Instigator / Pro

Feminism has promoted toxic femininity and has only made the division between men and women wider over the past years.


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Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
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Contender / Con

While Feminism like so many other harmful organizations of the past may have started on good grounds and may have even been needed to introduce change in western society, those days have long passed as women are not denied anything a man isn't in terms of civil liberties, career opportunities and living and everyday life just like men. And Yet feminism remains claiming to be fighting for equality that has long since already been achieved. Furthermore, Feminism refuses to leave the safety and comforts of western society to help fellow women in the east, all these actions prove feminism is nothing more than a toxic bid for female entitlement and supremacy trying and falling to pass itself off as the defender of rights that it used to be.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Good round, I vote Pro, here's why:

1. I buy that we can use examples of individuals to buy group behavior because, even if correlation is not causation, this doesn't answer how Hitler was able to shape an entire party. This means that I buy every individual bad act of feminists as shaping the ideology.

2. I buy that feminists are calling for dystopian camps and genocides.

3. I buy that feminists want to ban words.

4. I buy that feminists demonize men by disparaging Father's Day.

5. I buy that feminists lack traditional values.

6. I buy both of Con's definitions because, even though Pro rightly proves they are not sourced, there is no counter definition, so I prefer a bad definition over no definition.

7. Because the definition of toxic feminity is only something that can hurt women, I buy that it can only hurt women and that goal of feminism is to rectify this problem.

8. I buy that feminism doesn't advocate for equality because of all the previous examples.

9. I buy that ideologies can be perverted by individuals and we should look at the pragmatics of an ideology, and not it's definition.

10. I buy that the BOP is "Pro is claiming that feminism promotes nad actively encourages bad behavior to men"

In conclusion, this is one of the hardest debates to weigh because both sides give me pieces of floating offense. Pro has left me with every example of bad individuals and movements that are bad, how they corrupt movements, and how this pragmatic analysis is better than ideology. Con leaves me with the misandry/feminism divide and how feminism only hopes to seek to to rectify toxic feminity. The debate is, "Feminism has promoted toxic femininity and has only made the division between men and women wider over the past years." The reason this is hard is that I think Pro fails to prove the resolution because of the definition of toxic feminity being impossible for feminism to create. Pro, however, does meet the BOP set out by Con. I am left with an internal dilemma I don't know how to rectify on face, which is, does the resolution or the BOP matter more. After a bathroom break, getting a drink, and listening to the song "Kokopelli Face Tattoo" by Andrew Jackson Jihad, I've come to the conclusion that the BOP matters more because it establishes how we access the resolution. This means that Pro has proven that feminism is antagonistic to men.

Notes for Pro
1. You have to wrestle with the definition debate. Even if it isn't warranted, without a counter-definition to put up against it, there's will always win so there is some interpretation to view the round through.
2. Your argument about the pragmatics of ideology over the definition of ideology is unclear, and I feel like I'm putting a lot of pieces together for you.
3. Stick to the resolution. A lot of your points simply don't matter. Ending freedom of speech and traditional values does not prove that feminism recreates toxic femininity or that feminism is widening the gap between the sexes. If feminism said we should kill all racial minorities, that would be horrible, but it doesn't prove the resolution, so doesn't help your case.

Notes for Con
1. Instead of creating a BOP that feels divorced from the resolution, you should force the Pro to affirm the resolution, especially when they are going for their rant against the woke feminists over winning the resolution.
2. You have to deal with this Nazis were good until Hitler came around. I don't know if this is true, but you should be casting doubt on either it as a true narrative or on it's relation to feminism. That, or you need to say looking at ideology in the abstract, devoid of it's pragmatic application is good, though that may be a steeper hill to win.
3. My brother/sister/sibling in Christ, Pro said feminists don't respect traditional values and you let that slide? Traditional values of what? The selling of women and relegating them as subhuman in the home? More generally, answer the individual warrants of Pro. The camp story is satire, freedom of speech is bad if it includes hate speech like bossy, Father's Day is a harmful social construct, etc.

As always, if yall have any questions or comments, feel free to question, comment, or message me!