Instigator / Pro

Rhyming battle


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

No information

he's never voted for me anyway and he joined the site and was active when I literally was not using the site at all.

Lancelot genuinely really used noob accounts that I still believe may even have been his alts (Boba Fett and a guy obsessed with Star Wars? Not a far fetch Boba_Tea and Sting both could have been him. Literally.)

Even if they weren't him, himself he used them to troll me and vote against me.

Okay if that isn't your account then cool. It just really looks like it and the timing of everything was really interesting but alright if that genuinely isn't your account then alright. ihadsexok is a bitch anyway

please get a grip if 'ihadsexok' is an alt account it isn't mine.

which burner account voted against lancelot?

"This wasn't a rap battle it's a rhyme battle" You're supposed to RHYME when you RAP lmao.
Imagine being so petty that not only you countervoted me but you also did it again on a burner acc. Now he might lose when he deserves the W. It is what it is, that's how this site is. Full of vote bombs and trolls. There's absolutely no way you seriously call that rap, that's how I know you're a troll. All my ACTUAL bars that I spit on this website you discredit them, they actually have meaning, double entendre, wordplay and makes sense. Even my battle with Lancelot, that's called RAPPING. But I know you're gonna vote against me or hell you don't like either of us so you might tie the damn vote and call us both trash, I don't give a shit. Have fun doing it. I'm done with this back and forth I said everything I had to say. This will be our last interaction. I don't have an issue with you, whatever happened prior I've dropped it. Ending this on a cordial note, deuces.


We could do it unrated or rated, Lancelot picks his representation (that represents me and disses himself) and is free to collude with them meaning help them form the bars etc and he and I are both free to vote.

I want FishChaser to rap for me as Lancelot dissing RM.

I will work with him on each part but I am busier next month and September both so I want faster deadlines as in 3 days max not a week.


Well I gave my vote, for better or for worse.


Vote on my rap battle with SL first before I give you the pleasure of viewing that.

Devon, that is Lancelot's entiee round 1 summed up. Rambling with momentary rhymes.

This wasnt a rap battle, it was a rhyme battle. Rhyme spam should be rewarded primarily.


I mean I'd do it.

But I don't think it would be any good.
Subconsciously, I'd be apprehensive about dissing myself so it would be an auto-win for RM anyhow.


I want to see a no-holds-barred battle where RM raps as SL and SL raps as RM. Would be interesting.

See that's the problem right there, the counter vote bomb on this debate being petty, that's what I'm talking about. That's not allowed but that aint none of my business. Then you got the other troll above voting for FishChaser, hell that's probably RM's burner acc who knows. The truth is the truth clear as day. If FishChaser can actually rapped and rapped better than he would win the debate, but he can't rap, respectfully. If I say "I'll stab you then toss you in the river then let the sharks eat you then watch the blood come out of you then jump in the water" that's not rapping, it's a rambling diss. Basically talking. Imagine being mad that I voted for Lancelot who clearly won

Already been down that level, Rational. You're not the first person I've beefed with on and off.

And trust me, the shit I said to you isn't even 1/3rds as bad as it is on a regular Tuesday for me.

You're typing like lacking the capacity for aggression is the same as showing restraint and they're not the same.

I deliberately made that rap battle No Hold's Barred so you could fight with the handcuffs off like you claimed you wanted to.:

In the end, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.


I never said you weren't nice to me on PM we were cool but outside of PM you were an asshole. Always passive aggressive. What I'm referring to when I said "playing the nice guy" meant me ignoring your disrespect instead of going off on you and still being cool and chill, because had I gone off on you then the mods will be on my ass and I'll be the bad guy, it's happened in the past. So no, it wasn't me being fake because that's the last thing I am. I've ignored and ignored and you still lowkey be rude and the one time I respond and say bitch, that's the straw that broke the camel's back for you huh, hilarious. I called you a bitch for a reason, you were disrespectful. You block me ima block you right back. The act is reciprocated. I'll be damned if a motherfucker blocks me and they can still have access to me on this site, (@ me, msg me, etc). You wanna block well my block button works too.

It wasn't my intent to ignore you on PM, my bad if you took it that way. For one I'm busy and two this isn't the only site I use. Not saying that you're only on this site. Maybe if you wouldn't spam so much being kinda annoying and begging for votes I would've replied more.

"verbally abuse you" on discord? Nice gaslighting. Why are you playing victim? I kinda intended for us to talk it out on discord, which I even told Lancelot in private but I don't think it's worth it. Too far gone and this is gotten pretty messy.

But I was never fake with you I always thought you were cool and on my end I liked you but on your end it always felt like you never liked me, it's always nice-nasty. Literally all my raps I spit, you downplay them, pick it apart, say it's trash, say me and my opponent are tied knowing good and well it wasn't (Very first rap battle I had on here against Sparrow (FishChaser) it's always some weird shit with you. Me? Insecure over you? Oh please lol. Likewise, you can go fuck off. You know what my problem was with you.

