Instigator / Con

The majority of current policing racial disparities in the United States are a result of police racism


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 1 vote and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
One day
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

Resolution: The majority of current policing racial disparities in the United States are a result of police racism.

A racial disparity is a statistical disparity between two racial groups that can be caused by a number of factors. The majority will be established as over 50% for this debate. Policing racial disparities are racial disparities that pertain only to the actions and conduct of the United States police force in interaction with society and the community at large. Police racism is racism committed by the United States police alone pertaining to their actions or conduct/interaction with society at large. This excludes other systems such as the judicial system, or anything beyond the point in which an arrest has been made. With respect to "current," in this debate, police racism can be evaluated from the year 2000 and upwards. Pro argues that these disparities are majorly due to police racism, con argues against this.

The police are the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order. No other system will be debated in this engagement. Attempting to do so will result in a conduct violation. As a default, sources may not be posed in the comments, and doing so will result in an automatic loss.

Factors or variables outside of racism are factors that are not racism. Racism will be defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Conclusively, these definitions set the framework of our debate, and con accepts all terms and definitions upon acceptance of this challenge.

Con waives round one, pro waives round four.

The users FLRW, Shila, and Barney may not vote on this debate.
This is in order to limit the pool of potential voters to those competent.

The burden of proof is shared.


Moderators of this website are taking this action that is not stipulated in the rules. Like whiteflame has conceded below, there is no rule or policy that stipulates making this debate "unrated." The moderators have admitted to using their personal feelings to make decisions which have no bearing on whether I am in line with the rules and regulations of this website.

There is no reason this debate should be labeled as spam other than moderator bias, so I want to revert this back to "rated." It is not my fault as to who accepts my debates nor do I care who does. Full forfeits occur regularly on this site, yet no one seems to care about them. Why is it until I stand to benefit from one? Simply because the moderators have this weird prejudgment against me as noted by several other competent users.

As long as there is no rule that labels this debate in any manner entailing ammendment, I want this debate to be changed to "rated."

As was discussed previously, a similar performance has resulted in this debate returning to unrated.


...This isn't exactly a situation we see often where someone accepts two debates offered by the same user and then decides not to argue on either one. Usually, when this happens, the instigator asks us to remove the debate entirely since it becomes a waste of time. So, no, we don't have a set of rules or guidelines that include this specific set of circumstances suffices as spam. That's why moderators have discretion on instances like this.


Wait a second, these debates were made well in advance of him accepting them. Both were published on the 26th of October, so regardless of what my opponent does, I am not seeing the rule or guideline that labels this as such. Can you state the rule or guideline that renders this debate "spam" ?


Your opponent would render it spam by effectively turning it into a carbon copy of the previous debate.


I am not sure I am following you here precisely. What is the "spam" of this debate?


This debate has been reverted to rated with the caveat that a similar performance by Con would effectively render this as spam and it will return to unrated.


We have a moderator acting like an idiot here. So, (1) I did not consent for this debate to be made unrated, (2) This is not a spam debate, it was made well in advance Please change this debate back to rated. Moderators have no right to change any full forfeit debate to unrated otherwise they would do this consistently.

This is a spam debate, therefore it is unrated


I did not give permission for this debate to be changed to "unrated." Please change it back immediately.


I believe he accepted the first one and forgot about it, hence his final round. So he accepted the second one to make his argument.


What the fuck is this? this guy is handing novice free wins intentionally:

This debate is doomed from the get-go. Why? Simple. Police go where the crime is, not where it is not. Police investigate crimes, not non-crimes. Criminological data has shown decade after decade after decade that minorities are the cause of the majority of crimes in this country despite being so few in the overall population.

Take, for example, black Americans. A tiny, small percentage of black males, and even tinier % of black females, are responsible for over 50% of the ENTIRE nation's violent person crimes (e.g., murder, non-negligent manslaughter, etc.), yet their entire % of the population of all black Americans is 13%. But roughly 1% of that 13% has been creating havoc for Americans nationwide.

Again, police go where the crime is and based upon who is committing it. That fact does NOT = a racial disparity when a majority of the crimes are being committed by people of color. It isn't racism in policing. It's policing based on who is committing the crimes.

Pretty sure it goes against the whole point of this site if you're able to disqualify people from voting simply because they harmed your fragile little ego. No wonder this place is dying before it ever really got off the ground.