Paper Mario Mafia Chapter 1 (DP1)

Author: Earth


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Mharman's avatar
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I don’t know what I’m even accomplishing asking Skipper that question.

I was reading Skipper’s posts over and over again. could’ve sworn that I saw some scum slip and double triple and quadruple checked it

Skipper: I think me being so immediately open about my role is no longer a helpful tactic

Casey: You weren't really open about it at all. Literally the only thing I know about your role is that you are a boss, like everyone else apparently, and have a role which is helpful to the town. Cool.

Skipper: Oops, I hadn't meant to say "role." I meant side/team

I kept thinking, shouldn’t Skipper know that being open about one’s team is harmful to only scum? Is this is a slip? But in context, this came after he made that whole post about how “he’s town, and the people trying to cast doubts on him being town are mafia trying to be subtle about their accusations”… so is he, for whatever reason, thinking that him talking about being town wasn’t productive? That’s wasn’t anyone’s problem with his post (rather, the anyone who doubts him is mafia part) but I don’t know if he took it that way.

Then there’s the whole Discord chat thing. Wylted asks him if he’s in a Discord chat. Skipper doesn’t answer until Wylted tells him only scum is in a Discord chat. Than he says “no I can’t possibly be in one” and then “silly me for asking that question,” referring to his question of if there’s a scum chat in Discord.

So I thought, shouldn’t he know that there’s no town discord chat if he’s town? Shouldn’t it be obvious to him? 

But then the counter-argument: What if Skipper interpreted Wylted’s question weirdly, like he thought Wylted was implying there’s a discord chat for townies that he should be in? 

I think the key lies in how Skipper said he isn’t in a chat, “as of yet,” implying that he’d okay getting in one or that he’s expecting to be in one. That tells me he probably did misinterpret Wylted’s question in such a manner.

Noobs are weird. But I don’t know how I can push Skipper if I’m arguing from good faith.


Honestly this paints Wylted in a better light for me as well.

Mharman's avatar
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Mharman's avatar
I don’t think post #91 is completely fair to Skipper. I wouldn’t say it implicates Casey, but I think it’s real easy to get super aggro on noobs over nothing. I remember I used to defend noobs really hard, and gave them a lot of passes for a lot things, and was right a lot of the time.

I think Banana being scum last game when I have her a noob pass kinda messed with my reasoning in this game to the point where I sussed Skipper over something kinda insignificant.
Skipper_Sr's avatar
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I have some thoughts to share before I go to bed. I've read everything, only once though.  

Mharman and Lunatic: Mharman is trying very hard and is saying a lot of things to defend himself and weaken other's arguments, and this behaviour does not inherently make him look suspicious to me. The way Lunatic responds seems like Luna is staying firm where he believes about everything, but Mharman is rushing at him from different angles and points. Mharman's strategy seems to do well for having more control over the proceedings of the game, but I think he is perhaps trying too hard.

Mharman seems more suspicious to me than Lunatic. Lunatic could be scum from the pov of a random number generator, but I have no scumtells on him. 

By reading so much in one sitting (I think from Page 11 to Page 14) I had a chance to look at Mharman's behavioural changes over the course of a few hours, and from what I saw, it seemed he had a certain revelation (about what I'm not certain) about something that changed his approach. This sense on him made me more concerned as he then started to place more attention onto me as an attempt to divert attention from him, which makes sense because of how close he is to being lynched.

I think he is being cool about it though with everything considered, and the main reason I say that is because he unvoted me. This is also what makes me less suspicious of him all of a sudden because I don't know what he gains from that if he is Mafia. Maybe this makes him look more innocent because he is choosing to be softer and more forgiving towards me?

WyIted: With what WyIted said about me being pushed into my shell, I did choose to remain on the quieter side to focus on other peoples' strategies and styles of gameplay so I could pick up on how to maneuver the game. Questions about my convo with WyIted about Discord seem to be brought up a lot when discussing my town cred. When WyIted asked me if I was put into a Discord chat, I immediately thought this was a trap because I knew, by reading past games and explanations of the rules, that Mafia are sometimes (or all the time?) placed in a Discord chat to talk to each other. Because of this, I decided to be more ambiguous in my response which when I look back, just looks weird with how I said things. I didn't want to bluntly say "no" because I thought that would make me look hasty and like I was trying to hide that I was in the mafia chat. I chose to be more aloof in the beginning.

But then, contrastingly, I became direct and outspoken when I first gave my say about how I am a full-fledged townie. That was a strategy I wanted to try out, and it was coupled with sharing the concern about mafia tricking town into mislynching me. But now that I have had a little more experience with how this game goes, I am sure that sort of thing happens all of the time and was unnecessary for me to bring up. 

Cerulean: Cerulean is also another suspicious fellow to me. I think it was Mharman, maybe Pie, that called him out on something. Was it being inactive? I am writing this part right before going to sleep so I don't remember as clearly. Cerulean caught on to this mistake of his, and then tried to contribute more in general. I don't think he's done any better so far to clear himself. 

And if Mharman was the one to call out Cerulean, I know even less what to think of Mharman now. However, as I have considered the tactic of a mafia making another mafia look suspicious to save his own skin, this could be a possibility. Making Cerulean look scummy where we are in the game probably won't get Cerulean killed, but would rather give more time to Mharman to do whatever his secret plan is. 

I do not know if some townies are expecting me to pull the trigger on Mharman, what with him having a 4/5 vote right now, but I do not feel ready to do that. Also, how exactly do the game mechanics work if someone gets lynched? Would he officially die after the first NP? 