In our rap battle you basically did say t expicitly but the key is how and what is said.

If I tell you regularly that you are pathetic and encourage others to laugh at you again and again and rig things so you lose and gaslight you to feel bad, I can over time with seemingly medium insults, hit your ego again and again.

If I make it clear you are a loser, a waste of space, nobody likes you here, etc, repeatedly and then brand you as the exact bully I am just to gaslight further if you point out what I am, I can really make your experience of a website so hellish that you truly feel shit on both anxiety and depression levels.

Of course, you are (ethically) fortunate with me as your chosen victim has high enough self-therapising methods and internal EQ (meaning emotional intelligence of self, regardless of external EQ) that he merely withdrew or handled you like a professional ending with you warned and him just fine. However, the exact thing you suggest I did with slainte is what you actually really did do to me from barely 2 months into your time here onwards, as I left, you began to pick on others so I, yes me alone, pushed the mods to the change in enforcement that Wylted took credit for.

I spoke to whiteflame every couple weeks about the site rules andnprblems with how he handles harassment (he didn't punish if the harassed begins to hurl mud back).

There is only one of the 2 of us that genuinely cares about mental wellbeing of others here and I guarantee you, it is not you. You say I mentally scarred Slainte and bullied him off here yet cannot explain where or how.

1. I never told you to kill yourself.

2. I only have one discord server that has to do with DART and it died out weeks ago.

I can screenshot all the dms/messages and send them to you if you'd like. One conclusion can be drawn.: Outside of this site, you are invisible to me because I've never brought up your name first. The amount of times I've ever even typed your name is minimal, compared to the times you've spoken about me on discord.

Devon would agree with this. I also have zero intention of escalating a site-dispute to discord.
I'd be happy to add you to the server and give you permission to see audit logs.
Nobody will gang up or dogpile you, I promise.
Or you may unblock me and I can show you the messages myself.
Devon did suggest that we settle our problems over discord, but I didn't personally care enough to believe it was even worth it.

Also, I have quite a few examples where I fought with BrotherD.Thomas. In-fact, the first time I ever encountered him was me defending someone else from his abuse. But BrotherD. and Wylted's attacks seem to be more of a character thing whereas I can't help but assume personal intent on your part, every-time you attack somebody.

Also, all those names I called you. You sincerely act like you haven't called people worse. Not to mention, you were the one who challenged me to a rap battle which was declared nothing was off-limits, so if anything, you encouraged me to make those attacks.

But let's be clear, I don't allege complete innocence either. However, I have given you plenty of opportunities to declare our rivalry over. And every-time, you go silent and escalate in some other way. Quite recently, I demanded you make up your mind about what it is you want.: A truce or to perpetuate some pointless site bullshit.

And just like you will ignore me now, you went silent then too.:

One day when your entire agenda here isn't to ruin it for others, you'll come out of it a better person that maybe can genuiney enjoy the site.

Right now you're a troll, all you do is troll people. Your profile pics through to the way you arrange Discord servers to bitch about people through to arranging votebombs in your favour from your 'pals' like here or against me from noobs you aren't afraid to use as pawns that get banned from voting for it.

What you're doing with devon here is no different to schoolgirl gossip-ass shitty games where the person is unsure how bad what they say behind their back it and they use that lack of information to further the turmoil.

It won't work on me. I don't give a shit what you and Devond and whoever else bitch and moan about me behind my back. I can not only 'play those games' but I really don't give a shit. It's not my problem if you are insecure about me being the way I am.

Simping for wylted saying I attacked him there so nastily is actually hilarious to me since you could have shown far harsher than that comedic post. If Wylted is claiming to be a victim of harassment, let him say it himself. All I said is I wish Wylted was back to his old, skilled self. I missed it.

It was also intentionally written melodramatically to be entertaining as fuck. You were even entertained by it. It's unhealthy to obsess over me so much.

Everyone is entitled to regret voting for me in the election, I was surprised nobody worthy ran for it other than me.


That's an attack? Seriously? That's something you would punish for as a mod? Yet you ridiculing people, @ing trolls like brother thomas etc to abuse and berate others intentionally sitting back and eating popcorn as you watch what unfolds isn't?

You think Wylted feels so 'attacked' by that? Give me a fucking break! Wylted has seriously attacked entire races, even specifically winding speedrace up one time ridiculing him for being black very intentionally during a mafia game, on another account of Wylted's. I can't be bothered to prove anything.

I am finding this all very hilarious so any entertaining post is ruled out but calling me an autistic incel loser who should kill himself for entertainment is acceptable and making entire discord servers you invite people to, in order to 'plot against me' and shit like that is not a problem?

