Instigator / Pro

the justice system is not racist


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One month
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Contender / Con

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Round 1
the us supreme court is not racially biased

you think judges can be racist, so let me ask you a question
If there are racist judges, why haven't they been fired yet?

Elon Musk controls Twitter and it is the biggest website in the world so if misinformation spreads so easily all it should take is one accusation to get a judge fired
the same with police

the media wants to throw false facts at everyone and pretend it knows everything but if judges and cops are racist, then u should be able to prove this easily right?
it makes no sense to say things and bring no evidence
First of all to explore racism we need to define it, and since I am slightly retarded I propose the following definition.

Racism- is the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities.

Well there you have it. If a policy creates inequitable opportunities than it's apparently racist according to me. A libtard.  

The justice system creates inequitable opportunities for African americans because if you are in prison you don't have opportunities to be a doctor or a lawyer or whatever path you were on before a racist white man decided to lock you up for murdering a rival drug dealer. 


Here is the thing. Black people are 13% of the population, but let's be honest. It's not black people committing violent crimes. It's specifically black men so that is really about 6% of the population. 

Come to think of it, let's be honest it isn't black senior citizens or black 5 year old boys committing violent crimes for the most part. It's the dangerous 16 to 24 year old black males, so we are talking a good 3% of the total United States population. 

According to DOJ and FBI statistics this 3% of the population is responsible for 50% of all violent crime. 

As a precautionary method, we should probably just lock them all up at 16 years old and release then when they turn 24. However we do have this pesky thing that is called due process. I wish we didn't because if we didn't we could lock up Mr. Trump and secure the 2024 election. If we win enough elections we will succeed in eroding the constitution and getting rid of bullshit like due process and freedom. 


here is what happens. Just because black people commit more violent crimes and judges are racist, they have decided to lock up African Americans in proportion to how much crime they commit. 

This is racist according to my definition that says anything that creates inequitable opportunities is racist based on that fact alone, and I have to say that judges are being racist because punishing black people for the crimes they commit means they don't have the same opportunities that free people who don't commit crimes have.


you think judges can be racist, so let me ask you a question

"If there are racist judges, why haven't they been fired yet?"

Because if we fired them more black criminals would be roaming the streets mugging people or raping them.

"Elon Musk controls Twitter and it is the biggest website in the world so if misinformation spreads so easily all it should take is one accusation to get a judge fired

the same with police"

Elon Musk is from South Africa and is technically an African American so he likely isn't very smart. 

However, fortunately judges are usually elected. Personally as a racist, if I see a tweet saying a judge running for office is racist, I am going to ee that as an endorsement and get my buddies together so we can all vote for him. Heil Hitler. 

"the media wants to throw false facts at everyone and pretend it knows everything"

Well yeah. It's ran by jews

"if judges and cops are racist, then u should be able to prove this easily right?

it makes no sense to say things and bring no evidence"

Well reread this round and yoy will find your evidence boo boo. 
Round 2
so u think the american court system and us constitution is trying to make unfairness and inequality?
fake news and wannabe journalism condemns and slanders law with misinformation because they are greedy
CNN and the New York Times are crooked

"so u think the american court system and us constitution is trying to make unfairness and inequality?"

My argument said inequity which according to the definition I provided is enough to qualify as racism. A definition that went unchallenged BTW. 

"fake news and wannabe journalism condemns and slanders law with misinformation because they are greedy"

Okay cool

"CNN and the New York Times are crooked"

Literally everyone not named Jesus is. 


Extend arguments from first round

Round 3
well well well welly, the proof is in the pudding
con is trying to make himself seem morally superior in this debate by being pretentious with his wording
it's so easy to offend these woke whack-jobs

"inequity" what does that even mean. democrats like to use big words to sound convincing, but it's just another example of leftist propaganda.
notice how con never once addressed any of my arguements
""inequity" what does that even mean. democrats like to use big words to sound convincing, but it's just another example of leftist propaganda."

You literally have to get on the internet to debate me. Inequity means equality of outcome.

As a leftist who is definitely not larping, I have a example.

Let's say that tall people have a better chance of getting pussy. As a leftst.whose values are warped, I would seek to correct such inequity.

There ate 2 ways I as a real life leftist would correct this.

1. Socialized sex work. Short guys would recieve a $500 a month stipend to be used towards banging hoes.

2. My personal favorite option. We cut off a portion of the legs of tall people off and reattach their feet at the bottom.

Option 1 I'd already being done to a certain extent in the UK. Option 2 is being done in China but they are stretching out midgets instead of shrinking tall people. Aa a liberal this offends me because you always want to make policies that harm the successful not ones that necessarily help the unsuccessful but we often settle for helping those in need anyway.

"con is trying to make himself seem morally superior in this debate"

In my first round I did one Heil Hitler. I mentioned how it was a good thing judges were racist because it keeps more black people from having freedom. I portrayed African Americans as being rabbit criminals and proposed locking them up as a precautionary method at 16 years old.

If that screens moral superiority to you than I have one thing to say to you......

White power my fellow comrade.

"notice how con never once addressed any of my arguements"

The opposite I actually true. I basically took your questions line by line and  we seem to be working with different definitions of racism despite me providing you with the definition us liberals use in the first round. My arguments are relevant to the framework we are using and yours are barely even arguments but the hidden premises that can be Sussed out of your questions aren't relevant to the position you are supposed to be supporting in the current framework.

Round 4
I have successfully defended the integrity of the justice system! Vote Pro!!!
This person is ridiculous.  He hasn't responded ded to my arguments and I am surprised he stopped eating crayons long enough to even participate in this debate.