Seriously: Where Is The Outrage? Where is the Western Media?

Author: Stephen


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Let's not forget the demi-god corporations too. 

That is also interesting,Outplayz.  As I also mentioned in the same essay that the Corporations were/would be the new high priests of the new millennium.  But looking at it now, I may have had it the wrong way around. i.e the Corporations ( who put in these politicians) maybe are the New Gods and the politicians are their priests.. I also said that the scientist of the new millennium will be the demi-gods, and I will stick with that.
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--> @Stephen

I do too. I have reason to fear it. But I am not allowed to be afraid of it ( so I am an "islamophobe") and I am not allowed to say why I fear it ( because that is  spreading hate) and that is because of people like you, prosser
Who TF is stopping you?

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you would blame the secondary problem ( me in this case) and never address the fact that Naz Shah posted the vile racist tweet in the first and primary instance.
I can certainly blame you for drawing attention to the re-tweet, which you describe as 'vile and racist'.
I've gone through months of Shah's output and it's atypical.    The tweet appears to have be ironic - perhaps she forgot irony rarely works on the internet!

I am damn sure I could find a post - or part of one - where you mock-praise islam or mohammed.  If so, do you mind if i post it widely as showing your true colours?

Outplayz's avatar
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I also said that the scientist of the new millennium will be the demi-gods, and I will stick with that.
I agree with you that you flipped the corporations and politicians. It does seem the other way around and i was about to say that. But, i semi-understand this part. It's sad sorta. Bc it seems like the more malleable portion of the population... which coincidentally happens to be the majority... are being fed on by all these people. Politicians feeding them lies, corporations feeding them new stuff, but scientists are, to my knowledge, at least trying to advance us... however, i'm sure they are wolves too. Instead of truly trying to figure out this reality... most scientists are working towards what makes them money. They don't care about things like spirituality bc that doesn't sell or make them money... but robotic eyes or something... you're rich. Although there are minds on this reality... i think the majority are just trying to find the new next big thing to get rich. This world is pure greed. 

So, it just seems to me that the more malleable portion of the population is just being fed on by people more aware. I mean, all it really takes is for you to be able to think for yourself and all of their power dies. Thinking for yourself... you come to realize there are no parties. Thinking for yourself, you realize the new stuff the corporations are giving you just changed the color. Thinking for yourself... you realize scientists don't know jack sht. As smart as they are, they are still infants compared to the time we've been here. But you're right... people take what these people do as gospel without questioning. You can thank evolution for that... societies need the majority to be highly malleable and followers or else nothing would get done.
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Shah's output and it's atypical.

But not for Shah who argued for Israel’s population to be “transported” out of the Middle East to America. And going further she included a picture of Israel superimposed over the United States, with the approving comment: “Problem solved and save you bank charges for the £3bn you transfer yearly.” adding that she would tweet Barack Obama and David Cameron with the suggestion and said it would “save them some pocket money”.

More posts by Shah then emerged. She wrote the caption #ApartheidIsrael on a picture that appeared to compare the state to the Nazis. It was above a picture of Dr Martin Luther King holding the quote: “We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was ‘legal’.”  
Shah had employed a Labour councillor, Mohammed Shabbir, who is also alleged to have made antisemitic remarks, claiming Russian Orthodox Jews were involved in “the sex trafficking trade – demand is particularly high among Charedim, the conservative Orthodox Jews, many of whom are regular clients of brothels”.

  She IS vile and a racist and a bigot who lets her mask slip now and again.

I am damn sure I could find a post - or part of one - where you mock-praise islam or mohammed.  If so, do you mind if i post it widely as showing your true colours?

Ahh, is this your attempt at more bridge building with me. 