I didn't vote against you because I thought you were a pathetic loser, RM.

I voted against you because your attacks on me and other users was becoming very clear to me.

If you're referring to the person I think you're speaking of. He also told me that he regretted voting for you in the Election.

Everyone I've ever attacked had it coming one way or another. You are nobody special.

Here's one of your many attacks for instance.:

If you've been playing a nice guy and been fake to me, that says infinitely more about you than about me.

I am not the fake one here, Devon. Try not to make your case by flexing how fake you were.

I can screenshot me talking a bit to another user or 2 about Lancelot's abuse of me being part of the reason I left but that's private and some shit stays private. I am letting you know that he has been harassing me for a long while. It began around the election, that's why he lied to people when he @d them, publicly even and privately relishing in how much it would wind me up.

He wasn't happy Wylted won but that me, a guy he saw as a pathetic loser, had lost. That's all this is about to him. He is an abusive, toxic personality that even gets off on making others he charms think someone is evil, rather than stick to just the pure abuse strategy he will abuse by as you say 'mirroring' which you mean is projecting or something.

Whether you agree with me or not is your issue, Devon. Whether you only want 1 side of a story is your issue and whether you want to verbally abuse me on Discord is also your issue.

I don't know what your problem is with me and I really couldn't care less. I am me, if you don't like it then fuck off. I am sure you feel the same with me.

You have heard many things.

I was nothing but nice to you on PM and one time I merely stand up to you outside of PM and you call me a bitch.

That's all that happened between us, if you didn't care that I blocked you, you wouldn't have blocked me. It was you who kept ignoring me on PM and never let us get close. There are many here who know I am anything but full of shit, that group includes at least 1 of the mods since they are acting on what I am reporting.

@RM I hope you know that idgaf that you blocked me. I could've said worse things to you but it's funny how what I said triggered you that much that you had to block me. Shows you can't handle me. I've been playing nice guy and been taking your shit but I'm done now

Since you've blocked me I continued and tried to ignore but birds will be birds and I couldn't help myself. Also nice playing victim trying to mirror yourself after Slainte by claiming Lancelot is supposedly the reason why you left the site. This will be a very short and brief back and forth, it's best we not continue for too long because the longer we go, the worse I get and I don't want to hurt your feelings. Plus I don't want the mods getting on me. Everyone on here knows you're full of shit

We can take it this to discord where I can really set you straight but I heard you like to dox people so it's not worth it

Slainte's profile said he's from Malta, I will wait for Slainte to speak for himself.

I am bringing negativity Devon? Are you serious right now? Not Lancelot?

If Slainte left because of me, he needs to speak for himself on the matter. If I left due to Lancelot, which in part I actually did and just didn't mention it, as he makes this place a toxic negative cesspool that isn't nice to be around, people wouldn't care and didn't.

Nobody is obligated to care why someone leaves this place, in a way it is freeing as all of us are free to leave without explanation.

Has Slainte ever said I bullied him?


It's a shame that Slainte left the site honestly.

RM kept harassing and bullying him, so he no longer wanted to stay.

Please leave my homies alone and stop being toxic.
Slainte already left the site due to the negativity that you bring here yet his name is still in your mouth.
I know you're probably gonna run and cry and tell the mods on me like you did last time. You're clearly allowed to argue and be toxic on here well I'm gonna say something about it. Have a good day.

That R2 bottom part from: "it's time to get serious see" and everything under is not rapping, like at all. No disrespect to FishChaser just speaking facts. That's talking about mutilation, penises, blood, all types of disgusting shit, there is no rhymes or structure at all. People who call that rap are clearly trolls


Did you @ me?
You gotta ignore the birds. People who actually know rap aren't gonna praise people who clearly CAN'T rap, or rhyme and says random bs. People who know rap aren't gonna discredit people like me who can actually rap on this site. 🤣

Slainte has been a committed rap fan for over 20 years.

He has been a part of Hip Hop circles when he still lived in America and he even met his idol Tupac once.

Well when you get better at rap.
Perhaps, you'll meet a few rap fans.

I am embarrassed in a way. Would never show this stuff or site to a genuine rap fan group, shit's a shit show. Slainte even suggesting you outclassed me in rhymes and flow would be enough for any genuine rap fans to smirk and shake their heads.

Fishchaser can actually write a good rap. Rest of this site is a joke in that department, barring me.

You mean because ofvotebombs or what?

I'd be too embarrassed to type if I had your experience and nearly lost to someone like me.

Mismatch of the decade. Ref stop it please...

whoever taught lancelot to rhyme let alone rap is a terrible teacher.

Good luck guys 💪🏾


Put the specific accent in the description


It's a rap battle that prioritizes rhyming


description please, what am i supposed to do