Instigator / Pro

Christianity is obviously fictitious.


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After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
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Contender / Con

No information

Round 1
Relevant definitions:

Christianity- the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices.

Fictitious - not real or true, being imaginary or having been fabricated.

Radiometric dating - a method of dating geological or archeological specimens by determining the relative proportions of particular radioactive isotopes present in a sample.

1. Inaccurate View of the Universe's Age
One of the most significant arguments against Christianity's authenticity is its assertion that the universe is approximately 6000 years old. This belief is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, particularly the genealogies found in the book of Genesis. However, modern scientific evidence overwhelmingly contradicts this claim. Radiometric dating has shown that the Earth is over 4.5 billion years old. Furthermore, we also know that celestial objects we observe in the night sky are much older than 6000 years. The light from distant stars and galaxies takes billions of years to reach Earth due to the finite speed of light. Observing objects millions or billions of light-years away implies that the universe is far older than the timeline suggested by Christianity.

2. The Great Flood 
The great flood is a story from the bible that heavily contradicts with the findings of modern science. 
"The one thing we know for sure from geology is that a global flood never happened"
- David Montgomery, professor of geomorphology at the University of Washington in Seattle
"If the "heavens" opened and all of the water in the atmosphere came down at once as rain, the planet would be submerged — but only to a depth of about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters), according to the U.S. Geological Survey.)" 
"most species wouldn't survive being reduced to just two animals as they wouldn't have enough genetic diversity to create a viable population." 
"According to historical documents, Noah's flood is a retelling of older stories, and it's likely allegorical rather than a literal recounting of an event. Ira Spar, professor of ancient studies at Ramapo College of New Jersey, told Live Science that the biblical stories in the Old Testament, which were written down between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C., likely came from older oral traditions and multiple sources."

I hope this has established the flaws in the Bible, if so I can continue in round 2 to elaborate on the reasons and motivation behind the writing of the bible and the spread of Christianity. 

You say Christianity is obviously fictitious basing that statement on the bible.

Now Christianity according to what you have stated is based on the teaches of Jesus of Nazareth.

Now not one thing as far as I can see you've stated about a teaching of Jesus.

So what about Christianity (the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth) is false and how do you know?
Round 2
"Now not one thing as far as I can see you've stated about a teaching of Jesus."

Where do you think the teachings of Jesus were documented? The bible. So if the bible is fictitious, the teachings of Jesus are as well. 

"Where do you think the teachings of Jesus were documented? The bible. So if the bible is fictitious, the teachings of Jesus are as well. "

The teachings of Jesus the Son of God born of a woman are not from Genesis to Revelation.

What you provided has nothing to do with what Jesus taught. I'm just going by the definition you provided. Do you wish to amend it? I'll allow it.

I'm waiting on that. Maybe the topic title should of been the Bible is fictitious. Which nobody has been able to prove. They've proved their lack of understanding.

So let me know what you want to do. It's all good.
Round 3
Yea forfeit, take your time . You need more time, take it. Look for what Jesus taught or a teaching of Jesus that isn't consistent that would make the teachings fictional.

So far nothing has been given but yet the claim is out there that it's "obvious" that the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth born of a woman is fiction.

How do you know?

So far I'm getting points about the Bible, subjects outside of Jesus of Nazareth.

If you're looking to just debate purported biblical contradictions in general, you can leave the whole Christianity concept out. Don't conflate or mix up the two.
Round 4
Yea forfeit, take your time . You need more time, take it. Look for what Jesus taught or a teaching of Jesus that isn't consistent that would make the teachings fictional.

You may be more prepared next time around.

Round 5
Guess that's the best they got. Not much of anything.

Debate is over, it's done, turn it over , stick a fork in it.