It makes sense to borrow lots of money, then to live a great life for some time, and then to kill yourself so you dont have to pay it back
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- Voting period
- Two weeks
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- Open
I am not encouraging suicide. I am just saying it makes sense to kill yourself so you dont have to pay back the money you borrowed.
Round 1
The topic is a truism which obviously benefits the individual who does it, so I dont need to even defend it.
Its obviously better to borrow lots of money and enjoy for some time, then to suffer in poverty for your whole life.
I thank you.
Actually, morality doesnt exist.
I thank you.
I'll just stop responding. There's obviously a morality barrier that we can't overcome. Good luck on the debate
But morality doesnt matter. What matters is that person gets what he wants. Thats why my position is a truism.
That's the whole point. Some people are selfish and immoral whereas others aren't. It's all subjective because you're right many people are assholes and don't even love their children
I think you maybe have reading difficulties.
I have already explained to you that most people in USA voted for 34 trillion debt which their children will have to pay.
Also, you again ignore the fact that person is not affected if his children have to pay. He doesnt have to pay, so its good for him.
Also, shorter but more enjoyable life is preferable to life of hard work and poverty.
You don't have any children or family so you wouldn't know how selfish it is. How would a parent like to see their kid's assets being seized and their life ruined just because you didn't own up to your debt and pay it off. You would die a very immoral death, plus there's the downside of your life being shortened by many years, where you could have spent time paying your debt back and enjoy moments of life, spend time with your close ones. At least then, you would die knowing you did something good
Debt still there. You dont have to pay back because people cant pay off the debt after they kill themselves. This is very simple.
You are punishing yourself but nothing changes because the debt is still there and passed onto the children. Besides, you can spend time alive, with your children and your friends, which you wouldn't know and it wouldn't be worth considering because you have none of the two. CHECKMATE TAOIST
Also, I dont have children, so checkmate Christian!
Most people leave the debt to their children, but only I would have decency to punish myself by suicide instead of living and making even more debt by draining resources.
All decency is lost since you by choice leave the debt and kill yourself, thereby encouraging suicide for other people whenever they face difficulty. You die as a person of no morals and if ur happy for that good for you
"You're choosing to create debt for the world and making it a worse place to live by killing yourself whereas these people couldn't pay the debt because it was too high for them to afford."
So in both cases, person doesnt pay off the debt but next generation must pay it for him. Only I would have the actual decency to kill myself after such a decision.
That's the difference. You're choosing to create debt for the world and making it a worse place to live by killing yourself whereas these people couldn't pay the debt because it was too high for them to afford. Of course, if you can't pay debt back, you can't risk it but when there's a debt crisis like the one right now, banks won't hesitate to seize every single asset of those who owe debt.
People already created 34 trillion debt which their children will have to pay off, so majority of people agree with me, not you.
What I am saying is a truism. What you are saying is some random complaining which cannot affect the person who borrows money, spends it, and then kills himself.
That's not how the way the world works. If every piece of debt was passed on to the next generation, it would never be paid back. If u can't pay back debt and your family ends up with it, the government will seize your assets in order to make up for it. And i'm sure no person with children would want that to happen to their children
I’m never lending you any money.
Thats irrelevant to you. As long as you dont pay it, you are fine.
Ur kids pay it when you die