You explain why you think that gay should be accepted instead of making effort to cure it
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- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 2
- Time for argument
- Two hours
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
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Round 1
Well, go ahead, explain it.
You explain why you think that gay should be accepted instead of making effort to cure it
I am Pro this topic, my opponent is against it.
Please can you tell me why you are against explaining it, I am in support of you fully justifying this.
Definition of 'you':
the one or ones being addressed —used as the pronoun of the second person singular or plural in any grammatical relation except that of a possessive
Definition of 'explain':
as in clarifyingto make plain or understandable
Definition of 'gay' as a noun:
- Sometimes gay refers only to men.
Why You Need to Clarify
Here are five reasons and examples as to why we need to be prepared to clarify when we are asked to do something:
1 To avoid conflict in the workplace.
One of the causes of conflict in the workplace is agreeing to something you’re not sure about, which, most of the time, results in misunderstandings. When accepting projects or tasks, it is crucial that each party understands the impact of their involvement and how their actions affect other people’s tasks and what is required of them.
2 To prevent being overworked or underworked.
The more immersed you get into your role, the more tasks and projects are entrusted to you. When your immediate manager, supervisor or team leader gives you something to do in addition to your current workload, always remember to clarify. Make a task audit and set priorities.
If you feel adding another task would compromise your work at hand, ask to move the timelines. If it is urgent and needs to be completed as soon as possible, ask permission to delay your current tasks until later. Otherwise, ask if somebody else to do it or delegate some of your workloads to others.
3 To ensure everyone in the team are on the same page.
When meeting for a team project, the most important part is sharing ideas and asking questions. Asking questions and clarifying expectations assist the team in gaining a shared understands of their role in the project or task at hand. Clarifying makes sure that everyone in the team is on the same page and sets the right expectations.
4 To prevent assumptions that may result in poor performance.
When people make decisions out of assumptions or execute tasks without clear direction, it often results in inefficiency and project failure. Before accepting any projects or tasks, knowing what’s expected of you is important and reduces your risk of mistakes.
If you think the instructions are vague or need more details from anyone on the team, don’t hesitate to ask and clarify.
5 To avoid miscommunication which may lead to project mistakes and overruns.
Miscommunication in the workplace is one of the significant causes of project mistakes. When people fail to clarify, be it about some project details such as timelines, design, language, contracts, pricing, client instructions, etc., it can lead to additional costs or, worse, loss of the project.
Clarifying is about accountability. By clarifying everyone’s expectations and roles, you’ll help build greater trust and increased productivity among the team. Practice clarifying at work and encourage your co-workers to do the same. Ask, verify, and clarify because unanswered questions are a hindrance to growth.
Outcomes of the Experiment
Lachner and colleagues (1) created an experiment (Experiment 2) in which they tested these different hypotheses against each other. They had students study two related texts and asked them to either a) explain the main ideas to a fictitious person or b) write down everything they remember (written retrieval practice). In addition, they had students engage with either of these activities between reading the two texts or after reading both texts (in-between versus after-study conditions).
They found that students performed best in the ‘in-between explaining’ condition, followed by the ‘in-between retrieval practice’ condition, followed by the ‘after-study explaining’ condition, and followed by the ‘after-study retrieval practice’ condition. Thus, engaging in any of the two study activities between two texts proved to be very beneficial. Furthermore, explaining outperformed retrieval practice, which indicates that explaining, indeed, seems to engage different, and conducive processes for knowledge build-up and maintenance compared to retrieval practice alone.
Interestingly, the authors conducted another experiment (Experiment 1) in which they had students do oral retrieval of the main ideas. In that experiment, they did not find a difference between explaining and retrieval practice. Thus, there seems to be something about ‘thinking aloud’ that triggers organizational processes for knowledge acquisition. Retrieval practice in itself – as we have seen in the first experiment presented here – is not the decisive driving factor, but something about ‘social presence’ and the associated deeper organization of knowledge that takes place when we explain ideas to someone else seems to hold the key of the effects revealed in their study.Conclusion and Outlook
This exciting line of research is still at the beginning and should be further investigated. As the authors point out, it would be great to test these hypotheses in an authentic classroom setting with authentic material. They have started doing this and have recently published research they conducted with primary pupils, where they compared three conditions with each other: explaining via video, summarization, and restudying (2). They found that learning performance was enhanced for both the explaining via video and summarization conditions, compared to restudying, and that pupils enjoyed explaining via video more than the other activities. Here, they did not include a retrieval practice condition, which could have been interesting, too.
To conclude, ‘social presence’ and the resulting organizational and elaborative processes when explaining ideas from a text to someone else seem to be important factors for the benefits of explaining as a study strategy.
(1) Lachner, A., Backfisch, I., Hoogerheide, V., van Gog, T., & Renkl, A. (2019, July 18). Timing Matters! Explaining Between Study Phases Enhances Students’ Learning. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
(2) Hoogerheide, V., Visee, J., Lachner, A., & van Gog, T. (2019). Generating an instructional video as homework activity is both effective and enjoyable. Learning and Instruction, 64, Advance online publication.
Round 2
The subject is refusing to explain himself and also assumes that I am the subject.
Oh well...
Ty for vote
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