Instigator / Pro

Communism is good


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After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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One week
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Two weeks
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Contender / Con

Communism definition:

"system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs."

Good definition:

"That which is better for society"

Upon accepting the debate, you accept these definitions and cannot use any other.


Research takes priority. We can debate later. I dont rush to have debate.


I may take you up on that if possible in a couple days. I want to first say I am sorry for the late reply. I am a PhD student in educational research and I had a big project due in my quantitative analysis 2 class. I did not want to say no, so I just waited until I finished the project before I would accept. One of my education classes has an assignment due on multicultural education, so let me finish that and I should be ready by tomorrow or Monday if you are up for it.


Well, antinatalism is a belief that its wrong to reproduce.

Military first policy is a policy which says that building the military is the greatest priority of society.

Now, if you are interested in debate, it seems that we can debate abortion.

I would like if topic was something like "Abortion is morally good" with me as Pro.

If you are not interested right now, we have at least established point of disagreement.


I think the only area we disagree is abortion due to me being religious and viewing it as a life. Typically though I understand why it happens and that the decision is difficult on the mother at the time. That and I feel like even though I lean to the right on this issue, many individuals who are pro life aren’t pro life for the whole life. Trans issues I agree (I was the only religious person in my family that believed it was not our right to say these people couldn’t get married and they deserved equal rights). Corporal punishment for children I agree. Mass child circumcision we agree. The other two I don’t know what they are to know enough about lol! I would rather be honest on that lol!


Are there any other topics you would like to debate?

Here is where I stand on different issues:

Abortion (pro)

Trans acceptance (pro)

Corporal punishment of children (Con)

Antinatalism (pro)

Songun military first policy (Pro)

Mass child circumcision (Con)


I understand.

I expected that someone who accepts this would defend Capitalism, and my opening argument mostly focuses on countering Capitalism.


We may have too many similarities to go with this debate now that I have read a little more into your definition/opening statement from your other debate (it’s my fault for half reading while at a family member’s house.) I fit more in the socialist camp, so our biggest dispute would be on property, is this system possible, and is there too much government control in this system. So I guess I will bow out and let someone else take the reins lol!


One could argue that historically any society that adopted communism immidiately becomes a target of the US, which renders it worse for society on average even if it had some hypothetical benefits taken in a vacuum.


If you feel like accepting, let me know which rules to change and which to keep.

Maximum time for argument in rated is one week.

If thats not suitable, we can do standard which has response time 2 weeks.

I am fine with any of those.

As for number of rounds, I think 3 or 4 is good, but let me know what you think.


Ok! I found it and will read it. From what I can see so far I may be willing to debate this unless someone snags it from me first. Based on what I am reading so far, I think that we have some differences along with some similarities which may make it worth while. I asked the weird question on the outset because I didn’t want to misrepresent anything if I accept.


"are you defending communism like how China is"

I defend the democratic management of ownership and workplace, along with needs being satisfied and everyone contributing according to ability.

I already have one debate about Communism, and you can see my first round there which will be same as first round here.


This debate is interesting and I may accept if I have time to ponder it. I am an independent, so I have a lot of liberal ideologies along with some conservative. I may accept this because we debated before and I enjoyed our conversation. If I do we may have some things we agree on a decent amount because I have some liberal ways of thinking. My question while I ponder is are you defending communism like how China is, or is there some differences. I am asking because if we do debate I don’t want to strawman positions by accident.


Well, what exactly do you suggest that I debate?

You can present Capitalism as an alternative to this system.

You can say that this system is unachivable.

Its true that I left very little room for my opponent to argue, as by definition this system is good for society and better for society than Capitalism,

and it would be very difficult to argue that its unachivable, given how many countries in the world have achieved "to each according to his need" to a great extent.

So yes, anyone accepting this debate would likely have trouble.

But what else am I supposed to debate?

Do you want to switch sides, so you defend this topic and I defend capitalism as an alternative?

Here I your definition

"each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs."

So apparently you don't actually want to debate this. You don't even want to debate communist policies only the goals of communists which is something even anti communists would agree with. You could atheist debate the phrase "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"





Communism is so bad that, is not worth the debate.

Anyone interested in accepting the debate?


"Does human greed exist in this society?"


"What is the societal culture like?"

Culture? Each society has its own customs.

I dont see why would Communist societies be limited to just one culture.

"Who will enforce people to contribute, because of obvious backlash."

Well, if you can work but refuse to, you wont get payed.

Sounds simple enough.

"Who will regulate property and security of property, because after all, in your definition ownership is still a thing."

Ownership is always a thing.

Security of property is regulated by democratically elect government.

Property is owned collectively, thus cannot be regulated outside of collective regulation or its chosen representatives.


Its the definition I found on google.

You can consider it as democratic ownership, to make it simple, because thats what will be defended in debate.

You can present an option which would be a better system, as a counter.

However, I will not agree to some different definition of Communism, because that would change the topic.

Do you want to change the topic to "Communism vs Capitalism", where we keep my definition of Communism and use your definition of Capitalism?

I don't know. Something about it, the definition of communism seems super vague.
Like there are so many other questions:
Does human greed exist in this society?
What is the societal culture like?
Who will enforce people to contribute, because of obvious backlash.
Who will regulate property and security of property, because after all, in your definition ownership is still a thing.

I don't know. Just a lot of unanswered assumptions I would have to make.


I have added the definition you requested.


Since community owns everything, enforcing contributions is done in a democratic way, in a workplace, since I will be defending democracy after all.

The workplace is still going to operate by profit, as that is the best way to ensure contribution.

Good (Communism): That which is better for society

Also, quick question, according to your definition:
"system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs."
Who would enforce the contributions and receive in this definition of communism?


Which definition do you want?

Define good, and I might accept.