Instigator / Pro

Rapp Battle


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Voting System.

Argument = Your opinion, no explanation required.
Sources = Puns, Metaphors, General Wordplay. Cite one word play to justify.
Grammar = Rhymes per word on average. no explanation required.
Conduct = Disses, Self Compliments, Anything that raises or diminishes one's "rep" (reputation for the normies.) Must cite one justify.


That was by far the most thorough rap vote I've ever seen.

I think you just gave me some homework, lol.

Seriously though, thanks for the vote.


I liked that vote I did deserve this loss especially for my typos in R2 ruining the ending and me forgetting to bold and italics things on top of not realising the new users are more (not less) likely to prefer more rigid structure than freeform.

Thanks for the votes.

despite the observations I made in the rap battle, I do like RM's raps and I think that if he hones his skills he'd be a total monster on the mic.


Ok lol


I am not having an issue with you. I do not hate the player, I hate the game. I thank you for not giving all 7 to Pro and understand the S&G was your error in comprehending rhymes but that my S&G actually was worse so whatever.


"Vote on disses, flow, and rhyming"

That was your description in the debate you were talking about. Nowhere in there does it limit the normal amount of reasons you must give for a vote. The description of this debate does limit it.


The same thing happened in a debate wher ei rap battled supadudz and type1 voted for me and virtuoso 'counter votebombed him' when he had as little reasoning as you but voted FOR me.


In the description, it says I need no explanation for Argument or Grammar, and only need to cite one play for Sources and Conduct.


Pls vote and Virt how is speed not votebombing the arguments ?


Thanks for the Battle. Two more to go, lol.

deceased**** not diseased

missed some 'me's and 'my's but whatever, we'll see. R3 bring it.

I forgot to bold and italics the rhymes in my R2, whatever.


Typo. Meant to say "mics on the spot."

Typos make me sad.


I think my favorite line was "sinner daddy of humanity" IT was deliciously arrogant.


I did it in my head with the beat and it sounded like tech nine. I"m a speed rapper, so I tend to make things fast.


I liked your Rapp btw. Good job.




Desktops are life.

Nice beat btw.


It only shows if you're on a laptop/desktop. You need to right click the video.


Duly Noted.

Where is the loop button. I'm old. I need help, lol


Confederacy of Independent Symptoms not international symptoms omg lol i typod

it was meant to be a pun with 'symptoms' linking to syndrome in place of systems


Thank you


I made sure to make my Rapp Rich in content. Enjoy!!


Sick Rhyme!!

both of yall just do your best and leave the votes to the rest.


Gotcha. I'll keep it on the downlow


Yeah, 'objectively' they will like you more as they're your buddies and unfortunately my buddies on here are the non-rap-fan crowd of philosophy or politics nerds etc.

I'd appreciate many votes of course, I want to impress many but fame is a drug and I'm aware what being lowkey helps me with in the long-run. I have been too famous on this site so far and am looking to get a medium reputation for a while.


I know a few people on here. If you'd like, I could have them swing by and vote objectively. I will only do this with your permission because I don't want you to think I'm luring you into a trap. Although I may try such tactics in the battle itself. DISCLAIMER.


doesn't matter. Ramshutu has a grudge and will vote against me no matter what as he can get away with it on a 'troll debate'. Supadudz will likely do the same.

I will try to get others to like it, is all. Experiment with the new crowd. Either way, I enjoy these things, it's therapeutic to type.


You seen the voting rules right? I just wanted you to know so you could Rapp accordingly.

