Instigator / Pro

Transwomen are not "real" women


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Winner & statistics

After 2 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
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Contender / Con

I saw this debate, and I'm willing to try it out.

Is there anything to really say? Let's try this out. I'm already sure of the ways people can twist things, but I decided to leave this topic more on the open side. Originally this topic was going to have "by biological standards", but that takes the fun out of it, hm? Alright, let's try this out.

Burden of Proof is shared.


I did that.


Thanks for the vote.

If you wouldn't mind, can you make the document public? That way I can read your vote.

Many grammar and spelling mistakes, but oh well, sorry about that.

I'm always procrastinating, haha.


Not fully just biologically.


You are just saying that transwomen are not bilogical women. That is objectively true, and I have never seen anyone claim otherwise. You are attacking a straw man.


Take a look, though, it is a rushed and late response.

That being said, now that you've actually seen my position... Do you still want a go?


Are you saying that transwomen are not bilogical women? That is objectively true.

Are you saying that transwomen are not women as in the gender? That is objectively false because gender is literally defined as your own sense of self, it is not tied to anything objective.

Are you saying that you want to abolish the concept of gender altogether? That is a completely different debate.

Are you saying that transwomen should not be treated like women (the gender) or women (the sex)? That is also a completely different debate.




My description explains it all in detail.

I saw this challenge, and it looked fun. I want to see the loopholes people will use for this debate. The creator of the previous debate that I was referencing, actually accepted this debate. Giving them a good chance for describing in detail their position once more.

Give me an example when you say, "clarify your position". I'm more than willing to change the title of this debate if you're wanting a chance at it.


But what is even your purpose with this debate. Do you want to bait someone in with vague wording and then barage them with semantics. Why not clarify your position?


Oh I am fully there, 100% there already. I just happen to think that treating people as their real gender rather than pretending their gender has to match their sex is the decent thing to do.


I see your point, and you're almost there.

I am prepared for a few setbacks in mind, and I am actually not going for the full idea you're thinking.
Pay attention in this debate, and you'll find out what I mean. I'm not fully going for a strawman. That's an incomplete response.


Currently, I want it unrated. It gives everyone a chance to take a part in this debate, novice or experienced member of this website.
Not only, but it gets people out of their box. What do you have to lose, besides your own confidence?

I can't even mention you RationalMadMan, whatever the case, my description says it all.

I'm looking for something a little more creative. I don't mind at all if I "lose" or "win".


Transwomen are "real" women in the social sense. They are also "real" men in the biological sense. I have never heard any transwoman claim to be biological female. This is your strawman.

If they were real women from start, they wouldnt need to transition to be women.

Even after they transition, they lack many qualities which only most women have.

Also, this debate is unrated (not sure if this was your intention OP)

Prepare for semantics!

This is a truism because the transition is about playing the role of that gender, after all.


I wasn't even going to get into that part at first, I've seen loopholes to that suggestion. I'm curious how people might try and spin it.

As women, of course 😝

They cant reproduce.