Instigator / Pro

Male homosexuality is curable


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After 4 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
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Voting system
Contender / Con

This debate is only for homosexual males. The cure is not "murder" like some homophobic people are suggesting in the comments


1. We are debating about why being a homosexual male is something that can be fixed. Stick to the topic fruitcake.if the debate goes well, we will have a second debate about why Con should stop being a homosexual, but for now just stick to the topic of whether being a queer is preventable or curable.

2. Only Gay dudes may accept, that is about 70% of Dart so this shouldn't be an issue.

3. If I win, con agrees to take the steps I will outline for him so he can stop being such a queen.

I realize the subject matter is intended to be offensive, but I find it difficult to take this debate seriously.

The compulsive use of homophobic slurs in the description followed up with the pseudonym "fruitcake" has me losing it.


>Reported Vote: Novice_II // Mod action: Not Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 7 points to Pro
>Reason for Decision: See Voting Tab
>Reason for Mod Action:
Quoting the voting policy:
"Should either side forfeit every round or every round after their initial arguments (waiving is not an argument), the debate is considered a Full Forfeiture, and any majority votes against the absent side are not moderated (a vote may still be cast in their favor of the absentee, but is eligible for moderation to verify that it is justified via the normal voting standards)."
As such, votes on this debate are not moderated so long as they do not award more points to the side that forfeited every round over the side that forfeited all but one round.

I at least posted a round

Watch CON make an argument right now at the last round.


Even if you could, arguably no one shall mold it outside in doing it for them. Unless they specifically choose to abstain from homosexual activities, even internally, people seriously either do or should have things better to do than to unmold them in this way.

Male homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Period. You're not born gay. You're molded to be gay. And if you can be molded, you can be un-molded.


Literally just one of you needs to make an argument here.

No one is asking for a cure. Homosexuality is acceptable, when will you accept it?

The description is hilarious xD


You seem to be phobic of homophobes, considering your microaggression when you liberalsplained your alternative facts on RationalMadman.

Such an oppressive bigot!


You could have accepted the debate. You are at least half gay, given the Beta attitude


what does mr eyeroller even mean?

I didn't even say there's good guys on both sides lol, I said you being sick is irrelevant.


Literally just "there's good guys on both sides" about a homophobe, I knew i wasn't wrong about you Mr. Eyeroller


Thanks for accepting. I will have my argument ready on Wednesday or Thursday. These are long rounds because I tend to forfeit otherwise.


Because the debate is an excuse to research the topic not an excuse to prove some sort of actual point


" I never research before the debate starts"
Why? Do you like handicapping yourself?


I wouldn't consider murder a cure LOL

This is a truism. You can cure it by killing them. Do you want that though? Probably not.


Well if you ever become Gay I can help cure you.


I'm not


i believe you are gay. Did you want to participate


I have like 10% of my research done already. I am very excited to prove you wrong. It actually looks more promising now than when I issued the challenge. I never research before the debate starts, but AI have this time and it's looking like I have some ground to argue.


I don’t think you are gonna make a single point out of this one.


Bring it pussy.


You shouldn't be sick. I found a cure and want to share it with a gay opponent


to be fair, there's certain sexualities/orientations that make many people sick (too taboo to be naming rn).

Homosexuality does make some people sick, so if feeling bad for making someone sick is the way people should operate, there's hypocrisy on your side.

This topic makes me roll my eyes more than feel sick, it's stupid and pointless since homosexuality can be done healthily with consenting parties.

this is fucked - legitmately makes me sick. jesus.