Instigator / Pro

Christians can be morally good people


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I take position that not all Christians are bad.

Round 1
Okay, so I had an online conversation with a person who says its Christian. It seemed like a really nice person, so I think it is morally good person too, although I am not sure.
This is funny referring to a person as "it" granted their gender being known.

You think something is nice so therefore also good. Does the two always go together?

If not , why in this case?

A genuine Christian biblically evens believe they're not good. 

Please ask me why next round.
Round 2
You think something is nice so therefore also good. Does the two always go together?
Yes. Nice is good. Nice is always good. We should try being nice.

A genuine Christian biblically evens believe they're not good.
Well, I dont care what the Bible says. Bible is not always right. This debate has nothing to do with the Bible.
"Yes. Nice is good. Nice is always good. We should try being nice."

What if this person tells you they're not good, are we now to take it that this is your opinion of them as being good ?

Knowing that your opinion is not more valid or superceding to them unless you can prove otherwise, you haven't really proven that they were or are good.

"Well, I dont care what the Bible says. Bible is not always right. This debate has nothing to do with the Bible."

Well it actually does relate. The word "Christian" is in the bible and the basis for it is in the Bible. So to say a foundation of something is irrelevant to it is paradoxical.

Do you believe Christian means to be a follower of Christ Jesus?
Round 3
What if this person tells you they're not good, are we now to take it that this is your opinion of them as being good ?
Well, maybe the person is just shy.

Well it actually does relate. The word "Christian" is in the bible and the basis for it is in the Bible. So to say a foundation of something is irrelevant to it is paradoxical.
It actually doesnt relate, since Bible doesnt determine what is morally good. It merely determines who are Christians. Whats morally good is determined by common sense. Morally good can be being nice.

Do you believe Christian means to be a follower of Christ Jesus?
Of course.
"Well, maybe the person is just shy."

I want to try to open up my point here with critical thinking. The person tells you they're not a good Christian because they're actually not good regardless how they act towards you let's say. You said yourself you're not sure so it's not fact that they are good nor have you said they said that they were hence you not being sure .They've done things in the past and still continue to do things that they say make them not a good Christian.

This is why your opinion would not be more valid or really valid at all in light of the truth. The other part to this is that they take no glory or credit of themselves to do good or make good. Their "goodness" or "righteousness " is as filthy rags.

"It actually doesnt relate, since Bible doesnt determine what is morally good. It merely determines who are Christians. Whats morally good is determined by common sense. Morally good can be being nice."

Let's not get our wires crossed. The subject is on christians. What is morally good and what is a Christian do not have to relate nor truly does in some eyes at least. What makes what is morally good and what make someone a Christian or Christ like can  be distinguished. 

You've already done it. You've already distinguished it by saying what is morally good is determined by common sense. What being a Christian is or Christ like is determined by Christ . Following the doctrines and teachings of Christ are biblical. So don't get this mixed up .

You communicate what is morally good is common sense. Well common sense of who?

The scriptures does say there is a way that seems right unto man?

Man's wisdom, man's common sense right. But we're talking about Christians. Followers of Christ whom was a man but not just any man. But a man taught to be in the bosom of God the Father, who has seen the Father, knows the Father. Who has also said there's NONE GOOD but one. Christ Jesus said that himself.

To keep saying the bible or the scriptures don't relate when they're supposed to be the inspiration from the one who is also the Father of the one that is followed by them that are called Christians doesn't make sense. When you say this, it appears you're not using common sense at all. Just an observation. You have a right to what you believe.

"Do you believe Christian means to be a follower of Christ Jesus?
Of course."

So Christ is the example and he himself said why call me good?

Study to show yourself approved my friend and learned of what you're talking about.

This case is closed. Good debate and topic. Short and sweet.