Instigator / Con

Discussing race-based genetic differences is a significant contributor to racism and is therefore unacceptable.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Pro


Discussing: Any form of public communication
Race: An ethnic group
Significant: a measurable quality worthy of attention
Racism: The belief that races (ethnic groups) are as a whole superior or inferior.
Unacceptable: Not contiguous with social values.

I am taking Con here.

Pro must establish that genetic difference conversations as applied to a race contributes to racism to such a degree, that it should not occur. Should not occur is a general catch-all kind of like a social embargo.

Con must demonstrate that genetic difference conversations are important, and a social embargo is not necessary. Con may also demonstrate there is value in having those conversations.

Comments can clean this up as needed. All Kritiks need to be pre-discussed in the comments.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

This debate should've been an easy win for Con, but let's examine what went wrong.

Round 1:

Con is arguing that discussions of racial genetic differences should not be a taboo, on the basis that they help society by improving medical & genetic research, increase cultural pride & awareness, enhances inclusivity and acceptance, as well as fights racism by countering misconceptions and stereotypes which are the actual roots of racism. And it leads to academic and intellectual progress.

Pro is essentially arguing that by being proactive, you assume the full burden of moral responsibility for racism when you take action by having discussions of race. Inaction is better because even if by not talking of race, it leads to racism. You are not responsible. However, conversations of race have the possibility of leading to more racism. Therefore, it is better to not discuss it. History has proven that discussions of racism have led to more bigotry and discrimination, as in the case with Hitler. The potential for racism leads to mass genocide on a large scale and should therefore not be considered.

Round 2:

Con doesn’t refute anything by Pro. They just resort to irrelevant ad hominem attacks like the attack on Pro’s profile picture. Even if Pro did misgender Con, then Con could have politely pointed this out, but Con instead gets slightly condescending by attempting to appeal to Pro’s hypocrisy?

Pro argues that society should strive for moral perfection and consistency, and that morality is crucial for determining what is acceptable. That intention doesn’t inherently make an evil action good even if it results in the benefits of others, and that inaction is more acceptable. Pro points out Con is making baseless ad hominem attacks and that Con hasn’t contested the moral framework or any of the arguments, thus dropping and conceding to them. Pro defends his mention of the term ‘black’ by stating that talking about race is not bad, only discussing genetic differences, or comparing them in a demeaning way is wrong.

Round 3:

Con claims Pro kritiked the definition and is making a bunch of bold claims without proof and taking a moral absurdist stance.

Pro extends.

Conclusion: Con got too lazy and arrogant with this debate and didn't take it seriously.

The problem is Con had a REALLY strong Round 1 and Pro's Round 1 was setup with arguments that could've easily been defeated. In Round 2, Con implies he disagrees with Pro's moral framework but does nothing to push back on it and thus concedes to it, nor does he make any attempt to address his arguments. Instead, opting for ad hominem attacks, and wrongfully saying Pro is being morally inconsistent by using the term 'black' and calls them a hypocrite.

Pro pushes back on this by specifying talking about race is not unacceptable, but discussing racial differences and comparing them in a way that makes them seem inferior is demeaning. This was a good response from Pro. Con had plenty of ways to counter Pro's Round 1 arguments.: For instance, he could've argued that the urgency of moral necessity outweighs the burden of moral responsibility regarding action vs inaction, but they don't do this.

In Round 3, Con and Pro just extend their arguments and go off-topic.

Unfortunately, I was expecting Con to win this easily. Arguments go to Pro. Con is the only one who used sources, so they get the point for sources. Legibility is even on both sides, so tie. Con made ad hominem attacks and went off-topic, so points for conduct goes to Pro.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

The idea that we shouldn't discuss actual facts, especially when they may be useful to health research or otherwise, just because some people are stupid racist bastards actually contributes to the level of immaturity that fails to differentiate facts from racism and turns the anti-racist sentiment behind it into an equally stupid bastard position. I also agree with Con that discussing the true nature of race-based differences helps destroy false stereotypes.

Pro starts off the debate with the arbitrary claim that even morally neutral (causing no good and no evil) actions are unacceptable and that we always must do option 1. I would let this slide in the context of this debate if he could prove discussing race differences always causes some harm but he failed. There are differences between races that don't imply superiority and his statement is actually racist because it implies that any discussion about factual race differences imply one race is superior to another. You are literally either saying there are no differences that aren't connected to some hierarchy between races or that there is no way to discuss race differences that won't be perceived as such.

The black and white way pro views good and evil is so extreme that it fails to see there is such a thing as slight harm in the name of much greater good. Would you not let a surgeon make a small incision to perform a surgery that will save your life just because it makes a widdle boo boo?