Instigator / Pro

The only way to fix all the issues in our society is to destroy it as we know it, and rebuild it from the ground up.


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After 3 votes and with 21 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

The society in the US was built on oppression and corruption. Even if we try to fix it issue by issue it’s not going to fix anything as it’s built into the foundation of our country. The only way to get rid of it completely, is to rebuild our whole society from the ground up. Making it entirely new.

Round 1
July 4, 1776, the day that the US became a country. Slavery, women, immigrants, being homosexual, being not white, all of those were discriminated against and more. It’s been over 200 years since then, and in ways we have made advancements, but not to completely get rid of those issues.  In 1965 Jim Crow was abolished, which should mean that black peoples aren’t discriminated against anymore. But they are, black people are arrested at a higher rate then other races despite only making up 13% of the population. ( And when they get to sentencing, they have a harsher sentence then a white person who had committed the same exact crime. There’s a gender pay gap, Muslims get marked as terroists for just being Muslim, there’s still hate crimes, and more. So many issues that we have tried to fix but those issues aren’t all fixed. And even when they are “fixed” people in government try and overturn any bills and laws that were protecting those minorities in the first place. 

We have tried time and time again to get rid of the oppression and discrimination that exists, but it doesn’t work because those discriminations were built into the foundations of this country. We need to completely destroy and rebuild society as we know it, it get rid of the discrimination. Other wise it will always exist.  
1. Topic

The only way to fix all the issues in our society is to destroy it as we know it, and rebuild it from the ground up.
If CON brings up any issue in our society that does not require the destruction of society, Pro's statement fails.

Pro is burdened with providing enough proof that ALL problems in our society requires us to bulldoze said society and rebuild it.

2. Counterexamples

  • Taxes of a certain household. Simple, you just give money in your bank account to the governmental agency, without the need of destroying society.
  • A Child in Milwaukee, WI fell into a hole. Solution? You pick him up, and you don't destroy society.
  • Car crashes. The most common solution involves insurance and car repair shops and not the destruction of society.
  • If you think I am being too "micro", here is a larger one: Texas power outages. You repair the power line and the power plants and the electrical substations, that is a feasible way.
  • War. Believe it or not, surrendering is a valid strategy no matter how dishonorable. You can remove their need of bulldozing land by surrendering.
  • Slavery. This issue is being solved by Lincoln on a large part without destroying society as a whole as the US up to now abides within the constitution, created since a time before the emancipation of slaves where the authors probably owned slaves on their plants. This massive problem is solved by not destroying society.
  • In fact, destroying society would render some issues unsolvable for some issues, for example, "how do we solve X without destroying society?" where X would mean anything that applies, such as climate change, national debt, anything.
3. Misc. Rebuttals

July 4, 1776, the day that the US became a country. Slavery, women, immigrants, being homosexual, being not white, all of those were discriminated against and more. It’s been over 200 years since then, and in ways we have made advancements, but not to completely get rid of those issues.  In 1965 Jim Crow was abolished, which should mean that black peoples aren’t discriminated against anymore. But they are, black people are arrested at a higher rate then other races despite only making up 13% of the population.
Everything you see here is an appeal to tradition fallacy. What makes this a fallacy is that Pro illustrated borderline NO connection between this topic and the past.

We have tried time and time again to get rid of the oppression and discrimination that exists, but it doesn’t work because those discriminations were built into the foundations of this country. We need to completely destroy and rebuild society as we know it, it get rid of the discrimination. Other wise it will always exist.  
Pro believes society is hopeless because of these shortcomings, hmm. However, some issues are clearly being ignored here by Pro that are unaffected of the fallacious flaws the nation is built on. For example, the US's funded top notch technological innovation face issues and problems, and destroying society and building it from scratch would definitely not help with this. The US being lax on discrimination and hate does not mean SpaceX or NASA is a racist initiative, but removing the US government from NASA would result in a postponement or even cancellation of space projects which does not solve the issue. That is one more on the counter. *Ding*

I rest my case.
Round 2
Forfeiture from the opponent, which means all my points made are being dropped.

Extend. Vote Con.