Instigator / Pro

Feminism is no longer dedicated to promoting equal rights, but to promoting man-hating and legal and social superiority for women.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

if you want edit of the terms or the definition before starting the debate, text me.

Feminism definition

"Feminism is the ideology and/or movement(s) that claims there is an oppresive patriarchy (at its core)."

Patriarchy definition according to feminists/feminism.

"Patriarchy is a system of male dominance of society, aimed at benefiting men and subjugating women."

All pro needs to do to win is to prove that men and women have the same rights (and in some cases have women have more). (SEE NOTES)

Con needs to prove that men and women don't have the same rights or at least that women don't have more.

If I prove that men and women have the same rights then I will automatically disprove that the patriarchy, even if it existed, is a system that benefits men and subjugates women.

We can both drop this debate and create a new one, as we both have forfeited rounds (me 2 of them, you 1).
And this will end in a tie.

New debate will have SIMILAR topic, not the same, and I will make you the contender. If you want you can accept it. I just want to note that there is no point in continuing this since to many forfeitures have already happened...

Guys, for around a week or a week and a half, I will only have time for some troll debates, up to 1000 words.

Using an analogy, if that is real feminism, then national socialism is real communism.





Once I complete this one and the other one I have on gun policy, I'll let you know.


Ok, good luck on them.

One tool which may prove useful to you:


Once I complete this one and the other one I have on gun policy, I'll let you know.


Please challenge me to a debate on if the gender pay gap exists or not.


I believe men and women are on balance equal and should be treated as such.
That is precisely why I am NOT a feminist.
I am an MRA.
Also, most feminists do not hate men willingly, tey are tricked into it by feminism and are misinformed.
E.G. the famous pay gap that doesn't exist.


I’m a feminist, all that means is I believe men and women are on balance equal and should be treated as such.

I don’t run around with a baseball bat attacking men at random for having penises.

I do however believe in the existence of bigotry, even among those in power. I do not believe it require some grand conspiracy.


First of no hate it meant towards you so if I come across rude that is an accident.

Let me start by something my global perspectives teacher told me. 'Never deal in absolutes,' the irony is that statement is an absolute. If you don't know what I am talking about you saying since ALL feminists, all is the absolute
Also its wrong I am a feminist and a women and don't believe that

Also we can't all be man-haters many feminists are straight and will choose to marry and (unless divorce) spend the rest of the time they are both alive together. Very random fact about marriage. Traditionally a husband asking the brides father if he can marry her is another way of asking for a transfer of ownership;the
father walking the bride down the isle is transferring ownership. Also I am friends with more guys then girls so I can't be a man hater if I choose to be friends with them. Also if it wasn't for my male teacher I would never of gotten an ADHD diagnosis.

And I don't have that common belief: There is a patriarchy aimed at benefiting men and subjugating women. That statement doesn't make sense. According the the oxford English dictionary the definition of patriarchy is (and I have copied and pasted this)
noun: patriarchy
a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line.
"the thematic relationships of the ballad are worked out according to the conventional archetypes of the patriarchy"
a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
"the dominant ideology of patriarchy"
a society or community organized on patriarchal lines.
plural noun: patriarchies
"we live in a patriarchy"
(that will take you to google and the first text that comes up is what I copied and pasted above)

So your statement is saying there is a system in which men hold power that women do not is aimed at benefiting men and subjugating women. So what I think you are saying is we are men haters because the system designed to put men in power is aimed at benefiting men more.
Now I am not a man hater nor do I think there is a system aimed to benefit men yet I am a feminist. Outcome and aim are different. I believe that the system benefits men more then women but that it was not aimed to. I also think it is getting better however things can't be perfect.

Feminism is about having equal rights for everyone, if we had equal rights we wouldn't still have feminism. There are still many countries in which women don't have equal rights and even in the UK (where I live) there is still a gender pay gap.

I will stop there because long comments are boring to read


No matter how many zillions of factions there are, they are all man-haters, since ALL feminist factions have at least this ONE common belief;

There is a patriarchy aimed at benefitting men and subjugating women.
Anyone who believes this is a feminist, and therefore a man-hater, or at least are ignorant.

1. Hanlon's Razor. Even if men and women are equal in today's society doesn't mean that the feminists *know* that.
2. Feminism is a incredibly broad and diverse movement that doesn't have universal beliefs or goals. There are subgroups such as TERFs, tradfems, anracho-feminists, etc.