Instigator / Pro

THBT: On balance, Free will likely exists


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Free will: Free will is the capacity of agents to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded.

I think most debates on this site on free will have been few and far between, sadly. which is why I'd like to open up a new one. There are certainly many more points to be discussed and debated on this topic which haven't been thoroughly brought up in other debates I've read on this subject.

1. Try not to intentionally use sophist magic on me. If you want to enter this debate to "dunk" on me or to stroke your ego and inflate your elo rating, don't accept it. Accept my debate if you sincerely are open to discourse and are willing to learn new things.

Pro: Free will likely exists
Con: Free will likely doesn't exist

The universe appears to be most like a quantum computer. Neither wholly deterministic nor probabilistic.


Would you by any chance be interested in debating this topic if my debate partner forfeits?

I get the sense con isn't even going to respond in this debate.

"If this is the case (as is the most likely as the past and present are impossible currently to prove to exist)"

I meant to say past and future, not present.


Or you can be like me and not believe in good and evil. They're simply arbitrary man-made concepts with no objective basis in any reality outside one's imagination.

"You're also beginning to strawman, with saying I must believe the leaderboard is "immoral." I've previously said there's nothing wrong with people debating and wanting to win it. Its just not ideal to debate solely for elo and ego boosts."

There is no strawman.

There is no anything.

Your case IS the strawman.

Motives to get high on debates leaderboard and stay there:

1) Ego boost based on ratings boost
2) um.... none.
3) Be RM and stop caring that much while still smirking when you rise, to yourself as it's a nice motive.

The reason and mentality with which you debate to win:

1) To win at the expense of open and genuine debating for truth's sake when the two collide (or entirely so if devil's advocate).
2) Truth at the expense of winning when and if the two collide.


If free will exists, then our choices dont have a cause. If choices dont have a cause, it means they appear out of nothing.
Theists like to say how God created a man, then a man made a choice, but God did not create mans choice.
This would lead to conclusion that man created his own choice because of no reason, out of nothing.

Also, theists like to use circular logic.

Man is evil.
Why is the man evil?
Because he does bad things.
Why does he do bad things?
He choose to do them.
Why did he choose to do bad things?
Because he is evil.

Theists seem to have no logical answer as to why people choose to do bad things. They always end up in circular logic.
Its impossible to explain why our choices make us evil, if we need to be evil first in order to make such choice. Also, what makes us evil? If its not our choices, then we are not responsible for being evil. If it is our choices, then why did we choose that way if we were not evil before our choice? Did our choice come from nothing? And didnt theists spend a long time claiming how things cant come from nothing? Also, if our choices come from nothing, it means we didnt create them. So we are not responsible for our choices.

The entire free will concept from the standpoint of theism can be summed up as "explanation without explanation".
Their entire theory lays upon assumption that God created the man, but not the part of a man that makes the choices (that part was not designed or created or influenced by God). Instead, it was somehow created by itself, out of nothing.


Playing devil's advocate is different from being a sophist. You can play devil's advocate while being in good faith. I generally think it's better for me to open up a 1 on 1 debate, especially on stuff to do with epistemology and metaphysics, as many people simply have no clue what most of this stuff means. I'm going to stop responding to you now though. Apparently asking someone in a 1 on 1 debate to be in good faith is a tall order to ask for in the 21st century.

You're also beginning to strawman, with saying I must believe the leaderboard is "immoral." I've previously said there's nothing wrong with people debating and wanting to win it. Its just not ideal to debate solely for elo and ego boosts.


I have no idea what you're even talking about now.

Are you one of those cringey types who can't ever take devil's advocate or thinks it's immoral to have the leaderboard in the first place?

Stick to the forums if you only want that, like why even have this as a 1v1 if it's just about exploring truth?


Someone can want to win a debate, yet be in good faith and not nitpick or strawman in the debate. Even if they want to win, if they see themselves losing, that's called having honor and humility above pride. I consider using strawmen and underhanded tactics to be like putting one hand behind my back if my intent is to learn and grow. Through doing that you can gain the false sense that you actually won, even though you didnt, limiting your ability to learn from the other party.


if you try harder only in good faith, you're fighting with one arm tied behind your back or alternatively refusing to tie the other's arm behind their back.

One side in a debate always HAS TO play dirtier to win than the other, it is of course often the wrong side but sometimes it is the correct side that is unpopular which has no choice but to use distraction and other techniques. If that side is told it isn't allowed to use techniques such as Kritiks, semantic nitpicking, goalpost movement etc, it cannot possibly win against a competent player on the other side.


It's really not that deep, RM. I don't mind debates being rated. It offers my opposition the added motivation to try harder. I just want them to try harder in good faith, that's all. Someone can be open to learning while caring about the end result of the debate. I don't like the art of rhetoric and debating to debate just to win arguments. I see it as a poison to philosophy, and it has been a real thorn in its side since Socrates. Being called a sophist is one of the biggest insults a philosopher could give you.


Then don't make it rated.

It's like going to a rated/pro tennis match and saying you only wanted to focus on trick shot flexing rather than point attainment.


I'm not here to be a good debater. I'm on the site simply to find something to help me innovate on my own metaphysical and epistemological views. To do that id prefer a good faith individual so they don't constantly derail the conversation into word games. If you're a sophist, that's ok. I just don't want a sophist accepting my debate who only cares for the debate. Just debate other sophists and jerk each other off learning nothing. That wasn't intended at you, i don't consider you to use a lot of sophist magic, if im to be honest. Although i do see you debate competitively.


I will explain once the debate is over, others on this website don't care about competition being sacred. The best debater should win and that means from the moment of acceptance 0 help from others unless there's a known coaching going on, so that each can tactically do debates in ways they hope the opposition's style will struggle against.


Free will can simply be described as conscious volition/control over decisions. I'm unsure how "impede" is sophistry, a quick look at my debate history shows i don't use word games like intelligence_06 does. If my debate opposition finds it vague he can propose to me why it is not in alignment with how we ought to describe free will.


Considering that you will use sophistry to win this, I find what you ask of Con a bit ridiculous, this is entirely semantical and tautological.

Please define the word 'impede' for the description to actually matter with its definition.