Instigator / Pro

Modern science shows that the Bible is inaccurate.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
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Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 22 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Definition of terms

Science - the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.

Bible - the Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.

Round 1
Thank you Sir. Lancelot for this debate. 

Accuracy of Earths history
First off I would Like to look into Genesis 1 and 2  where the creation of earth is stated. Christians believe that god created the earth in what is known as the 7 days of creation. The activities that took place on days 1-6 can found in genesis 1. Here is a brief outline of the 7 days of creation:

Day 1: Light 
Day 2: Sky/heavens
Day 3: Land, seas, plants
Day 4: Sun, moon, stars
Day 5: Birds and sea animals
Day 6: Land animals and humans
Day 7: The Sabbath (rest day for god)

At first this process seems like it makes logical sense but after looking a bit closer at each individual day, the accuracy of this process seems questionable to say the least. For example in Genesis 1:25 it states that god made humans and all land animals on the same day:

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Animal Fossil Records
This statement can be completely debunked using modern science. Fossils of land roaming millipedes have been estimated to be over 400 million years old. Species such as Kampecaris obanensis have even been found to be around 425 million years old. The oldest human fossil ever found has been estimated to be around 233,000 years old. If humans and all other land animals were created in one day, why are there no million year old human fossils? Many cyanobacteria remains have even been estimated to be as old as 3.5 billion years old.

Creation of non animal/plant organisms
On day 3 god created plants, day 5 he created birds and animals, and day 6 he created all other land animals including humans. However the creation of non plant/animal life was left out in the 7 days of creation. No where in genesis 1 or 2 does it mention god creating fungi, microorganisms, or bacteria in the 7 days of creation. These organisms are essential parts of life so I find It strange that they ate not included.

I will argue my case with five arguments, each of which provide evidence of a God.

Burden of Proof:
Since my opponent is making the claim that science contradicts the Bible, he is therefore required to demonstrate proof for it. Whereas I only have to refute this claim. My opponent wins should he prove this statement true and I win if I show it to be false.

l. Motion
Since it logically follows that everything moving has a force which is moving them. This then begs the question, who or what constructed this cycle? The only reasonable explanation is God.

ll. Cause and Effect
  • Something cannot come from nothing.
  • Without a cause, there could be no effect.
  • There must be a cause that has not been affected by anything.   
The only conclusion is there must be a God.

lll. Necessary Existence
Since products of existence must have had a cause, and matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, then there must exist a source prior to the birth of the universe that is independent of the former two rules.

lV. Complexity
Since the universe consists of things which exist abominations to systems are perfectly designed, there exists a hierarchy in which standards of perfection can be compared. God provides an objective foundation for perfection.

V. Function and Objective
Since every process in this universe has a particular objective, like all colonies of ants building an ant hill or humans constructing skyscrapers, the intricately designed mechanics of our universe must therefore require an intelligent designer.

"Animal Fossil Records
This statement can be completely debunked using modern science. Fossils of land roaming millipedes have been estimated to be over 400 million years old. Species such as Kampecaris obanensis have even been found to be around 425 million years old. The oldest human fossil ever found has been estimated to be around 233,000 years old. If humans and all other land animals were created in one day, why are there no million year old human fossils? Many cyanobacteria remains have even been estimated to be as old as 3.5 billion years old."

This is how I will respond. Here is a quote from St. Augustine.:

"For the second day, the third, and the rest are not other days; but the same one day is repeated to complete the number six or seven, so that there should be knowledge both of God's works and of His rest." 54 The creation is divided in the account into six days, he says, because, according to the inner nature of numbers, 55 six is the first perfect (or complete) number, that is, it is the first number which is made up of the parts which exactly divide it added together (1+2+3), "and in this number of days God finished His work." Some may be unimpressed by this kind of interpretation, but "we must not despise the science of numbers, which in many passages of Holy Scripture is found to be of eminent service to the careful interpreter." 56
The bible isn't always literal and shouldn't be taken at face value. When speaking of days, the concept of time is irrelevant and simply a figurative analogy.

"Creation of non animal/plant organisms
On day 3 god created plants, day 5 he created birds and animals, and day 6 he created all other land animals including humans. However the creation of non plant/animal life was left out in the 7 days of creation. No where in genesis 1 or 2 does it mention god creating fungi, microorganisms, or bacteria in the 7 days of creation. These organisms are essential parts of life so I find It strange that they ate not included."

If a creator with infinite power has the ability to miraculously speak these things into existence, then it stands to reason he also possesses the ability to allow the survival of certain creatures without needing to depend on resources. Such is the case before Eve ate from the Forbidden Tree, none of these things were required, so it would have been pointless to create them in the chronological order you are demanding.

This is not a contradiction. Next.

Round 2
He forfeited.

I extend my arguments from Round 1. I won't make any new arguments until those are addressed.
Round 3