Instigator / Pro

All trans people are dillusional


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After 2 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

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One week
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One month
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Contender / Con

As trans people, I define those who have undergone or want to undergo a "gender transition surgery", use or want to use hormones to alter their physical appearance to resemble more a person of the opposite sex and people who "feel" as a person of the opposite gender.

Once Again, I deserve the increment of points because people voted for me. Does it change anything? Probably no. Does it make me feel angry? Possibly yes.



Also this happens when you create a Universe that has quantum fluctuations.


1) If you can provide a source, I might change my mind.
2) this "may" is key here nonetheless.
3) too small sample nonetheless
4) even if all this is true, it still is true that the vast majority of trans individuals are so due to
a) being mentally ill
b) having suffered trauma
c) being "trendy", yes that is a thing.

YET it doesn't disprove my case, even if it were true. You CAN'T actually change your sex, no matter what you do and there is no need for you to try to change your physical appearance (SEX) to reflect more of your mental state. I mean, it is paradoxical that the same people who cry that it is different (sex and gender), change one to match the other...


QUESTION: What did I do to prove I'm a bad Christian?
QUESTION: When did I disagree with you? I absolutely agree.
NOTE: There are varying degress of faith, I just recently got involved with religion, previous agnostic.
NOTE: Relax, I'm 14 and people like you paint a bad picture of faithful individiuals. Respectfully.


Actually there is. Some of the first biological evidence of the incongruence transgender individuals experience, because their brain indicates they are one sex and their body another, may have been found in estrogen receptor pathways in the brain of 30 transgender individuals.

"Twenty-one variants in 19 genes have been found in estrogen signaling pathways of the brain critical to establishing whether the brain is masculine or feminine," says Dr. J. Graham Theisen, obstetrician/gynecologist and National Institutes of Health Women's Reproductive Health Research Scholar at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Basically -- and perhaps counterintuitively -- these genes are primarily involved in estrogen's critical sprinkling of the brain right before or after birth, which is essential to masculinization of the brain.

Variants investigators identified may mean that in natal males (people whose birth sex is male) this critical estrogen exposure doesn't happen or the pathway is altered so the brain does not get masculinized. In natal females, it may mean that estrogen exposure happens when it normally wouldn't, leading to masculinization.

Both could result in an incongruence between a person's internal gender and their external sex. The negative emotional experience associated with this incongruence is called gender dysphoria.


There is something in the brain that determines SEXUAL ORIENTATION. It is perfectly natural to be gay, although rarer.
There is no scientific proof that (Sexual identity) transgenderism/gender dysphoria is attributable to biology, although it can be attributed to mental illness.

In the birthing process, a medical professional will declare your baby a boy or a girl based on their sexual organs — but does this determine their gender?

“We’re trying to change the understanding of gender,” says psychiatrist Murat Altinay, MD. “That’s one of my big goals. The main question I’m asking is, ‘Where is the gender?’”

We know that as an embryo forms, the genitalia specializes into either male or female. But what about development in the brain?

“The brain and the body can go in different directions,” Dr. Altinay says. “Gender is not only in our genitalia; there’s something in the brain that determines gender.”



Your Bible ignorance forgot to say that all ungodly "Trannys" should respect what Jesus, as God, gave their gender to them at birth, and that they are NOT to change it in any way whatsoever!

"But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:17-20)

I really hate dumbfounded pseudo-christians like you. :(


1) In case you can change your vote, I believe you have to do it for the following reasons;

1) In the resolution, I said trans people ARE delusional. I didn't say that trans people WILL BE delusional.
2) In ally my syllogisms and further arguments I used present tenses ONLY.

All these, if not providing a rock solid time framework, at least VERY VERY HEAVILY imply it.

Finally, the fact that con had to turn to arguments based around the time the debate is happening, it is only fair to say that I my arguments couldn't be disproven by them. Doesn't that make my case superior and am I not worth an extra point?


Is my vote any different than your vote? I can't watch the video right now, I'm in class.




I got confused sorry


Wrong, he meant "disillusioned".

I will say that it's obvious in context he meant delusional so I wouldn't dock him points for that


your opponents first language isn't English either, so good luck getting voters to care. You guys are on equal ground.

*Vote pro*.

First of all,
I SAID that english ain't my first language and I'm pracitsing it. So, by delusional AND dillusional I imagined they both meant "believe in a lie".
AGAIN, since con doesn't have any argument and refers to technicalities and word mistakes in my part, I WOULD BE forced to surrender.

Also, con said that there is NO way for me to prove, even in the PRESENT, that gender transition surgeries can't actually change ones gender and brings up the multiverse as an example. Well, in ORDER to PROVE or DISPROVE something, it has to exist. As we know of, the multiverse does not exist, nor does the future (yet). From what we DO know of, NO gender transition surgery can change a person's gender/sex.

Finally, the point con made about nordic countries and how my definition's parameters could be examined independently, I have to say this.
Nordic countries and trans people is is NO way the same or a similar example.

A more close example to the case of being trans would be;
To be human, you have to possess human dna AND be of the nature to produce a gamete AND have 46 chromosomes AND have one heart etc.
If you were a being with all the above but with 30 chromosomes, you would not be human.

May vote on this in the coming days

Well, the suicide rates are really high.