Total debates: 24
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The onus scripturally is on the affirmative side.
Onus is on the pro side only from biblical scriptures only
A debate on whether the Bible teaches the doctrine of the Trinity. I will argue the Con position, asserting that the Bible does not support this concept.
Let's open this up for anybody else available.
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This debate will discuss whether or not "sola scriptura" - that is, the doctrine that Scripture is the only sufficient material needed to determine all dogmatic and moral principles pertaining to Christianity. Any source is allowable to be cited by the contenders, not just Scripture to prove their point.
Please send a message to me on the topic so I can start the first round with a full introduction.
Debate over whether not homosexuality is a sin according to what the Bible says
Young Earth Creationism is the view that God specifically created everything in 6 24-hour days less then 10,000 years ago. I will instead be arguing from a Christian perspective that the world is much older then that, and had a different mode of creation, mainly the accepted forms of evolution.
Pro has BOP to show that there is absolute, definitive proof that the God portrayed in the Bible exists. Pro must also show why the God from the Bible must exist and not other versions of God from abrahamic religions or other religions in general. So, for instance, a generalized argument that proves the existence of God but not the biblical God specifically will not work as that argument can used to justify the existence of a non-biblical God (for instance, Allah from Islam).
I believe Catholicism teaches an erroneous definition of Justification and incorrectly conflates it with Sanctification. Thus leading to a belief of infused and varying grace that we can earn through righteous works. Special Rules: 1. Only quoting written Scripture to argue a point. (Not saying we can't quote from CCC or other sources, just not for making a point, only for clarification of a stance) 2. No rudeness/name calling
Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38 both purport to be the genealogy of Jesus, and they have little in common.
Personal interpretations of the bible will not be used in this debate, it will be a debate solely around what the bible says. This means that the Bible will be interpreted from a literal standpoint and not a metaphoric one.
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Personal interpretations of the bible will not be used in this debate, it will be a debate solely around what the bible says. This means that the Bible will be interpreted from a literal standpoint and not a metaphoric one.
Debates what worldview is the best worldview to give truth, particularly objective moral truth. I contend the biblical worldview over any other worldview.
Personal interpretations of the bible will not be used in this debate, it will be a debate solely around what the bible says.
Is the Holy Spirit of God's supernatural revelation, whereby a man may know and understand the veracity of His word in the Holy Scriptures (66 books of the Bible), sufficiently valid as a scientific means of substantiating the truth of God's word in the Holy Scriptures?