Instigator / Con

Is the belief in God/Gods reasonable?


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 1 vote and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

The Burden of Proof would be on both participants.
The participant who agrees with the statement needs to present a hypothesis explaining why believing in God is reasonable or more probable than not.
The participant who disagrees with the statement needs to prove that the hypothesis does not meet the criteria of being reasonable .

The statement being a positive claim would require the one who’s making it to start the process of BOP.
If the participant’s hypothesis does include sound arguments, logically entailed conclusions and strong evidence the hypothesis would be considered reasonable.

I have no preference in the way the other participant will choose to formulate their answers (formal / informal).

- a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in something
- something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion
- conviction of the truth of some statement

“reasonable ”:
- having sound, sensible and rational judgment
- does not commit any logical fallacies
- of or according to the rules of logic

- In this discussion/debate I will be referring only to the deistic and theistic version of God/Gods when I mention the term, and not pantheistic or other.
- a supreme being with ultimate powers/abilities that created existence and reality itself intentionally
- a thinking agent who created everything purposely


Unnecessary, the argument of mine at last is no longer necessary to reply to or argue against, it's already been filled in and it's pretty much provided in explicit information.

Maybe should’ve set more time for the voting, is 1 week usually not enough? If nobody votes I guess it’s a tie

I’m not going to address the same things in the comments but just going to say that “don’t bring any new arguments” doesn’t mean don’t argue more and forfeit lol ( I think that’s obvious). All it means is don’t bring up any new topics because I won’t be able to address them, the debate is over. You can still argue about the same things you brought up and respond to everything I said it’s just that it wouldve been unfair if you had the last argument in the last round and you bring up something completely new (lets say first cause argument) that I wont be able to address. Like how would you want me to start a debate about something completely different than what we’ve talked about when I have no more turns.

The reason I created this debate with this amount of letters allowed is completely random. I created my profile couple days ago, I haven’t debated anyone before so I just looked through this website and through a couple random debates on the front page to see how exactly this works. That’s all.

I really don’t know what’s a good limit so let me know and I can put it in my next debate, thanks!
I think it’s a little unfair to blame me tho since you wasted a couple rounds posting “arguments” with one word answers and now you blame me that you can’t say all you want to say. Even if you don’t I mean you accepted the debate on your own and saw the limit beforehand, I don’t know whats the point in complaining about it now.

There are missing words in my argument by the way, the person who created the debate limited the number of letters hence I couldn't add those certain words that are also necessary in my argument.. so I'm going to clarify certain words that I couldn't clarify or the certain words that I couldn't clarify entirely:

For this part of my argument: "you're pointing out that all people with extrapolated reasoning abilities believe in God when that is entirely true. "
The correct sentence is "you're pointing out that all people with extrapolated reasoning abilities believe in God when that is NOT entirely true."

This "mistake" can of course be clarified by common sense, so it should be clear that there is a fault in it.

Note that, in my perspective, there is actually more to my arguments than it already looks, it's just that the number of letters do not support the quantity of information that I wanted to put in my arguments.

Why is the number of letters very limited?

Just to clarify something because I might've missed your point in Round 3 (and I'm still not sure this is what you're talking about) but I'm trying to argue that the belief itself is not reasonable not that there aren't reasonable people that hold that belief