Mind is a sensory receptor in humans
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 2 votes and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Two weeks
- Max argument characters
- 2,000
- Voting period
- Six months
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
I will try to prove that mind is a sensory receptor in humans.
I'm new to debating and to this platform, point out any possible improvement.
I appreciate your time and effort.
Round 1
P1: A dream is "a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind" (S1).
C1: Without a mind emotions don't pass through the mind.
P3: Dreams are a change in internal environment (S2).
P4: Humans react to dreams by telling them to others (S3).
C2: Dreams are a change in internal environment and humans react to them
P5: Without a mind emotions don't pass through the mind (C1).
P6: Dreams are a change in internal environment and humans react to them (C2).
C3: Mind is a mean by which humans react to changes in internal environment.
P7: Sensory receptor is a "means by which humans react to changes in external and internal environments." (S4).
P5: Mind is a mean by which humans react to changes in internal environment (C3).
C2: Mind is a sensory receptor.
Not for the sake of the argument.
I couldn't find much better sources since many arguments are from common experience.
Sensory receptor - A sensory receptor is a structure that reacts to a physical stimulus in the environment, whether internal or external. (https://explorable.com/sensory-receptorws)
1. It cannot be because of definition
P1: If something is a sensory receptor, it is a single cell.
By law of contrapositive:
C1: If something is not a single cell, it is not a sensory receptor.
P2: If something is a neuron, it is a single cell (https://www.healthline.com/health/neurons)
C2: If something is not a single cell, it is not a neuron
P3: If something is multicellular, it is not unicellular (due to common sense)
P4: Brain is multicellular (https://www.healthline.com/health/number-of-cells-in-body)
From this:
C3: Brain is not a singular cell.
C4: Brain is not a neuron
Since something must be a single cell and/or a neuron (which the brain is not) to be a sensory receptor, the brain cannot be a structural receptor.
Brain cannot feel pain
The brain cannot feel pain as it has no sensory receptors within itself (https://www.brainline.org/author/brian-greenwald/qa/can-brain-itself-feel-pain).
However, instead of relying on a source, I will physically prove this further.
To feel pain, a sensory receptor is required, called a Nociceptor. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nociceptor)
Simply put:
P5: If something is a Nociceptor, it can feel pain ⇒ from above link and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK375/
By law of contrapositive on P5:
P6: If something cannot feel pain, then it is not a Nociceptor
P7: Brain cannot feel pain
C5: Brain is not a Nociceptor (a type of sensory receptor)
I have rebuttal, will post next round due to characters.
It mostly revolves around Pro using a source talking about sensory reception (which the brain is involved in) and referring the brain as a sensory receptor (which is it not) based on the source about sensory reception (his P7/S4)
Round 2
First of all I like to thank my contender for their arguments.
Also that my contender's arguments are so great that I lost myself.
P6: I made a great mistake as con points out of mixing up sensory receptor and sensory reception. Which does not have the same meaning (S5).
C3: So I will not counter con's definitions, argument number 1 and refutation. So con can spare the refutation.
P7: I made a mistake regarding my topic title and arguments, which should have been something like mind is a sensory reception (C3).
C4: I would like to ask con whether to change my definitions and arguments, and continue or end this debate in favor of having a future debate.
However, I still could argue against "Brain cannot feel pain".
P8: The source only mentions pain receptors (S6).
P9: There are other receptors such as photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors (S4).
P10: Con argue only regarding pain reception (S7).
C5: There is a possibility of having other receptors in the brain.
P11: I will wait for con's argument (C4).
P12: I hope I countered con's argument (C5).
C6: This has been an interesting debate. I will wait for con's argument.
I hope I have successfully argued all your counter arguments.
I thank my contender's time and effort. And looking forward to the next argument.
S5: "Definitions ... receptorws)", "1. It cannot … a structural receptor.", "Refutations: … P7/S4)"
S7: "Brain cannot feel … of sensory receptor)"
Round 3
First of all I like to thank my contender for their arguments. And give thanks to the readers.
P13: I take con's forfeiture as an intention of ending this debate. I have lost this debate due to the mistake I've made regarding my definition of sensory receptor and sensory reception. I've learned my lesson and will end this debate in that regard ("FORFEITED", C4, C6).
C7: I shall end this debate. I thank con for supporting me to disregard false beliefs in order to attain true ones. Thanks.
I thank my contender's time and effort. And give thanks to all readers.
I'll accept Pro's concession.
Vote con!
Round 4
First of all I like to thank my contender for their arguments. And give thanks to the readers.
P14: Since I conceded due to con's forfeiture. And if con doesn't forfeit I won't concess either ("I'll accept Pro's concession.").
So here are my renewed arguments,
P1: Same.
C1: Same.
P3: Same.
P4: Same.
C2: Same.
P15: Without a mind emotions don't pass through the mind (C1).
P6: Same.
C3: Same.
P16: Sensory receiver is a "means by which humans react to changes in external and internal environments." (S4).
P17: Mind is a means by which humans react to changes in the internal environment (C3).
C8: Mind is a sensory receiver. (This should be the title.)
C9: I hope I have successfully counter argued all your counter arguments.
Not for the sake of argument
Since con asked, please vote for con ("Vote con!").
I thank my contender's time and effort. And looking forward to the next argument.
Round 5
First of all I like to thank my contender for their arguments. And give thanks to the readers.
This being the final round I shall remake my closing statements.
Summary of the debate.
#1 Argument: I make my claims.
#2 Argument: Con successfully falsify my P7.
#3 Argument: I accept con's argument and since it was a slight mistake of confusing the word "receptor" and "reception", I ask to change definitions and continue the debate.
#4 Argument: Con forfeit.
#5 Argument: I take con's forfeiture as con's intention of ending the debate and make my closing statement.
#6 Argument: Con make a closing statement.
#7 Argument: Pointed out that I ended this debate due to Con's forfeiture but Con instead claimed I concessed. But I did so due to Con's forfeiture.
In #3 Argument I display there's only a slight mistake. Since in a debate there can be mistakes since we're humans, should such slight mistakes consider complete defeat of the argument? If so, many arguments we make can immediately be defeated.
#8 Argument: Con forfeit.
#9 Argument: I remake my closing statement.
P13: Same.
C7: Same.
This has been a great debate. As C7 I thank Con for teaching me a lot.
I thank my contender's time and effort. And give thanks to all readers.
Okay, multi-accounter.
this has actually been proven by scientific data