Instigator / Pro

In most cases, anyone who is 10 years old or older should be allowed to get a gender surgery


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Dont accept if you are not Mall.


I agree that it would be probably wrong to give 3 year old a gender surgery.
So I am not arguing that.
But studies indicate that transition is extremely consistent and great majority of children continue with transition to the desired level.
So 10 year old should be allowed to have gender surgery if its his choice, since that improves quality of life.


->Some trans people start transition at 3 years old. They wear clothes, hair and make up that suit their identity. They do activities which in the past would have been considered inappropriate, such as born boys acting in a feminine way.

But surely there is a difference between a 3 year old with XY chromosomes wearing long hair and make up and that same 3 year old chopping off their dick.

If an XY chromosome person wants to wear long hair, dresses, and makeup, I don't like it, but no politician I know of wants to ban that. The issue is if that 3 year old should be allowed to get their dick chopped off. It's a hard no from me.


Its not minimum age. I am merely arguing that 10 or older should be allowed. The debate doesnt include those under 10 being allowed or not allowed.

I am not going to pretend that I know perfect minimum age.

Some trans people start transition at 3 years old. They wear clothes, hair and make up that suit their identity. They do activities which in the past would have been considered inappropriate, such as born boys acting in a feminine way.

Its a new thing, but all studies support trans children being allowed to transition. The only real point of disagreement is surgery.


So then why is your minimum age 10 years old? Why not 7? Why not 5?


Most children continue with transition, according to studies.


Reversable hormones/puberty blockers are different than getting your dick cut off.


It was a study done on over 8000 transgenders.

Now, of course, the question is does same apply to 10 year olds if it applies to 16 year olds.

One could say it does, since most 10 year olds dont regret hormone therapy or puberty blockers.


Its probably mostly about those 16 or older, but I will try to find more in another round.


The following quote you cited was: "Very few people who have gender-affirming surgery regret their decision. Research tracking the outcomes following gender affirmation surgeries shows that among people who opt for gender-affirming surgery, only 1% regret having the procedure.""

2 questions about this quote:
1. Is this a lifetime statistic or a statistic of what % regret the surugry after X years?
2. Is this a statistic that doesn't consider age or a statistic that only considers those that got gender surguies when they were at least 18, 21, or similar?


Yes, but my argument is about reduction of pain in the world, not about what is reversible. Well, I posted a round. If you are interested, give it a read.


Driving a car is reversible. You can stop driving pretty much at will. Once you get your tits chopped off, there is no going back.


I think 10 year old driving a car increases pain, where 10 year old getting gender surgery reduces pain.


Don't you think it takes more maturity to be able to get a gender surgery than to be able to drive a car?


No. Thats why I didnt make that the topic.


Do you think it's OK for a typical 10 year old to drive a car?


See if this position works for you


More importantly, the specific age kinda matters. I really dont wanna argue that 3 year olds should get gender surgeries. Its not the position I want to bother to defend.

10 years old and above could be allowed to get gender surgeries. That position makes a bit more sense.


I am thinking if I should defend that children should be allowed get gender surgeries or not.


Why didn't you change the debate title yet?

I think you are going to be hard pressed to find someone that wants to ban adults from getting gender surgeries. It's like finding someone that wants to ban wearing shorts in the wintertime. Most people would be scared of it, but they respect the liberty of those to wear shorts in the wintertime if they want too.


Not sure if I can defend "any age" position, but if that is the topic you are willing to debate, so be it.

Anybody of any age should be allowed to have therapy regarding their specific gender issue.




I'd love to debate you on this topic but sadly I cannot due to it being a rated debate. Can you switch it?


It is done.


Have the debate title be, "Anyone at least the age of X should be allowed to get a gender surgery". X is any number you want.


Most people live past age 26.

Now, I cant exactly think of a more suitable topic. If we were just discussing age at which surgery should be allowed, it would be largely in my favor if I picked ages 18-22.


Lets say someone's position was that the minimum age to get a gender surgery if you want one is 26.

Do they want gender surgeries legal for adults in most cases or not?

If the age was 26, pretty much anyone that would have gotten their dick cut off at 18 will still do that at 26, so it's only a delay.

I think it's the normie position in the US that gender surgeries for adults should be legal in most cases.