Instigator / Pro

God definitely exists


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Definition of God:

The omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent God of the bible.

* Avoid commiting these fallacies:
* respond as fast as possible
* do not offend or insult anyone
(Note that I will also be held up by these rules

I may have lost but at least I had fun and gained experience.


Can you specify what you mean by narrow-minded?

I will say this, I agree that Bones won, I just think the votes casted were very poor in quality and extremely narrow minded.

I don't agree with the votes cast, but good job to both debaters.


You have restated what he said. Gratuitous evils can't exist if there is no objective moral standards - which don't exist if God didn't exist.


The point FLRW was making is that God cannot be:
The omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent God of the bible.
Since you would have to prove all these points, and you conceded the "gratuitous evils" point, he wins by default.

I personally don't care if I win or lose. I only care if I tried my best.


The gratuitous evils do not do away with the existence of God.

Even worse my opponent may as well have been shooting himself in the foot with this argument as he doesn't give any objective standards for judging good or evil.

From: Bsh1's Guide to Voting using the 7-point System

Now, that doesn’t mean you need to write pages upon pages for your RFD. Oftentimes a lengthy paragraph will suffice. As long as you touch upon everything you need to, your RFD is long enough. And, remember, longer doesn’t mean better. Long RFDs can be just as bad as RFDs that are a sentence long; quality should be emphasized over quantity.


A little...short? Especially for a three round 10k character debate.
At least respect all the other arguments by adressing them

In this debate this is the definition of God: The omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent God of the bible. Con shows that a omnibenevolent God does not exist. Con states: Contention I: Gratuitous evils
p1. If God exists, there would be no gratuitous evils (GE).
p2. There are gratuitous evils in the world.
c1. God does not exist.
p1. is true by virtue of truism. By definition, a GE is a type of evil of which creates no good. A GE does not lead to virtue, does not teach a lesson, and is completely unjust. A GE definitionally cannot be cannot be justified by "free will" or "compensation in a latter life", for such would be a God justified good. By definition, a GE is inexcusably immoral. Thus, as God is omnibenevolent (all loving, infinitely loving) he would not allow gratuitous evil to occur.

Pro states: Me: I will agree that gratuitous evils do exist.

This alone shows that God does not exist.

Some votes would be good, considering how this debate will close in 5 days.

vote now!




Pleasure. Word of advice: In your next debates, avoid the word "definitely". Rarely anything is definite in life.


It has been a pleasure debating with you,


stop arguing and enjoy the debate.

@ComputerNerd you understand what a joke means?
Also, Conservalectual wasn't even talking to you, he was responding to the unexpected nature as it seems...?


That was more directed towards Novice... I don't appreciate full-blown arrogance in a debate you are not a part of.

I have to agree, bones is the fast responder I have wished for

Okay, that was unexpected


I don't care about experience, I am not debating to win but to have fun. I know he's experienced, but I am just a humble debater only doing the best I can.


Also,, your BOP is lopsided due to him just having to find one flaw, and then it's not "definitely".


Bones is an experienced debater, rising to 7th on the leaderboards in a year, specializing in religious debates and abortion.
Knowing the lengths he goes to prove his arguments, I would not be so confident in anything debating him.


I would be happy to debate you again sometime. I'm an atheist and certainly not like backwardseden. That guy has some problems.


Thank you for accepting this debate.

I pray that this guy will be reasonable and logical unlike other atheists I have seen on the internet. But seeing as this website is moderated I can expect that this guy won't be a backwardseden. As long as this guy respects me just as I respect him then I am fine. I am not debating here to win or loose but to have fun.

Now obviously I am taking the opportunity to (as some would say) "mess around," given that I am making my new account in a few days, I will be happy to follow this debate with some level of interest.


Say goodbye to your undefeated streak my friend