Instigator / Pro

slavery was better than it was worse for Africans (oromagi)


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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Better arguments
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Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

no challenging foundations ie kritiking if you are confused then you are silly and should ask for some clarifications

better means of " more excellent or effective type or quality."

the slave we are talking about is the situation which happened in the 16th century. "Beginning in the 16th century and for centuries after, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Dutch traders systematically purchased large numbers of African people, many of whom had been captured by the traders' African allies in wars or in raids, and transported them to the American colonies for permanent enslavement." I am arguing that this transportation for permanent enslavement is caused better outcomes than if it did not happen.

we are comparing two models - one where the Africans stay indigenous and the one this eventuated from them being slaves. I have to say that the slave model was better, and oromagi has to argue that it was better if the entire event had not happened and they remained as they were.

bop shared

EVERYTHING in this description is accepted upon acceptance by oromagi




Great! You two can vote against me, and I'll report it and you'll be humiliated! Nothing the pair of you aren't used to.




I tend to view these situations as ties.


vote against me then.

Odd debate. FF by con, but utter BoP failure by pro.

embarrass myself? this is the only time I'll ever take your advice, as you a truly an expert as embarrassing yourself.


Use your brain better before you embarass yourself.


Yeah pipe down before you embarrass yourself alright?


I get why it can't be done but there is a pun since oromagi is homosexual...


think about a 3-letter word to replace the uppercase part.


Also, "orosadmi"? This isn't even an attempt at a pun. oromadgi (read oro mad guy) would be the bare minimum of cleverness, and I came up with that in about 15 seconds. If you're going to give people insulting nicknames, you could at least put some effort into it.


"see how he is refusing to accept defending something as trivial as rights for African Americans? You know why? because it says no kritik, which is orosadmi's only tool he has. once I take it away, its like taking away a toy from a child - he is a useless sob. its all on display now - the "best" debater on the site unable to defeat someone on whether slavery is good."

Or, like most people, he doesn't feel compelled to accept every challenge that comes his way. There are several people who if they called me out to debate I would not accept, such as Type1 when he was around.


As RM says, your description never states that oromagi and no one else can accept. In fact, based on your wording, none of the rules apply to MariaG.
"EVERYTHING in this description is accepted upon acceptance by oromagi"
Since the condition of acceptance by oromagi has not been met, MariaG has no obligation to accept the terms of the description. I hope that they do come back to the debate for this reason alone.


It is very easy to restrict a debate by minimum rating.


Your description doesnt say it is a rule.

see how he is refusing to accept defending something as trivial as rights for African Americans? You know why? because it says no kritik, which is orosadmi's only tool he has. once I take it away, its like taking away a toy from a child - he is a useless sob. its all on display now - the "best" debater on the site unable to defeat someone on whether slavery is good.


sorry but I want to expose the fraudsters of this site first. ive already exposed barney and now its orosadmi.


Are you an exception to dodging?

Let me in. I wanna accept.

I had a feeling more people would be challenging Oromagi once they realized he is not a particularly good debater. However, I will note that it takes a lot to get him to accept debates as opposed to dodging them (same with many top debaters here). My suggestion is to ignore any tangents and get straight to the point.


hey since I defeated your daddy let me be a you again.