Instigator / Con

A believer in Jesus can get to Heaven, even if he does not repent of their sins.


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The debate is to resolve the question whether or not someone who claims to believe in Jesus is automatically assured of Heaven, no matter whether they live a righteous life or one of total debauchery.


BTW, what do you Catholics think of Jack Chick or his biography of Alberto Riveria.


Point made. I will dig through what I have. I haven't looked at my books for a while, but I know that Jack Chick and Milton Carroll are not in the set.


Would you accept if I brought up the National Enquirer or The Onion as a source to back up the existence of aliens on Mars? I don't think you would. You'd say "duhhh give me CNN or NASA u retard".

So my standard is historical sources from an accredited researcher of Christianity. An example would be Adrian Hastings' "World History of Christianity"; he was a historian with a degree from Worcester College in Oxford. Or Diarmaid McCulloch's (St. Cross' College, Oxford) book on such.

A Jewish-backed fraud like Jack Chick or his Mexican buddy, "Trail of Blood" by James Milton Carroll, or something similar DOES NOT COUNT.


So you are saying that if they are not sources approved from you, I can't claim them as sources?

Who or what would be a "reliable" source I can cite?


I can almost guarantee you your sources are not by peer-reviewed historians. But that's fine with me if you don't want to engage further.

The point is if you cite smth as historical fact without backing it up, well... to quote Hitchens "Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". "Bigfoot is real" and "6 million Jews died in the Holocaust" would be valid historical facts even if they are kooky


I would rather run this in a forum or a debate, not in the comments section, but for sources I would have to dig through my books.

Give me some time for direct sources.


I never said you were Jewish, I merely said that you make the same arguments as one would. Really? If it's so obvious then surely there should be a few peer-reviewed historical articles that speak to it. Provide or bust

Appreciate your objectivity in assessing the debate though, I can respect that.


That's just not true, unfortunately. All your leaders separated from the catholic church out of rebellion to it (which is understandable considering it's blatant misuse of the bible), but took with them all the catholic dogma of God and baptism. You, being a Baptist, are still considered a child of the "holy Roman empire" because of this.


I'm not Jewish and I didn't think I needed historical references for something so blatantly obvious. All the Catholic rites can be traced to pagan origins in the known world at the time from the reign of Constantine. He established the Catholic church as the dominant religion and made all paganism illegal. That's when the catholic church became filled with the pagan rites of candles, kissing statues, prayers to a mother God, the cross as a Christian symbol, long haired effeminate Jesus, etc, because the catholic church wanted to fill their coffers with the money of the pagan people. "Sure, you can come to church here. You kiss statues of dead relatives? No problem, we got one here for you, just pay your tithes and offerings. You pray to the virgin mother Isis? No problem! You can just call her Mary. Pay up! We'll keep your rites and save your life from that goofy emperor Constantine."


I don't really think you refuted any of the verses or concepts I mentioned in any of my arguments. You didn't even attempt to engage with "repent of your sins." And you didn't engage with repenting meaning to go TOWARDS sin in some cases. Weak.


Funny you say I'm cooked in your last "argument" (which hardly counts as a refutation)! The reality is, you haven't even bothered to defend against my charges that you pick-and-choose Scripture without harmonizing it 😂

Thanks for at least showing up to the debate, unlike most Andersonites I know! I intend to post this debate on Twitter (feel free to do so as well on your account). I hope you don't mind that.


Baptists are really the only demoniation that isn't associated with Catholicism. Protestants come from Catholicism. Baptists can trace their teachings before the Catholic Church and seperate from it.


That's not an argument. That's like saying that just because there's a chance that you won't get caught for stealing, you can do it. Will you really take that gamble?

However, sin in and of itself is an action that causes spiritual wounding (Psalm 41:3-4), and as a result, depending on the gravity of it, can either diminish or separate our relationship with God. It is the second part that I am concerned with: hence, that whosoever continues to wilfully sin, and not repent - make amends of that relationship with God - no hope of Heaven is available for them.


God can the same way a police officer can commit murder and arson. They can obviously do that, it is that they really, really don't want to do that, just that.


Then why does He frequently warn of eternal punishment for the wicked all throughout Scripture? If as you say God can admit someone who died in a state of sin to Heaven, that leads to salient problems with what the fullness of Scripture teaches. Even if He could, it's an unwise gamble in light of the above.


Respectfully, you sound like a Jew here, claiming Christianity first started from a pagan source with no historical citation other than your own ipse dixit (or, maybe Dr. Fraudci's crack stash). You do know that the Jews of the Temple era (who were Christians) also had the same thing going on right?

Ah. The blind leading the blind here. Catholics add so much to their doctrine. It came from so much pagan sources. Almost everything in the Catholic church came from a pagan source, from their garb, to their rites, to their prayers, genuflects etc.

However, Baptists are just daughters from that same Catholic church. Do you know how that is? Because they endorse the baptism of Father, Son, & Holy Ghost. Looks like a family squabble in this debate, the mother telling the daughters how to behave.

“Can” implies the possibility or the possession of an ability, and by that, I firmly hold the PRO position in that of course God can do that(if God exists as said), God just chooses not to do, just like I can crash a car or kill myself, I just choose not to do that.