry about. You won the last debate we had, even if the victory was a bit suspicious to say the least.


You've already defined EVE as the second protagonist from the movie Walle. Not much room to kritik. At least not on this front.


You had already promised to accept the debate, and given the terms:
"Change it to "An entire starwars army could defeat Eve" and then change your position to Con and you've got yourself a debate."

I realized that unless I explained what EVE is, I will have an inherent disadvantage since most people intuitively know what star wars is.

But I will not make any argument in the first round.


You stated that you would waive the round before I accepted. You stated you would waive 2 days ago, and I accepted less than 1 day ago.


You were ready to accept the debate before I said that I would waive.


I am sorry, but I cannot.


Waive the round.


What’s wrong with that kritik




Also, could you change the argument time to at least a week?

As a voter, I will not look favorably on the Kritik that they might accidently give her a plant causing her to retreat.

I still think the resolution would be better if focusing on some degree of likelihood, instead of mere possibility.


I will waive first round.


Change it to "An entire starwars army could defeat Eve" and then change your position to Con and you've got yourself a debate.


If you could provide a better definition/examples for conventional weapons, I may accept.

Well, a tribe of stone-age muppets pulled it off so.....yeah. Bounty hunters routinely storm fortresses and prisons and kill everybody inside in twenty minutes so....yeah. You can trick their capital ships into crashing into one another by simply flying in between them sometimes. They're so bad that Jar Jar Binks is a general in their world. Their best guy is a clinically depressed quadruple amputee with a terrible rash. My Little Pony could defeat a Star Wars army. A steady breeze could defeat a Star Wars army.

"No force users allowed"

Alright, I am starting a topic called "Iron man can defeat the entire US army and Chinese army combined" and put "Chinese and US army cannot use any weapons" in the description. How absurd is this.


EMP grenades were a "conventional weapon" and I would argue that ion cannons were as well, but you do specify that it is against any ground army.

So could John McClane.

Could is a very open ended word, with no regard for likelihood.


Obviously one cannot have a battle if one side can simply control the movements of the other side or if star wars win because "the force wants it so".


No force allowed? Well obviously Star Wars is heavily weakened