I am not sure how active I will be close to when DP ends, but if someone could explain what exactly happens during the shift in phases, just some general details, that would be appreciated. Like for example, can mafia kill people the minute NP starts? Do any townsfolk encourage me to use my ability? 

I will read again sometime tomorrow

Mharman's avatar
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Thinking about my wagon. Someone on it has to be opportunistic.

It can’t be Lunatic. As much as I hate his reasoning on me, I can’t conclude he’s scum in any way I could slice it. I’d have to believe he’d be faking so much of his reasoning and behavior- an unfathomable amount of it imo.

As for Casey… the thing that bothers me is whole thing about “Mharman’s not on Lunatic and I, that’s a good sign!” And it low key reads as a “not me, don’t read into me!” Type of statement. Almost like a warning to me and a subliminal message to town at the same time. There’s also the fact that she went after my claim, despite saying she townread me. 

But to believe she’s scum, I’d have to deny everything else I complemented about her earlier that told me she was town (including her early DP interactions) and I’d have to think hated is fake. I can’t do it. She’s probably town.

As for Pie. I had an early townread on him, but I’m more or less neutral. There’s a few thing that bothers me. He said Barney was skating. Might be some truth to that, but up until now when he finally did stuff, I would’ve said that was a bit of a hypocritical point from him, given how little he did for most of this DP.
It also looks like he’s just copy pasting Lunatic’s logic on me, and I’m not a fan of it

As for that early townread, yeah, there’s still some merit to it at least… that early interaction with Casey and his question to Earth still looks good. Earth wouldn’t tell me anything about how a hated would work, so I can see why he’d ask Casey while being hesitant to say why. It’s a reasonable move

On Wylted: He is the most interesting player in this game from my POV. I was viewing him in a positive light after the Skipper thing, but hold on. I’ve seen a few people say he’s a little slower to jump or push on someone this game. I wouldn’t say that’s true in its entirety, but I can’t deny he feels a little less original in his thoughts on others. Like he’s playing the common narrative.

although- his points on Cerulean and Casey are unique, so maybe not. I wouldn’t say his points on rather of them are all that strong tho.

whiteflame… not currently on my wagon, but was… hm, maybe. But I’m okay with how he’s been playing this game. One thing I notice is the lack of fake contributions…. And I think a lot of what he was doing early in the DP sat well with me. Can’t say I have super strong town case for him, but whatevs. I will say that, on the flip side, one of the reasons I scumread him last game was because I felt the way he jumped on some wagons was opportunistic.

And then there’s Cerulean, who agrees with me that someone on my wagon is opportunistic. He places a lot of that blame on Lunatic though, and I’m not convinced. And if you ask Lunatic, he could be doing some meta play where he’s the one who gets to sit back and accuse others of being opportunistic, when he’s actually the one being opportunistic.

It’s an interesting theory, I suppose. The only real way to gauge it is by looking at who he’s been sussing. Lunatic nah, Whiteflame ok… there was an earlier sus on Wylted as well. Something about how Wylted either misread or ignored something. Can’t say there’s a whole lot of merit to that point specifically… I mean, maybe? Ehhhh meh.

there’s still my earlier thoughts on cerulean at play here. The townread, that is
Mharman's avatar
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And then there’s Barney floating around. I mean earlier I kinda felt like a dick for wanting his claim when he was so busy… but then I had another thought: I’ve seen him update the claims list numerous times… each of those is a time where he at least showed he was skimming the DP, and could’ve noted something tiny about something, but didn’t. I still don’t think he should’ve signed up for this game in the first place, but if he’s gonna spend the time on that, why not say something small in each of those claims list updates? Perhaps he sees it as some duty to show he’s doing something, like he’s compelled or owes something to town, and is setting some limit on himself… I can see him thinking that if he starts doing little reads in claims list updates, he could get carried away and spend more time than he wants

However, whether it’s fair or not, inactives are harder to read, and I understand why Pie wanted him to claim. I wonder if I should’ve said that after Barney responded to my vote on him. I guess town will have to see how active he is DP2 and make that call there
Mharman's avatar
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Mharman's avatar
Yeah, I still can’t give Skipper anything but a townread now. Noobs are gonna noob, what can I say. I did like how he just gave some reads. That’s neat- he’s learning 👍 
WyIted's avatar
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You townread Pie, Lunatic, Skipper, and Barney enough that you'd rather No Lynch than have them voted out?
I forgot about barney but exclude him and that isaccurate
WyIted's avatar
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If somebody is lynched,  they are considered immediately dead and qe'll see if we were right about their affiliation
WyIted's avatar
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I know you are busy but if you make it on in time it might be nice if you hammer

Barney's avatar
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I am not fully caught up on reading yet, but at least I've slept so can think straight.

I seriously doubt Mharman's claim. I'm Jr. Troopa, a Dreaming God. This makes a Joat unlikely to also be in this game.

VTL Mharman
Lunatic's avatar
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I seriously doubt Mharman's claim. I'm Jr. Troopa, a Dreaming God. This makes a Joat unlikely to also be in this game.
Why claim he was already CC'ed by me...
Earth's avatar
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Whiteflame (1/5) - Cerulean
Cerulean (1/5) - Pie
Mharman (5/5) - Casey, Lunatic, Wylted, Pie, Barney
Skipper (1/5) - Mhar

Mhar was lynched! He was Innocent. Night actions in. Please lock.