Instigator / Pro

All drugs should be legalized


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After 4 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...

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One month
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Contender / Con

In this debate I would like to show why all drugs, from cannabis to fentanyl should be legalized and sold in dispensaries across the US.


The dude said he agreed with me, so I told him to vote that’s not corruption pal.

Free speech and vote corruption are two different things.

"is a debater allowed to frame a request to vote as this"

This is who campaigns for freedom of speech on this website????

This is who will defend user's freedom????

I mean, you could have at least be less obvious about this and message mods in private.


is a debater allowed to frame a request to vote as this:

"drop a vote for me if you can lol"


You had zero sources. The bigger the claim, the more evidence is needed.

Further, when arguing “all” a single exception is all that’s needed to deny you burden of proof.


Go ahead and drop a vote for me if you can lol


To be honest your reasoning for voting against me isn’t very logical. GHB is a “date rape” drug, but it is also used recreationally all the time. That drug is just a potent benzodiazepine like Xanax. There’s no reason it should be illegal. Also he pointed out the potential harms of heroin, no one denies the potential harms, but as I pointed out many times, risk and safety isn’t the point. We are legally allowed to do many dangerous things as free people. Also I showed many lines of evidence that most people who use heroin do not face those risks, and are not addicts. Thank you for reading all of my posts but I do not think you truly read it because you said I provided no evidence even though I presented many lines of it. He is just more well versed in the website, I presented quotes from chairmen from the NIH, stats from the NIH, stats from Portugal, etc. and yes GHB is decriminalized in Portugal.


"All" instead of "most" is the key problem to your case.


You did really well in this debate. Thanks for exploring this topic


Maybe you and I should have this debate, if you disagree with me. I can set it up if you’d like.


Your entire argument is based on the logical fallacy of deriving ought from is; you were too focused on showing they are dangerous and using anecdotal evidence to support that claim; however, you still never said why they should not be legal, as pro said alcohol, a very legal substance, holds a lot of the problems you where mentioning, deriving ought from is when there is a substance that contradicts your entire argument is problematic.
Yes drugs are dangerous, but, why should they be illegal is the question, thousands die monthly from car accidents, so based on your logic, cars should also be illegal.


Your last argument also proved one of my points and I don’t even think you noticed. Go read the fentanyl section again in your link. The second half of the description is a huge reason to legalize drugs so that stops happening.


Hey I typed way over my 10,000 character limit. I had to cut some stuff down and realized I cut a sentence in half. I said “things don’t need to be perfectly healthy to be legal…” after that before I said leading cause of preventable death I meant to say “what about cigarettes…” hope you see this before you respond.


I forgot to finish one of my points. The studies in the 1890’s done with heroin showed that there is a very simple and easy way to use heroin on patients without them withdrawing or forming a tolerance. Even back then people knew how to use it correctly it’s not hard to figure out and should be able to be implemented in todays world.

this one is too controversial for me but I am interested