Instigator / Pro

The government should provide free college education


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 25 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

The debate description is self explanatory




That knowledge corrupts the entire integrity of debate rating, not that the site president should care. The site president should clearly be a compulsive liar that pisses all over the integrity of competitive debating. Teach us your ways.

Gee, I hope that knowledge won't prevent me from winning this debate


In a debate being held right now wylted admits he plagiarised chatGPT for this debate. Can we vote with that knowledge?

Great site president behaviour.


Care to vote? It's a technical full forfeit since Wylted forfeited 3 out of 4 rounds.


Sorry to hear about your illness, but glad you’re feeling better.

Welp... I was gonna leave something for my second round. But I caught one of those viral infections flying around and had to go to the doctor and was vomiting mucus and coughing a lot. Today is the first day I felt normal in almost a week.


Now, are we gonna debate or are you gonna continue trying to impose rules after-the-fact?

How does North.Korea get credit as a troll when Wylted is better at baiting a reaction out of people?


Now why would I type in Tesla ads when that is off-topic from the debate? I might as well just resign in that case since I'd lose anyways.

The character limit is clearly there FOR ARGUMENTS. It is labeled "characters per argument." It is not labeled "characters per round."

If you think sources are the same as an argument, then why bother even typing an argument? Why not just list articles and call that an argument?

You and I both know they are different things.


“The character limit is there for a reason“



That would still be extending the debate outside of the containment round. It's no different than using it to make arguments outside of the debate. The character limit is there for a reason


I didn't make it clear from the start just like I didn't say not to repeatedly type ads for Tesla's in the debate. It is common sense that a debate is to be contained to the actual debate

As a voter, I much prefer having an easy to access list at the end of debate rounds, along with links in the numbers (which takes no extra characters).

If posting them in the comments, I advise providing a link to the comment in question (copy the link embedded in the comment number; do not follow it then copy the address bar, as that link breaks if too much discussion happens).

I’m less likely to consider sources at all if either side makes it difficult for the readers.

I should mention that I also have a personal preference (again, as a voter, not as a mod) against tiny link sites, since I can glean a lot of information just from seeing the full URL.


I could do that for sure. But why should I when Wylted did not make that clear at the start?

People have been using the comments for their sources for years now. Why is it suddenly bad when I do it? It isn't as if I am continuing my argument in the comments section, as that would blatantly violate the character count limit, since it is phrased "characters per argument," meaning if I go over that, and start posting the rest of my argument in the comments section, then that is clearly going over the argument count.


I'm not arguing the validity of the rules, I'm saying there's a loophole around the trap Wylted set. Quoting myself from earlier.

"As a solution to this character limit trap, paste all your links into a google doc and then edit them all down to 2-3 letters, then you can fit them into your post the next round."


Thanks for clarifying.


As for whether a vote will stand based on how they choose to award points (or not) on this specific case, I can't say until I have a reported vote. You apparently want me to clarify how I will see any vote of this nature, and I'll tell you straight up that I can't say without seeing it.


Fair enough. I had thought this would have fallen under mod discretion, but I can see your side of things.


You're apparently under an incorrect perception of what my job as a mod is in cases like this. The rules are set (or not) for the debaters to follow and it's up to voters to decide whether or not they've been followed. Unless a rule is stated verbatim in the discussion, violated, and then voters ignore it outright, I have no role in enforcing anything. So, no, it is not my job to tell voters how they can interpret the absence of a rule in this debate.




But your job as a mod is to enforce the rules, not people's feelings. What rule have I broken? Where did Wylted ban citations in the comments before I accepted? Why do I need to agree to rules halfway through the debate?

You're a mod. It is your job to make rulings on these things. If it isn't banned in the beginning or by the website, then am I forced to agree to post-agreement rules?


I've got mixed feelings about it, and I'll leave it at that.


If we allow people to make rules for the debate after the debate begins, where does it end?

Someone can just go "dude that source shouldn't be used." And now that's a rule.

Unless it is expressly forbidden, I think it is a dangerous precedent to allow people to make rules after the debate begins. We should only be judged on what we agreed to at the start. If not then why can't Wylted just make rules halfway through like "wrong dictionary." Or "wrong format" or "no sources from xxx"?

If we allow it here, then it opens the door wide open to blanket rules AFTER the debate begins, on a whim.

Why should I agree to last-minute rules that do mot break site-wide rules or guidelines? Oromagi and I did it in my voter fraud debate. People do it all the time on here. I'd understand if nobody did this, but people do it all the time. So why do I have to follow a new rule halfway through the debate to ban something that is commonly practiced on the site already?


Use my solution.


I really don't want to get in the middle of this, but is this back-and-forth going to be at all fruitful? It's pretty clear where both of you stand, and if you want voters to do something about it or not, save it for the debate. Arguing about it in the comments isn't going to get either of you anywhere.


If you think that is cruel and troll, try a 1000-character debate.

The correct option is to embed the links.


The website prevents plagiarism already. So you didn't have to. The website doesn't prevent citations in the comments. So you had to.


I also didn't not forbid plagiarism, but you do know you will lose if you cheat right?


No. I am telling you that you did not forbid it.


You are telling me that you were unaware the debate was supposed to occur in the debate rounds and not in the comment section?


It's not my fault you failed to make that clear in the debate description.

In fact you made nothing clear in the debate description. I could write complete gibberish and it could be accepted. I could write my argument in French and put my citations in leet speak if I so choose. You did absolutely nothing to prevent me from doing so.

You had a perfectly valid description with which to make use of your "stipulations" and you decided not to. Ergo, I don't have to post my citations in the debate because you made no law against it. I don't have to agree to your post-debate additions last minute. They weren't there when I started. That's on you for not doing so.


As a solution to this character limit trap, paste all your links into a google doc and then edit them all down to 2-3 letters, then you can fit them into your post the next round.

“Citations need to be within the confines of the debate, not in the comment section.”


What a cruel joke. Wylted really is the ultimate troll.


If we run out of space for a debate round we can't just randomly start extending the debate to the comments. Citations are a part of the debate.

It's also inexcusable as the site is set up so you don't even have to write out citations. He could have just turned his numbers into links if he wanted to save space.


says who?


Citations need to be within the confines of the debate, not in the comment section.


Round 1 Sources:


Careful why?

I enjoy it.


I am not going to lie, I half assed that. Will explain more later


"You are not evolved enough, Wylted, you let yourself stagnate. You actually have probably been the single most declining debater of the DDO-to-DART's history, I've never seen someone go from as good as you used to be to as dogshit as you are now.

I pity you, I worry for you. I don't type this to hurt you, I type this to talk down to you as you talk down to me except what I am saying is really true. Try harder, put more heart into this shit. Be the Wylted who shows up to a debate and makes me shake in my fucking chair, don't be the Wylted who I laugh at as he barely can form a coherent argument and forfeits."

Be careful what you wish for.
Peak Wylted is back.


Nope. Up for grabs


Is this reserved for anyone?