Instigator / Pro

The justice system is not racist


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After 4 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Two hours
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Voting period
One week
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Contender / Con

This debate is over whether or not the justice system is actually racist


~ "You're welcome to debate me on if there's been known unpunished acts of domestic terrorism committed by whites against blacks. If our justice system has really not left any of those hanging (no pun intended), it's an easy win for you."

I do not care about the past, anything before 1970.

The only issue is the present post-Civil Rights.


~ "If he's faking being insane for attention, to me speaks of a strong enough mental imbalance to still merit calling him insane."

Who in the hell are you even talking about here.

The responses here are so cryptic...just speak plainly, FFS!


I strongly suspect voters were trolling Oro.


-> exists no evidence that Derek Chauvin is a racist, therefore Chauvin is not a racist
This was in direct reply to Derek Chauvin having a pattern of violence against African Americans, to include basically hogtying a woman then literally torturing her due to the color of her skin. He did contrasted this with a single example where Derek Chauvin was rude (but not violent) towards a white person; and since being rude to a white person is exactly the same crime as literally torturing a black person... Need I go on?

In the same debate after Denise Herd PhD gave testimony as to what a racist defense would look like, Novice willingly emulated the exact traits named by the subject matter expert.

And outside the debate he called anyone who considers racism against blacks a bad thing to be "close minded."


Also, Barney was the first person to beat Oromagi on DDO back in 2013.

Oromagi has lost to lesser people.


Didn't he beat oromagi in their animal agriculture debate?

Both times were traumatizing experiences for him and nothing to flex about.
Besides that, he debates Mall 90% of the time.

I mean, he's debated oromagi twice, which is two more times than Barney.

By his profound ability of fleeing from people he feels threatened by.


Who would win in a race then? xD


“Please ignore my client's ravings against Novice - it's probably a symptom of excessive stress, brought on by months of running away.”


Novice is doing more running here than Barney ever has.


You're welcome to debate me on if there's been known unpunished acts of domestic terrorism committed by whites against blacks. If our justice system has really not left any of those hanging (no pun intended), it's an easy win for you.


"Drilling down, you practically get him defending lynching as not racist because it's what black people deserve."

OK. Prove it.


I'd like to publicly represent and defend Barney.

Please ignore my client's ravings against Novice - it's probably a symptom of excessive stress, brought on by months of running away.


If he's faking being insane for attention, to me speaks of a strong enough mental imbalance to still merit calling him insane.

But again, if he's not, then you should have the debate with me he keeps claiming to want; a single link is all you'd need to break my win streak.

Even a glance at the debate history shows a clear pattern of racist ideations. Drilling down, you practically get him defending lynching as not racist because it's what black people deserve. Even were his musings in that direction correct that due to being born with a different skin color they somehow deserve to be victimized, that would not magically remove the racism from it.


I’d like to publicly represent and defend Novice.
I apologize for my client’s ramblings. He’s nowhere near mentally stable enough to defend himself.


Check out how Barney claims that stating facts = promoting white supremacy, lol."

Typical. Doesn't surprise me at all. Denialist intellectual coward move on his part.


Dude, I have worked in the CJS in law enforcement, a DA's Office and have a criminology degree. I have done the research into this topic, among others, and I know for a fact that what I posted about con is truth. He doesn't understand. And a single or a couple anecdotes isn't proof of an argument.

It's to you who is being the troll and having some measure of cognitive bias.


I think he is either trolling or this is a symptom of some condition. I feel second-hand embarrassment even filtering what he is saying at this point, but he is just trying to derail into spam, which I take to be another dodge tactic.


-> con clearly doesn't comprehend why blacks are given higher sentences
Pretty sure it's largely due to the color of their skin. You're of course welcome to propose another theory about what changes the nature of the crimes, and just so happens to coincide with skin color.

-> and there is NO terrorism against blacks that go unprosecuted in the US.
You may want to read the debate. I provided a particularly horrible example of exactly that.


Check out how Barney claims that stating facts = promoting white supremacy, lol.


Again, there's a far cry between extravagant lies and being schizophrenic/mentally ill.

And with regard to the links you provided...

Disagreeing with affirmative action, does not make you a white supremacist (unless you're implying that I'm one).

With the Derek Chauvin debate, I read through that. While I found Novice's claims less than convincing, there was no indication of espousing White supremacy - he was merely claiming that Chauvin's actions were not motivated by racism.

Disliking the BLM riots, which have caused more harm than good, does not make you a white supremacist.

Claiming that there are reasons for disparities in police actions, other than racism, does not make you a white supremacist.

And for the white nationalism debate, Novice was not the instigator - so there's no real indication that it's his true beliefs. In fact, his argument makes perfect sense if he's only trying to win the debate.

Ibid for the last five.

"Con argues that African-Americans are more likely to be given high sentences or convicted of drug use and sexual violence, and that terrorism against Black people goes unprosecuted in the United States."

This is BS reasoning to vote for con. con clearly doesn't comprehend why blacks are given higher sentences or convicted of drug use, etc. - and there is NO terrorism against blacks that go unprosecuted in the US.


It's not merely about a claim not having an immediate link provided, but the substance of such claims being so far disconnected from anything resembling objective reality that those making the claims are self implied to be either schizophrenic or faking schizophrenia for attention; then further hammering it home in with repetition.

But if you believe him at his word, you're welcome to challenge me to the debate on his behalf and win by providing a single link.

As for his debate history, please note the seeming obsession he has against minorities (this list is excluding the ones against non-racial minority types)...


If saying unsourced claims makes a person batshit crazy, then so are you - show me evidence of Novice's racist statements.


