Instigator / Pro

Humans are born to destroy


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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
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Two weeks
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This debate is about if human's purpose is to destroy others and other things.

Round 1
The argument is simple.

Enjoying victory is not fun unless its a total destruction of the other side.

Close to a tie doesnt work for anyone anywhere because real men, they dont just win. They destroy. They make others cry. They ruin all their hopes in victory.
"This debate is about if human's purpose is to destroy others and other things."

What is the purpose of a human?

Let's examine what a human is. A human is a organic mobile living creature. Everything, part, iota of a human that is alive is moving, growing, building, rebuilding, constructing and reconstructing.

So the fundamental reality of a human person is to live which can only be done by building, not destroying. 

Like the function of a computer, machine or robot, these all have functions. We function as human beings. Like the function of computers and robots that get corrupted, infected and redirected in their program, likewise people get corrupted with an influence, brainwashing, manipulation, deception, trickery or misguided with the wrong elements.

These elements can be anything to company association, training, molding with bad habits or examples to follow. All akin to viruses. Being taught to live by the sword, taught the code of the streets to graduate to career criminal instead of what is constructive. 

The purposes in being human is life. Some where along the way we're fed antihuman concepts that would hijack our proper functioning or functionality.

Round 2
No, the purpose is to destroy like I destroy your arguments.

You cannot win this debate without destroying something, so the conclusion is that you cannot win at all.
"No, the purpose is to destroy like I destroy your arguments."

Maybe your purpose is to destroy. But the purpose in being human is to live. You can't live and be destroyed at the same time. They're opposite. To so destroy arguments so called ,you actually have to attack every point and counter it with an offense.

Human beings have everything within them that suggest they are to live. The only exception to destroy something is so nothing else including themselves will be destroyed. However it's about cause and effect. If we never do anything they we shouldn't, we wouldn't have to destroy anything. We can continue to build.

"You cannot win this debate without destroying something, so the conclusion is that you cannot win at all."

I win according to whom learns or takes away from my points of edification,not by so called destroying arguments or points. I refute and demonstrate invalid points.

Now this is where I project we'll disagree and most likely will not go anywhere further but in a circle. You don't destroy anything by going in a circle either. 

If you receive treatment for a cancer and appears to have disintegrated but then returns , disintegrates and returns, disintegrates and returns, you're health situation is going in a circle. You haven't destroyed anything.

So because I like progress in learning and challenging, I challenge you to come up with an example that shows within humans, it is innate that we function to live to destroy and or destroy ourselves.

Round 3
Maybe your purpose is to destroy
Well, I am glad you conceded that human purpose is to destroy.

Humans cant even live without destroying, since all food comes from killing something, be it insect, plants, or animals.

I thank you for attending the debate. I hope we all learned something.
"Well, I am glad you conceded that human purpose is to destroy."

Let me repeat what I said. You misconstrued it.

I said "Maybe your purpose is to destroy".

I didn't say the human purpose is to destroy.

Keyword "your purpose" and it's not inherent by the way. That is what you have yet to prove.

"Humans cant even live without destroying, since all food comes from killing something, be it insect, plants, or animals."

Insect and animals are not required to live on. I understand we harvest plants and crops. Fruits and nuts fall from the trees upon maturity and ripeness. If crops aren't harvested in proper timing, it's the opposite effect which is destroying or terminating reproduction. 

Good points you're bringing up. They ain't half bad.

"I thank you for attending the debate. I hope we all learned something."

Too bad you didn't setup more rounds. We could of had more points going.

You  ain't half bad when you're trying.