Instigator / Pro

There exists, 2 genders only, in the human race.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

I will not be providing the definition of gender to this debate, because that is basically what the whole debate is about. If I were to provide a definition with only male and female, then I would be biased in the definitions and vice versa. But I will add:

Gender: Is in fact a social construct.

Basically, that is all there is to it.


I was just thinking the exact same thing.


Its interesting how 2 oromagis would outweight 3 proper votes.


False. I'm saying that just about any standard definition of gender should disprove your case utterly. Of course, you know this because you avoided that standard definition as if it had COVID. When the instigator fails to define any key term according to standard sources, the challenger has an opening to define that term and perhaps use a variation that falsifies your argument outright (a very easy task in this particular). When I debate, I try to define every key term as favorably and as narrowly as possible right up front then use those confines to restrict my opponent's possibilities. You have essentially asserted that term X has only one meaning but then you failed to use mainstream sources to document assertion (because those sources don't support your claim). You could have made your definition a condition of debate but then your debate is reduced to truism- "assuming that term X only means Y, X means Y."


"I think CON could have won this debate by using any widely accepted definition of GENDER and demonstrating PRO's lack of understanding of that term"

So your telling my opponent to basically provide a false definition of the word gender, then to back it up, just say that I don't understand"
"Your wrong, and I don't have to prove I'm right, because your just stupid"
Great advice buddy.


I see you brought up hermaphrodites in your final round. So technically you brought up animals because some animals are hermaphrodites with the exception of birds and mammals (humans are mammals). This is a debate about humans. There have been no cases of a human producing both male and female gametes, in other words able to give birth while at the same time impregnate another human. Hermaphroditism does not occur in humans. If gender isn't based off sex then how come on job applications or important paperwork they ask for your gender and for the most part it says male or female?

But agree to disagree.


Alright, thanks. I'll keep this in mind for part two, if a part two that is.


"So, in my perspective, does ir matter? Because if you want to go that route, then still, these genders are genders. We can nitpick at the fact that gender doesn't mean gender identity all you want, but, if something is apart of gender then yes. It still can be considered their own gender."

See this is where your argument dies out. You first of all point out that this is all from "your perspective". Yes people can have perspectives on issues, but their still needs to be a basis in reality on these issues. When your "perspective" crosses with reality, then it is no longer just a perspective, it is ignorance to reality. Again, facts do not care about your feelings.

Also what the hell does "if something is apart of gender" mean exactly. How can something be a part of gender. You went from claiming these were all genders (the basis of your argument for there being more than 2 genders) then you go on and say they might not be genders, but a part of genders. If they are not genders but only a part, then what are the distinctive parts of gender? Can you explain them for me?

Gender means how you identify based on your biological sex. This is fact. Any other definitions, would be completely irrational and would have to justify many immoral and illegitimate behavior and beliefs.


"In the mists of this debate, it says "human race", I wasnt commenting on animals."

It's true that I was the first one who brought up cow, an animal and the reason why is simply to compare to the human race. There are male and female cows, that's how they mate and have offspring. Same with dogs, there are male and female dogs. There aren't more than two genders for dogs. I brought up a cow as an example to prove your statements are false and what I'm saying are facts.

"Can they speak human language?" Nope and I'm pretty sure we all know they can't. That's like you saying cows can talk and me disputing that lie saying no they can't. That's how this conversation is going.

"Do we know how they feel inside?" Maybe. Perhaps. Not 100% but scientists have done studies on how animals feel inside for example how dogs as pets view us humans as their owners but this is off topic anyways so we can disregard this - unless I answered the question wrong. Did you mean do we know how they feel inside as in a male cow thinks it's a female cow? Impossible.

"They just do, I really can't explain in any further detail because I don't identify as one." - They just do? That's not how it works. Give concrete explanation + evidence + proof of how they identify as a cow therefore making them one? If you're able to. You don't have to not identify as a cow to to explain how someone identifies as one.

"As I repeat, it's how you feel inside. So, it doesn't matter if (biologically) you are human." - It does matter that you are biologically a human. So I can say I feel like I'm an airplane, that makes me an airplane 100% is what you're saying.

