Instigator / Con

Is autism a disease??


The participant that receives the most points from the voters is declared a winner.

Voting will end in:

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

The debate will be simple. The burden of proof will be on both Con and Pro. Pro must prove that Autism is, in fact, medically considered a disease, and Con must prove that it is, in fact, not considered one. No personal insults of any kind. No arguments that are not strictly on the topic at hand. Both sides must use evidence and reasoning and argue from a position of knowledge. Not opinion.

The only person who is not allowed to be contented is Mall. If he attempts to be a contender, I will start a new one and report him to admins.


Not a problem. I just started the second round.


You're making very broad generalizations and comparing them to the behavior of a single person. Even if it is true that, in general, people with autism tend to act like Trump to a certain degree, that doesn't mean they're going to agree with his politics.


Autistics think in binaries, black and white, blunt, and accidentally unempathetic. Just like Trump.


Thanks for posting your Round 1 arguments. Sorry to have kept you waiting this long, I'll have my arguments posted by tomorrow.


"I've noticed pretty much every autistic person is very conservative or libertarian."

Really? Most of the autistic people I know lean liberal/progressive. Of course, I do hang out mostly in liberal spaces online and don't know a whole lot of people that have autism and have told me so irl, so I'm definitely biased, but still. I wonder if they have done any studies on if there's a correlation between ASD and political ideology. I feel like the correlation would probably be fairly weak tbh.


You are a conservative according to your bio. Your comment was very blunt (which I'm fine with as I'm pro free speech just like the stereotypical American). You proved my point.

I am an autistic retard, but still I would say it is a disease in a way, just the one that turned me into God.


You know what, looking at the medical definitions of disease, autism spectrum disorder, and developmental disorders, it seems fairly obvious to me that ASD would fall under the definition of disease. Perhaps you have some trick hidden up your sleeve, but the argument for Pro seems very simple and straightforward in my mind. I will accept this debate.


The term disease is a pretty well-understood term for anyone who is past the third grade. You can't cure stupidly. If people can't be bothered to do the research, then they are not worth debating.


You are just being discriminatory, which is interesting, considering the fact you claim to have the same disability. As someone who also suffers from Autism, I would say your blatant ignorance offends me, but I won't give you the satisfaction. Thank you for your (ignorant) opinions about Autism. I will be completely happy to (completely ignore) keep that in mind.


I have autism. I've noticed pretty much every autistic person is very conservative or libertarian. They like bluntness (like Trump), they lean in on stereotypes that apply to them (so for US autistics; it's American stereotypes), they like black and white thinking. Not empathetic (the left is more empathetic). Maybe a socialist who is blunt and black and white as well. But mostly conservative/libetarian. It's a surprise the left cares for us so much.

It would be helpful, and is generally a good idea, to clearly define "disease" in the description of your debate.