Instigator / Con

Abolishing statutory rape laws.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Pro

Disclaimer : Regardless of the setup for voting win or lose, The aim of this interaction, Is for those that view it, Learn and or take away anything that will amount to any constructive value ultimately. So that counts as anything that'll cause one to reconsider an idea, Understand a subject better, Help build a greater wealth of knowledge getting closer to truth. When either of us has accomplished that with any individual here, That's who the victor of the debate becomes.

A minimum of five arguments from the affirming side that would reason for any government to abolish said laws.

Questions on the topic, send a message.

Round 1
Thank you.

Just to get your thoughts before getting into the main topic, why do you think individuals that don't establish strict parameters of a topic in the beginning complain about how the ones they're debating are not adherent to arguing in parameters they clearly never set?

Not to tangent too much but are they that hit with that much dread of being refuted that they use a trumped up excuse later to run and evade their own challenge?

What's going on here?
Pick your opinions please.

1. Children can consent
2. Children cant consent

1. Lack of consent means that activity is wrong
2. Lack of consent doesnt mean that activity is wrong

1. Every activity done without consent of a child to that child is wrong
2. It is false that every activity done without consent of a child to that child is wrong

Whichever opinion path you select, it follows that consent laws are wrong because:
1. Children can consent
2. Consent is irrelevant to action being right or wrong
Round 2
Round 3
Apparently the opposing side's silence is indicative of them being in the party I was speaking of.

I digress.

It's almost like broken english what was presented.

Are you trying to communicate that statutory rape laws are to be abolished because minors can consent to sexual activity to adults with adults as adults do?

Well, two rounds of no arguments.
Round 4
Oh the argumentive juices are flowing in the comment section. That's very good.

I want to say this to those in the comments and others who may have forgotten.

When you debate anyone, you still have o understand what they're saying in order to combat the correct thing. It does no good to have a prepared line of argumentation that applies to nothing the opposing side is arguing about.

I digress, moving on.

"Well, two rounds of no arguments."

Hello , can you hear me?

Are you trying to communicate that statutory rape laws are to be abolished because minors can consent to sexual activity to adults with adults as adults do?

"Well, two rounds of no arguments."
Hello , can you hear me?
Are you trying to communicate that statutory rape laws are to be abolished because minors can consent to sexual activity to adults with adults as adults do?
Questions arent arguments.

I am saying that consent laws are wrong because children can consent.

But even if children couldnt consent, the lack of consent alone doesnt make action wrong, as many things are done to children legally without children's consent.
Round 5
Anyone else that is interested in this topic and can be clear , concise and present a thorough outlined argumentation, just send me a message.

It's funny how I mentioned about people that run and evade and the opposing side particularly did the same up until this point. They still didn't answer yes or no to my question.

"I am saying that consent laws are wrong because children can consent."

Is this a yes to my question?

So because we're at the end of this, this debate was pretty much squandered unjustifiably so. Sorry to the readers that this wasn't much of a debate.

My question was "Are you trying to communicate that statutory rape laws are to be abolished because minors can consent to sexual activity to adults with adults as adults do?"

I can only argue based on what I can understand. If you want no misrepresentation, no strawman, you will require the person arguing against you to understand your arguments first off.

The only way, ONLY WAY , you can do that is through questions and answers. My asking the questions and you actually be willing to answer and not evade. Stop running, stop trying to hide from possible refutations 

"Questions arent arguments."

I'm going to say this again.

I want to say this to those in the comments and others who may have forgotten.

When you debate anyone, you still have to understand what they're saying in order to combat the correct thing. It does no good to have a prepared line of argumentation that applies to nothing the opposing side is arguing about.

Responding with "questions aren't arguments" in this context is literally, deliberately ignoring the issue that is present with an individual has with you. It comes off disingenuous. Don't do that.

Don't evade in attempt to avoid refutation. Don't be disingenuous to deploy a red herring to stall refutation against your points.

Don't assume I will assume what you're are saying. I don't deliberately misrepresent. I don't attempt to argue against other arguments that don't exist.

Let's just get all this straight to you and others.

"I am saying that consent laws are wrong because children can consent."

Yes this still didn't answer the question. I asked "Are you trying to communicate that statutory rape laws are to be abolished because minors can consent to sexual activity to adults with adults as adults do?"

You responded with "I am saying that consent laws are wrong because children can consent."

"Consent laws" is pretty broad language. I asked specifically about "statutory rape laws". So what does statutory rape laws involve?

A law not permitting sexual activity between a minor and adult and or making it a crime otherwise.

This law is not strictly consent because it has nothing to do with certain situations that will involve consent like a minor and minor of appropriate age versus a minor and adult . So when you say "children can consent", that's not the debate or issue.

This is why I'm stressing a proper, adequate understanding of arguments. You're not even on point of what you're supposed to be arguing.

Do you see this readers? Pay attention, pay attention class .

"But even if children couldnt consent, the lack of consent alone doesnt make action wrong, as many things are done to children legally without children's consent."

Class dismissed................

No wait, let me respond, let us continue in the lesson.

The opposing side is not in the right debate. The matter is not on children consent. The topic is dealing with a specific subset of laws concerning the LEGAL consent between minors and adults. Not general consent .

The opposing side has not argued about the particular subset mentioned. Has not answered my question. 
Based on that alone, no argument is a forfeit. Then people want to talk about questioning and arguing against something where no argument exists to argue against.

Now do you see why questions and answers have a role?

Very important lesson I'm giving.

"the lack of consent alone doesnt make action wrong,"

In statutory rape cases the law changes from jurisdiction to another.

Depending on the age , one individual cannot legally consent regardless of the individual to his or herself grants consent, says they consented themselves.

So this"lack of consent " language is not exact or sufficient to explain a point relating to the topic. We're talking about legal consent.

"as many things are done to children legally without children's consent."

Many things are done to children like what? Notice how simplistic you're making this with consent being present with it not being present, with the ability to consent, non ability, what children can consent versus what they can't etc.

Not the topic. It's legal consent between a minor and adult (older person) in sexual activity. We're not talking about all things. 

You're arguments started off broken up and now when you attempt to clarify they're way off base and off center.

So nany things are done to children like what?

Things that are done "to" children as you say without their permission under the law would be for they welfare. So it's actually done "FOR" them.

Same way it works with the statutory rape law. It protects in the same way for the minor's welfare.

The law recognizes a minor is not an adult and adult has responsibilities and authorities over the autonomy of a minor. So the protection is there on what the minor can legally consent and what the adult can legally decide in relation to that minor.

No matter the way you see it, adults and minors are not equal. Not in intelligence, experience, in decision making, etc. This goes back to my parents over children arguments.

You can't make them equal legally. The adult must be the liable and responsible one particularly on account of a minor's ignorance, lack of wherewithal in education or education itself.

So because of this power dynamic, the law regulates the protection of an abuse of that power, advantage of that power due to this inequality between adults and minors and the responsible role the adult has to take on.

The minor cannot legally consent or agree to any sexual activity they don't understand or have no full knowledge of that the adult would including its ramifications.

The minor cannot legally consent or agree to any sexual activity lacking the wherewithal and responsibility legally to address, handle or deal with those ramifications .

So the problems you have in your position are the lack of arguments to show or prove that minors and adults are equal, that they both are granted legal responsibility and that if the minor would not have regret in their discretion.

The regret I mean is verifying that the adult who was that minor that made that sexual decision will not be regretted in adulthood due to a lack of an uninformed choice.

Now, class is dismissed.
Oh well