If someone dresses up as a cow for halloween it doesn't make them a cow, a female human can't give birth to a calf. Also the term cisgender shouldn't exist. It's just gender. That's why women get offended when they are labeled as ciswomen, it's weird. They are women so just call them women. We can have a debate about this if you want.


I was referring to: "The conduct by Con got a little cocky passive-aggressive with these comments."
Mockery, cocky, passive-aggressive, eh. But alrighty.


Pro was using mockery.


It wasn't typical mockery. I only added it because, if you say "vote for x" in mid debate, how does that make the opposing side think? I'm fine if they win, sure, I never said I will win. Usually everyone puts "vote x" at the end of their debates. But win or not, this is how he voter feels. I could be right, and still be voted against (not saying I am or not right). So in the end, if I still feel I proved something that really, can't be completely argued against then I do. But showing completely "im going to win" 'in front of my face' was the plain mockery.

Besides that, thanks.


I would hope to keep this conversation up, but I have already stated it multiple times.

Gender is how you identify, social construct, how you choose to identify. Not your biological self. And ill keep defending that.
I simply won't (but I keep anyways) repeat this.

As for your questions, ill answer that. Everything else you say would just be me repeating the following above.

"1. If there's more than 2 genders, that applies to cows right? Can there can be a cow that's a third gender? If so, does the same logic apply to dogs and cats?"

In the mists of this debate, it says "human race", I wasnt commenting on animals.
Outside of that, I don't know. Can they speak human language? Do we know how they feel inside?

"2. Please explain how a human can identify as a cow? Are humans born with hooves?"
They just do, I really can't explain in any further detail because I don't identify as one.
As I repeat, it's how you feel inside. So, it doesn't matter if (biologically) you are human.

I state in the debate, Cisgender is a gender. Not female and male. Why did I say that?
Because, it is something that is parrel with your sex.


I feel the only way that this is denied is if you nitpick at the "well gender is not gender identity".


You can't identify as a cow as you were born human, just like someone who is born as a female cannot identify as male and vice versa, just like someone who is born white cannot identify as black. All under the same umbrella: We are humans, we're mammals. Our gender/sex as it is the same. Our race and ethnicity. Of course your sex wouldn't be biologically a cow but two questions:

1. If there's more than 2 genders, that applies to cows right? Can there can be a cow that's a third gender? If so, does the same logic apply to dogs and cats?

2. Please explain how a human can identify as a cow? Are humans born with hooves?

gender definition: the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

key words: "do not correspond."

Gender and sex are the same and even the definition of sex coincides with gender. Notice "the male sex or female sex" (which is biological) within the definition of gender


"What I am trying to say is that no matter what gender identity you put on someone, what they identify as will always be based upon the gender binary"
So, in my perspective, does ir matter? Because if you want to go that route, then still, these genders are genders. We can nitpick at the fact that gender doesn't mean gender identity all you want, but, if something is apart of gender then yes. It still can be considered their own gender.

Biological female identifys as they/them. What is this then? What gender is this? Is this not a gender? If not a gender, what is it?

"Also making part 2 soon."
Yeah, as said, i'm good with that. I would prefer if it would be one week though. My schedule usually can't fit a three day debate.

That said, ill be focusing more on comments from this debate. If I can't prove it in a way that makes more sense for voters, ill change it. So, expect a slight difference.


Real quick, even if it is strongly held that it isn't, I still believe:

No, sex and gender aren't the same thing and that is a misconception. If you identify as a cow, heck, sure. Would your sex be biologically a cow though? No. They aren't the same. Pro confirms themselves, it is a social construct.

Definition of social construct: "A social construct is a concept that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction."

And you cannot compare someone trying to be like well, I know i'm black but I identify as white. Because, heres the problem. Race is not a social construct. It is biological. Gender is not biological.

And I will continue to stress this fact even if voters disagree or find it weak.