-> I find it shameful for you to call Novice "a batshit crazy white supremacist."
He is verifiably batshit crazy, via his continued insistence that I claim he follows me to my house... Anyone is welcome to stand in for him in that debate he keeps saying he wants then never goes through with. Again, if he is not insane, it's a free win. A single link would be all it takes to break my win streak.

He's made many racist statements across several debates; to which were there any mistake that this is not really his beliefs, it would have taken him all of 30 seconds to clarify.
Were I to have called him a Nazi, then the conclusion would not follow from the evidence (same direction of bigotry but much further along it).

-> Novice may or may not be a better debater than you are
While he makes it easy to dismiss (such as how many times he's sought to prove that he's better than Mall). He is actually quite skilled.


-----> tangents and rants about various personal problems and/or theories about me following him to his house
----> As I dislike being lied about and I insist you are lying, I'll happily accept a debate challenge from you on if that actually occurred on this site instead of merely inside your imagination.
---> Happy to debate Barney anytime, unfortunately it seems as if he is still running from me.
--> If you're not batshit insane, I'm still offering you a free win. But if you'd rather keep telling everyone who will listen that I'm "running" from you as evidenced by your inability to debate, then by all means keep at it.
-> I want him to debate me, and stop running away

If you're actually crazy enough to think that my continued willingness to debate you on your claims about me is magically me running away from debating you, please see a psychiatrist.


To be clear, I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be Filipino.

And I think I agree with you in principle, Barney is fond of taking out personal issues he has with people, which is almost boring to me as nearly everyone just sees this fit he is throwing as pathetic. I want him to debate me, and stop running away. I don't think that will happen because it seems he is scared to debate me (has too much value for the 0 at the end of his record). I am not saying that is the case, but I take it to be the best explanation.

Yeah. But in Barney’s defense, I don’t think he knew that.


For real?

Well, Novice is Filipino.
So who’s gonna believe that?


I mean, I don't expect Barney to be nice to Novice, but I think calling him a "batshit crazy white supremacist" goes too far. You're entitled to your opinion, though.


“but he deserves respect as much as anyone else.“

No, he fucking doesn’t. Lmao
Keep white-knighting him all you want, but nobody has to give him respect just because YOU expect them to.


I disagree with Novice's opinion as much as the next guy, but I do dislike seeing 2v1's, so time to jump in.

Frankly, I find it shameful for you to call Novice "a batshit crazy white supremacist." This is a debate site, dedicated to the free and open exchange of opinions. To call someone that is a serious accusation, that needs to be backed up with concrete evidence, not just a single debate a while ago (and for all we know, it might not even represent Novice's true opinions).

You banned (or at the very least, contributed to the ban of) Polytheist-Witch for "extravagant lies," which apparently counted as any unsourced accusation. Are you not doing the same thing now? As a member of the mod team, you ought to be held to a higher standard than a regular user, as you represent what's supposed to be the best of this site.

Novice may or may not be a better debater than you are (I suspect he would win with a balanced resolution, although it'd be quite close), but he deserves respect as much as anyone else. I am on team Novice here.

Well I think I am done here. Looking past the conspiracy theory about me actually being a "white supremacist," which just seems like another un-interesting way to flee debate, I just take the person in question to be some sort of moron at this point.

While the dodging is mildly annoying, I think I have gained some utility from how I have made him look consistently. I suppose someone can let me know if he wants to debate me on the resolutions I have outlined, but the fact that this person has been running away from me for months (even privately dating back to over a year ago) tells me all I need to know.

Oh. So he’s a white supremacist?

Makes sense why he won’t debate.
He’s discriminating against me because of my race.


Oh I'm sure he's improved; but he's still a batshit crazy white supremacist, so not worth much of my time.

But yeah, if he wants to take me down, I keep offering him a free win so long as he's neither schizophrenic nor faking schizophrenia for attention.


He’s probably going to say some stupid shit like “1 more chance.”

Let me tag in for you while you’re busy with rl stuff. Then return and embarrass him when you have the free-time.

Don’t sacrifice your no-loss record to this clown.


---> tangents and rants about various personal problems and/or theories about me following him to his house
--> As I dislike being lied about and I insist you are lying, I'll happily accept a debate challenge from you on if that actually occurred on this site instead of merely inside your imagination.
-> Happy to debate Barney anytime, unfortunately it seems as if he is still running from me.

If you're not batshit insane, I'm still offering you a free win. But if you'd rather keep telling everyone who will listen that I'm "running" from you as evidenced by your inability to debate, then by all means keep at it.


Given how close I came to destroying Novice in our first two debates, it will be the easiest fight of Barney’s life.


Well that was a long time ago and as much as one may not want to admit, Novice has improved exponentially. Furthermore, the topic of Derick is far more on-sided than the debate regarding institutional racism as a whole. All I'm saying is, it'll be an interesting matchup for the both of you.


Let me handle this amateur for you in a 1v1 Rated Debate.

Seems like you live up to your name. Lol.

Any last words, Novice??

Changes have been made. The debate is no longer going to be against Barney.
The announcement has declared I will be taking his place as the Contender now.


So this is going to be chance #2.
I offered you three potential resolutions. Yes or no, are you going to debate me on any of them them?


He's not running and hiding, he's showing as much bravery as Donald Trump did during the Vietnam war; faking inability... Can there be any greater form of patriotism and heroics?
As he has stated many times, being willing to debate is the real cowardice! So he's not running from you, you wanting to debate means you are running from him!

And yeah, I barely skim anything he writes until he ceases his little game.


@ Novice and demand that me and him settle this the old-fashioned way.
Be polite. I don’t want him to run and hide again.

Accept my challenge unless you’re scared.