Instigator / Pro

The God Of The KJV Bible Intended For Humans To Sin


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 5 votes and with 18 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con


Per DebateArt policy on moderation, rules and definitions are not binding on voters or debaters UNLESS both debaters request to the voters that the rules be followed and that the definitions be used when voting on the debate.

Well, this is my formal request to voters to follow the rules and to use the definitions below when voting.

1. So, to anyone wishing to accept this debate, please copy and paste the following phrase below, somewhere in your 1st round.

---Copy and Paste in First Round---

*I request that voters follow the rules and definitions of this debate.*


2. Failure to paste this phrase in the first round will result in the debate being reset by moderation, with no impact on either debater's rating or record; a true no contest.

3. Voters cannot be dishonest about what happened in the debate.

Dishonest votes include:

a. Voters claiming an argument was made by a debater that was never made and then using this fabricated or exaggerated argument to vote that debater up or down.

b. Voters claiming a source that was provided by a debater states/shows something it does not state/show and then using this imaginary/exaggerated content to vote the debater up or down.

c. Voters claiming a source that was used by a debater for a particular purpose that was not the purpose the debater stated it was being used for or voters exaggerating/self-generating the purpose/intent of the debater in order to vote the debater up or down.

d. Voters ignoring arguments made by a debater to claim the arguments were never made then voting that debater up or down based on the claimed lack of arguments.

e. Voters ignoring sources provided by a debater in order to claim the debater didn't provide them, or to claim that the sources were not supporting an argument not used by the debater to support, or to claim that the purpose for using the source was something not stated by the debater to be or to claim that the purpose for using the source was one that was fabricated by the voter to be then using any or all of these fabrications to vote the debater up or down.

f. Voters claiming a lack of clarity where it is not obviously apparent and where the voter does not specifically explain why it's not very clear or voters exaggerating a lack of clarity without referencing content within the debate in order to vote the debater up or down.

g. Voters using ANYTHING not within the debate in order to vote a debater up or down.

4. Both debaters agree, by accepting the debate, that any votes that a) fail to address the majority of resolution-impacting points made by both debaters, b) are dishonest (see above) or lies about debater performance, or c) are vendetta votes/overtly biased will be requested, publicly, by both debaters to be removed by the mods.

5. Death23, Rational Madman, Raltar, any of their related accounts, and anyone currently restrained by moderation to interact with me may not vote on or participate in this debate.

*Full Resolution*
The god of the King James Version of the bible intended for humans to sin.


god - the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

King James Version (KJV) - an English translation of the Bible made in 1611 at the order of King James I and still widely used.

bible - the Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.

intend - have (a course of action) as one's purpose or intention; plan.

human - a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.

sin (v.) - commit an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

evil - profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.

May the better debater win!


"Plz don't have this reset. I posted my argument with less than 20 seconds left on the clock." That is cool.


Thank you.


Nice work on getting it in on time...applause.


Yeah, but please get it in know voters


Plz don't have this reset. I posted my argument with less than 20 seconds left on the clock.



I forgot the copy and paste" I request that voters follow the rules and definitions of this debate."

Can I please do it in the second without resetting this debate?

Oh the trick was the word evil and that it was KJV. Virt got it right need to broaden your expectations...getting old

That being said, it's still true that God actively intended it as you implied already.

wow look, you did precisely what I thought you would. xD

You removed the active element of intention meaning that all accidents become intended outcomes by default by God.

Virt already figured it out

You'll see that's wrong.

It definitely is. You have defined it as something much more passive than it usually is.

It's not the intend.

I will not try again. The definition of 'intend' is the key to how you'll make this axiomatic and a tautology. That doesn't mean I don't also support the genuine meaning of this resolution.

Try again.

The semantic abuse is likely regarding the word 'intend' but even without that, it's still true.

Wait, you're not going to tell people to stay away from my debates?
There's gotta be some trick though, right?
Come on RM, you can figure it out.

As a Pagan I fully believe that this is true, especially OT God.