Instigator / Con

Porn Is Destructive


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Contender / Pro

Porn Ruins Your Life !

Round 1
Porn is Destructive. I know this personally cause it almost destroyed my life I had a problem. A problem no one knew about I didn't wanna seek out help cause of the shame this addiction put on me. it started when I was only 15 going through puberty and my friend wanted to show me something about his computing little did I know it would change my life until I took back control of my brain and fought this battle. So first why the hell is porn so addictive well through tons of research I've figured it out as you're watching these porn videos your brain is flooded with the chemical called Dopamine which is the reward chemical in your brain the chemical that gives you motivation to go out and complete challenges goals or even get a girlfriend and have sex this chemicals controls all of it even the gym and social gatherings its your drive your motivation as a man to do everything that a man is suppose to do thats the part of the brain porn attacks I didn't know this back then it was just a good feeling I thought but was I ever wrong to get dopamine you need to complete a hard challenge like getting a Job getting a girlfriend or hitting a workout in the gym then your brain will release dopamine in your brain to make you feel good for completing these tasks its basically like being a kid and getting ice cream after you visit the dentist it reminds you to keep going. Without dopamine in our brain we would not do a thing basically a dead rock it's one of the most important chemicals in our brain So when you watch porn that takes no effort to get to A CLICK AWAY. You don't even have to work to achieve such a crazy good high it even raises your dopamine levels more than cocaine or alcohol would which takes even more effort to get to than PORN. When you take this reward chemical and constantly hit it and raise it with no effort work or challenges why would you feel the need to go out and get a girl which is the root of why work , building muscle, social, etc. at all comes down to this one thing were made to reproduce. So what you're basically telling your brain is that you already have these things you do not need to go out and work towards these goals of getting what we all desire in life as a Male 
Thanks for the debate and topic.

1. Burden of Proof

The issue at hand is whether “Porn is Destructive”. As PRO in this debate, I’ll be proving how and why porn IS destructive, while CON will be proving how and why porn IS NOT destructive. Therefore, BOP is shared.

2. Definitions

Porn - Short for pornography, any video, picture, or writing that depicts erotic behavior to cause sexual excitement (arousal)
Destructive - Tending to hurt or destroy (ruin the condition of)

I’ll also define a few other terms which are used in my argument:

Masturbation - the stimulation or manipulation of one's own genitals, especially to orgasm; sexual self-gratification.

Orgasm - the physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitation, usually resulting from stimulation of the sexual organ and usually accompanied in the male by ejaculation.

3. Arguments

For my first round, I’ll share two core arguments, demonstrating how porn as an addiction is destructive, and how the withdrawal is also destructive. 

4. Addiction

Pornography serves its purpose primarily as a harmful addiction. In the NoFap community (a community served to guide away from the pornography addiction), porn is defined as the first part of a PMO (porn-masturbation-orgasm) cycle. This is a “series of events one goes through in order to “fap” to imaginary people seen on an electronic screen (or paper/magazine).” [1]

The initiation of this cycle is due to dopamine being a major reason for people to watch more porn. Dopamine is traditionally used as a reward motivator for activities such as eating food and drinking to guide the body to survive [2], but is also used as a reward motivator for sexual activity as a reproduction mechanism [3]. 

However, there is a reason why we do not call eating food and drinking water an “addiction”, which is mostly due to the amount of dopamine being released. Porn releases 200 units of dopamine [4]. This is comparable to alcohol (100-200 units) and cocaine (100-350 units), which are also all addictions purely due to the dopamine increase urging enjoyers to come back for more harmful activity [5] [6]. This game of dopamine is essentially what is destructive about porn: how a mechanism meant to encourage sexual reproduction is misused for watching porn as an addiction, destroying the purpose of dopamine releases in porn. 

5. Withdrawal

Getting over this release of dopamine is the major challenge in porn addiction recovery [7].
Although porn by itself is an addiction, the withdrawal of porn describes how it is truly destructive.

Of course, porn withdrawal ideally should get rid of the PMO cycle, but the symptoms of this withdrawal cause porn to be destructive. Excessive porn usage causes mood swings causing one to struggle to not watch porn, headaches as the brain must adjust to a no-porn lifestyle, irritability due to a source of desire being removed (porn), and depression due to the source of false pleasure being removed [8]. 

On the medical side, porn recovery also causes high blood pressure and panic attacks due to the physical withdrawal [9].

These symptoms essentially destroy a person’s character, physical state, mental state, and sexual urgency. This matches with the definition of “destructive”, as it hurts a person’s mental state due to the pleasure being removed.

6. Conclusion

Given how porn is an addiction which destroys the purpose of dopamine as a sexual reproduction mechanism, and how porn withdrawal itself is also destructive, I conclude that porn is destructive.

7. Sources

Round 2
Extend ?!?
Round 3
Pls say something
Round 4
I'm bored at this point... please at least refute something!
Round 5
You posted your first arg on 5/10,  a few days after I finished my AP exam. I am posting my final arg on 7/18, when more than half of my summer is over.

The least you could have done is post something, even a few characters. Not only did you forfeit 80% of this debate, but you also argued the wrong side in your first round, leading you to somehow have a negative amount of arguments. You are con, meaning to argue how porn isn’t destructive.

Hopefully we can have a debate in the future with no forfeits. 

Voters, please vote me (pro).