Ok thanks. With this gender debate specifically, my comment wasn't personal beliefs, it's science and facts per definitions and how the anatomy is made. Pro had better arguments


I'm aware of that. I just couldn't help but add my two cents in the comments that's just how I am, I feel you can add that as your reason along with the arguments on the debate. What I said wasn't an opinion, it was facts.


I can give you voting privileges very easily, but I’ll only do it if you agree to push your personal beliefs aside while judging debates and vote only for the person who did the better job.


Well, you should vote based solely on the arguments in the debate, not just your own opinion.

If I could I would vote for Pro. There are only two genders: male and female. That's it that's all. Sex and gender are the same thing, you are either born male or female. No such thing as gender being a social construct and for someone to just "choose" who they are, that's not how it works. If someone identifies as a cow does that make them a cow? No. You are born human. It's like a black person all of a sudden identifying themselves as white.


"1. First off, yes you're correct from my perspective. It is something based on how you feel, but to an extent. Don't try to twist and turn the tables by saying "okay, I feel like a male", I see through that. It's just like saying, "I don't feel like either female or male", that is just the definition or base of your gender. That would mean your non-binary. Just my thought process.
2. Correct, my first comment explains a bit of relative information."

Ok, so because you believe that the so-called genders are Cisgendered, Non-Binary, and Trans-gender, etc.
Also you are denying the fact that man and woman is a gender.

But gender itself is based in the binary even with these.
As a transgender, you can either be a trans-man or a trans-woman. Still a binary.
As a "Cisgender" (strait) you can either be a man, or a woman. Still a binary.
Even with Non-binary, you are neither male nor female. Still lies within a binary.

What I am trying to say is that no matter what gender identity you put on someone, what they identify as will always be based upon the gender binary.

Also making part 2 soon.


I didn't get notified, my bad.

"Something interesting I have learned from you."
Alright, let's hear it.

"I don't know where you are basing your arguments off of, but I did learn something. You have a completely different perception of reality, and it doesn't align with......well reality.
From what I can tell, (correct me if I am wrong) your perception of reality is that the definition of gender is how someone identifies themselves based upon how they feel. You claim that you can't identify as a man or identify as a woman. You can only identify as "Cisgender" (strait) or any of the other gender identities like Non-Binary, and Trans-gender. This is what I am noticing you believe."

Summary: 1. I notice you believe that gender is something based on how you feel. 2. I also notice, you think you can't identify as a female or male, only Cisgender and other genders.

1. First off, yes you're correct from my perspective. It is something based on how you feel, but to an extent. Don't try to twist and turn the tables by saying "okay, I feel like a male", I see through that. It's just like saying, "I don't feel like either female or male", that is just the definition or base of your gender. That would mean your non-binary. Just my thought process.

2. Correct, my first comment explains a bit of relative information.

"Also, I am making a #2 to this debate as agreed."
I am fine with that, go ahead.

Also, I am making a #2 to this debate as agreed.


Something interesting I have learned from you.

I don't know where you are basing your arguments off of, but I did learn something. You have a completely different perception of reality, and it doesn't align with......well reality.
From what I can tell, (correct me if I am wrong) your perception of reality is that the definition of gender is how someone identifies themselves based upon how they feel. You claim that you can't identify as a man or identify as a woman. You can only identify as "Cisgender" (strait) or any of the other gender identities like Non-Binary, and Trans-gender. This is what I am noticing you believe.

Now before I say what I need to say, would you consider this perception of reality to be yours, and if not, elaborate on what is.


I forgot to mention this in the debate, but..

You said: "For someone who says putting labels on someone who doesn't identify that way is rude .."

But also say in your short description: "Come at me Lib-tards."
Thank you, I appreciate your advice on what is rude and what is not!



We can finish this debate, then if we want to, after if we have more to say, then we can make another longer one.

🤓. 🤓🤓


Either one works for me, I have my response for the most part written out.

Whatever works for you.


If you would like, after this debate, I can make another, with the maximum amount of arguments and characters, so that we can go more in depth.

You can, but it will have to be obtainable for everyone.


I might run out of character due to your request(s), am I able to submit a link in the arguments via google documents?

Oh, it was a three day limit..