Instigator / Pro

THBT: People on the right are mentally and physically stronger than people on the left.


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After 1 vote and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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Although I myself could be considered on the side of the left (generally speaking), I've had enough of bullshit such as: "health at every size." I've had enough of soy consumption by leftist men. This issue of "health at every size" is so bad that the right is literally said to have a monopoly on the fitness industry. Leftists are weak, frail, and possess a victim mentality. I say this as someone on the left. Prove me wrong.

I want this discussion to be US and EU centred, instead of bringing up places like china where I cannot find any studies or even know their views.

PRO: People on the left are generally physically and mentally weaker than those on the right (and arguably more socially inept too).
CON: People on the right are generally physically and mentally weaker than those on the left.

May i get some smexy votes my beautiful peeps?

The right: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris
The left: Greta Thunberg, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Lizzo

I think this is a pretty easy debate.


That's typically a liberal thing. The term limousine liberal exists for a reason. The wife's family is a bunch of wealthy liberals. I can't help but to think, they are only liberals because their big gates help protect them from the laws they pass that make the rest of us unsafe


merit like daddy's inheritance.

You would have lost anyway RM. What drives the left is a type of hatred of those who are mentally and physically superior. It's why they seek equality through hurting others, while conservatives try to create economic environments that allow people to rise up strictly through merit

oh man i forgot this debate.................................................... fuck

90% of people have been programmed by society to be losers and to stay in line. to either disregard your health or to place too much emphasis on self-control in order to avoid looking at the beam in one's own eye. We have no independent thinkers; everyone is a lunatic through philosophical and political brainwashing. People need to wake up out the matrix and realise the lies they've been fed.


I'm more than prepared for the mental condition argument. I have way more data (from pew research) with even more sophisticated graphs (which consider everything which may have been left out in my first round argument). No stones will be left unturned. Republicans may not want to regulate food as much as Democrats, but this may be due to the fact that they will get off their asses and go to the gym more frequently. All you really point out is the exact same mentality as why communists are losers to begin with. Trying to regulate others' behaviour instead of their own. Of course i believe a synthesis of these two ideologies must be where the truth exists. Yet communists are just as bad as hardcore conservatives.


40% of democrats have a mental illness compared to 12% of republicans, that's a massive difference. Its on con to show this difference is caused through a stigma against mental health.


People with right-wing political views are probably less likely to speak publically about or seek treatment for mental health issues, but they are not necessarily more ill. There have definitely been external disadvantages to the destigmatization of mental health but I think overall it is better that people do not hide these things




Leftists are also far more likely to be mentally ill (as I've noticed).

New research indicates that social conservatism can help explain the negative correlation between religiosity and cognitive abilities.

There exists a cluster of psychological traits and attitudes that have been described as the “conservative syndrome.” The term isn’t meant to describe conservatism as a disease. Rather, “syndrome” denotes that a number of traits and dispositions associated with conservatism are correlated with each other.

The new study, published in Personality and Individual Differences, suggests that the “conservative syndrome” is associated with lower intelligence, and religiosity is only a part of it.


That is alright, I am sure they dont account for mentally unwell right wingers that do NOT seek help. :)

Mine will.


Oh man, you're going to have so many studies coming your way.


Say that in the debate, I am ready for everything


You can bring up anecdotes all you want and extremes. We're simply talking about the average.

"Why are all Islamic Terrorists practically Fascist and far-right in outlook?"

you must not know of the Ba'athist ideology.


Buddy this debate has me riled up. I am also riled up as I lost a lot recently.

15k characters.

Expect every k used.


Why are all suicidal mass shooters right-wing nutjobs?

Why are all Islamic Terrorists practically Fascist and far-right in outlook?

Why is it that your typical obese person in any nation is voting the conservative party?

Which wing is against taxing and/or banning dangerously unhealty food ingredients?


Do you want it? or do you agree with me?


edited. Leftists in the west are soy asf.


Pretty sure almost all individuals in China are left-leaning. I haven't looked up statistics, it is just something I think could be brought up.