Instigator / Pro

The actual risks of Global Warming are overestimated


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 10 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

The actual risks of Global Warming have been exaggerated and dramatized by politicians and environmentalists.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

RfD in comments

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Good round. I vote Con for everything besides conduct, here's why:

1. I buy that the debate is about all warming, not just man-made.

2. I buy that CO2 creates global warming because of how it absorbs and reflects infrared light and historical links.

3. I buy that plants don't exist or are heavily damaged post-warming.

4. I buy that all of carbon in icebergs makes this an urgent issue.

5. I buy that all one article of the scientists is an exaggeration.

6. I buy that claims about political action do not interrogate the risks/impacts of climate change.

7. I buy that natural disasters are getting much worse from warming.

8. I buy that glaciers haven't been melting at a constant rate and current trends of warming are making it uniquely worse except for the one glacier that Pro cites.

9. I buy that green energy is rational and that quality of life and transportation is completely destroyed post-warming.

10. I buy that costs do not interrogate the risks of warming.

11. I buy that the Permian Triassic extinction was solely from warming and killed 95% of the planet.

12. I buy that scientists being wrong about details doesn't mean they are wrong about concepts.

13. I buy that climate change is an impact magnifier and can cause anything, with plagues and food shortages being the example in the Con argumentation.

14. I buy ocean acidification is real and a negative feedback loop.

In conclusion, I have an easy place to vote that the debate could be about all warnings and the Permian Triassic warming killed 95% of the planet. Even if I don't buy that, I'll go over the other arguments just to give myself a reason to sit in this Starbucks a little longer. I buy that CO2 does cause warming, so it's real. With that, I buy there's no plants, worse and more natural disasters, and causes extinction through diseases and food shortages. I buy that ocean acidification is a negative feed back loop, as are glaciers, which exacerbate these issues. Pro only has two pieces of offense, the responses are dumb, which doesn't answer that green energy is good and that this doesn't interrogate the risks. The second is that this one article was wrong about some details and that's an exaggeration, but this isn't enough to overide all of Con's points and doesn't answer that details don't make the concept wrong.

I give the source and grammar point to Con because I was asked to before the last speech and Pro didn't contest it.

I don't grant the conduct point because Con said it was up to the judge, and while I don't think Con was rude, justly telling Pro that hard science fact statements are different than social sciences or hypothetical action debates and the forfeit was "bad conduct", however I just never vote on anything besides argumentation unless I'm told to. Giving me the choice lets me be lazy and push less buttons. (This is a joke, I have genuine reasons I don't vote on those, and I'm willing to defend them publicly if anyone cares to ask.)

Notes for Pro
1. Care about debates. Judging more of your debates and debating you myself has made me realize that you either don't care or you overwork yourself. Don't accept more than a couple debates at a time if you can't contribute to them, both for the debates sake, but for the usefulness of this site to foster debate.
2. You need to do more work connecting the political responses to warming as the exaggeration of warming. I don't get the connection and Con calls it out as non-existent.
3. You need to answer literally any of the arguments Con makes. I give them every argument but this one example of one journal that was an exaggeration, but Con has defense on that an offense with every other issue.

Notes for Con
1. On the conduct point, if you're going to make claims, then make bold claims. Truth comes out when we bash to extremes against one another, so go as hard for you should win as possible, and then let the judge sort that out.
2. I know that the political responses don't respond to the question of impacts, but you should still answer it. Electric cars, even if propaganda are good because X, Y, and Z.
3. There are a million impacts to climate change, so as a strategy to help get you a win in a debate where Pro gives a shit, start throwing out much smaller impacts and say that you proved a bunch of small impacts and Pro only disproved one big one. Some of these can include migration, solastalgia, animal extinctions/genocides (animals are beings that feel pain and deserve moral consideration), political lashout, etc.

Good round, if either side has questions or comments, feel free to message, question, or comment me!