Instigator / Pro

Rational Madman is probably most of the alt accounts on this website.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
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Better conduct

After 6 votes and with 33 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

RM = Rational Madman.

Probably = Both hypothetically possible and likely to be the case.

Alt accounts = Accounts that are all owned by the same person, but do not see as much dedicated use as another more popular account owned by the person in question.

Website = Duh. Can't believe you actually read this one.

Round 1
RM and type 1 and sparrow all have information in common in habitual ways that indicate similar movement. 

RM is a self professed gambler and enjoys taking risks.  This implies that he would not let some silly rules slow him down. 

On the rule thing again.  RM Is a hard solipsist and thinks this is all a simulation or game of some type (his words) given to use by the gods or alien overlords that watch over us. This implies further implies his lust for rule breaking. 

RM's stats are the polar opposite of Type 1 and the Radius of Sparrows.  These are his three personalities.  The Gambler, The Racist Rebel, and The Vanilla. 

They all Rap battle and use different styles and levels of grammar but the same general subject matter and word choices.  Every piece of these accounts seemed almost intentionally different from one another.  

Finally, multiple alt accounts seem to mysteriously pop up around these three accounts.  They never last long and they give a nice win on their way out.  But they still pop up every now again with perfect timing. 

Does this prove 100% that RM is most of the alt accounts on this website?  No. 

Does this show that it's probable as the topic states?  Absolutely.  

Your floor.   Whoever you are today. 
Round 2
I extend my argument to this round.
So far no evidence given

Round 3
So do you intend not to address my arguments? 

I extend my arguments since you still have not produced anything. 
So far I have been accused of being 2 main accounts (not alts) Sparrow and Type1. Each has extremely high activity relative to the norm, meaning they're not alts.

Sparrow is Type1 as accused by me, alone, and I am the one who was responsible for exposing 3 alt abusers to the mods so far:

  1. MagicAintReal
  2. Human
  3. Type1
I have helped the mods learn techniques like browser signature reading, which bypass issues of real IP addresses. I also explained how to spot VPNs.

I am the single, sole, user who explained in full to the admin "Mike" on PM and on off-site means, how to spot alts and handle them.

Pro has a concept of probability that says 'the more probably it isn't, therefore the more probable it is.' So, because I have put so much effort into being the opposite of an alt-abuser, I therefore am the biggest one. This is incoherent.

This isn't just a debate to me, this is something I need everyone to know is false. I don't appreciate you suggesting this. I am very intelligent and capable of this, which Pro will point out. The capability and intelligence I possess have so far been used not only to tackle the three alt abusers aforementioned but to, again single-handedly, work towards the disciplining of the following abusers of CoC:

  1. Goldtop
  2. Analgesic.Spectre (who was Zarroette)
  3. Zeichen
  4. WisdomofAges
2 of those were also alt-abusers on the side of their main crime being abusive text.

Round 4
So far I have been accused of being 2 main accounts (not alts) Sparrow and Type1. Each has extremely high activity relative to the norm, meaning they're not alts.
It doesn't matter how active they are specifically.  The only need be less active than you to qualify under my definition.  Which they are.  The leaderboard clearly reveals this. 

I have helped the mods learn techniques like browser signature reading, which bypass issues of real IP addresses. I also explained how to spot VPNs.
browser signatures can be faked as well and you must know that if you're so educated on the matter.   You taught them how to spot red flags for VPN's.  Not Guaranteed ones.  Most VPN's are nearly impossible to detect.  Of course it's going to look like you're catching them all because you don't know about the one's your not catching. 

I am the single, sole, user who explained in full to the admin "Mike" on PM and on off-site means, how to spot alts and handle them.

Ahh, so you're saying that you know more than the mods on this subject?  That means you're in the unique position to outwit them.  This only makes it look even more probable.   You're the criminal who poses as the case consultant to draw the bad guys off your trail.  You're basically the perfect allegory for Dexter the serial killer. 

Pro has a concept of probability that says 'the more probably it isn't, therefore the more probable it is.' So, because I have put so much effort into being the opposite of an alt-abuser, I therefore am the biggest one. This is incoherent.
I never said anything of the sort.  You're just putting words in my mouth.  I said that you have correlation with other known alt accounts to the point where it looks intentional.  Never did I say that you appeared purposely innocent.  Quite the opposite actually.  You appear quite guilty. 

This isn't just a debate to me, this is something I need everyone to know is false. I don't appreciate you suggesting this. I am very intelligent and capable of this, which Pro will point out. The capability and intelligence I possess have so far been used not only to tackle the three alt abusers aforementioned but to, again single-handedly, work towards the disciplining of the following abusers of CoC:

So you admit that you have the means to do this?  You've dug a deeper hole for yourself now.  You have not addressed all of my arguments.  Not even close.  You're a notorious rule breaker who likes to gamble and assume knowledge in a de facto style.  You've admitted as much on multiple occasions.  Why would you suddenly care about these rules specifically?  It doesn't follow unless you're already gambling and you have to hedge your bets. 

My arguments from before still stand.  RM has not addressed all of my critiques and he really needs to if this isn't just a debate to him.  The fact that all the alt accounts revolve around him in a heliocentric manner is damning evidence. 

Remember, while this doesn't empirically prove RM to be most alt accounts on this website, it does make it probable. 

Round 5
I concede on the premise that I changed my mind. 
Pro conceded.