Listen. You can do as you please. But please share my other posts  while your "exposing my true colours" (as If I have been hiding them)   "criticising" the bible and Christians of which I have criticised more than Islam on this forum by 26 threads to 5 and I am not sure two of those count as criticism of Islam Or Muhammad Or the Quran. List available on request. But you can search my forum record here>>>

   But again I see it is me you are attacking and not the content of my posts. . I have said many times, because you have no answers or responses this is frustrating you. You need to be  calm come up with some answers and responses and stop crying and stamping your feet.

where you mock-praise islam or mohammed.

I don't understand the - mock-praise - part.  Can you expand.

Stephen's avatar
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I am damn sure I could find a post - or part of one - where you mock-praise islam or mohammed.

Go on the, lets see one. But be sure not to be confusing the words "mock" with criticising as in - Stephen has criticized the New Testament and Christianity far far more than he has Islam.
Outplayz's avatar
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I am damn sure I could find a post - or part of one - where you mock-praise islam or mohammed.

Go on the, lets see one. But be sure not to be confusing the words "mock" with criticising as in - Stephen has criticized the New Testament and Christianity far far more than he has Islam.

Wrong person dude ^_^ 
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Wrong person dude

It obviously was but was far too late to edit it. Sorry.
I think prosser knows it was meant for him.
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I am damn sure I could find a post - or part of one - where you mock-praise islam or mohammed.

Go on the, lets see one. But be sure not to be confusing the words "mock" with criticising as in - Stephen has criticized the New Testament and Christianity far far more than he has Islam.  26 Christian  to only  5 muslim to be exact and two of those 5 are debatable. See here>>

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 but scientists are, to my knowledge, at least trying to advance us...
They are.  Although the work of Scientists comes on the shoulders of giants - which is probably the only time they look back - their goal is always looking to advance/improve i.e, are looking forward.  All the work of scientist, as a rule, starts off for benevolent reasons only for their discoveries and inventions to turn malevolent.

however, i'm sure they are wolves too. Instead of truly trying to figure out this reality... most scientists are working towards what makes them money.
 I can assure you,Outplayz, there is rarely a scientist that is not owned by a corporation and they do not own their intellectual property although their name be on the discovery/invention. I am not talking mundane vacuum cleaners or flexi hose pipes here.   The  'freelance' scientist is an extreme rarity these days and they suffer at the hands of corporations who do not allow their discoveries and inventions to see the light of day. Nikola Tesla and John Searle were /  are prime example. The mention of free energy and your doomed unless you cave in to the might of the giant corporations. . 

They don't care about things like spirituality bc that doesn't sell or make them money...
I am not sure science and spirituality are compatible. Though there may well be scientist who are spiritual.   That said, I do doubt very much, that religion will ever be compatible with science. Scientist only deal with facts not superstition. That also said, I think a religious story and science came extremely close to being one or on the same level  recently when a cotton farmer come  amature scientist discovered the secret of "manna" this is the ancient bread know to the Egyptians as Muffkutz.  It is too long a story to tell here but is covered in large part by Sir Laurence Gardner in his book -Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark. It is a absolute fascinating story of cotton farmer who, in the 1970's found a strange white substance on his land that really did have "magical properties", by all accounts. 

 i think the majority are just trying to find the new next big thing to get rich. This world is pure greed. 
      It is always a possibility you will have your "mad" and or "rogue" and "nutty" scientist. That said, many scientist are accused of being all three by their peers until said peers are eventually proven to have been wrong. Newton and Einstein are examples.
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The  'freelance' scientist is an extreme rarity these days
You're right. I found a scientists that had a hypothesis for a really interesting experiment. I read about it and waited. Basically, he wanted to do a test to see if consciousness has any effect on entangled particles. I read his hypothesis and it seemed really interesting how he wanted to test that. But i kept waiting and saw no update so i emailed him. He said something on the lines of he really wants to test it but he has other priorities he has to do first. Basically, he doesn't have a grant to start this study bc i'm assuming... corporations don't care. I think the results would be profound if true for humanity... but it doesn't make anyone money. I think that's such a problem with our current western world. Everyone is focused on material and never look up to see each other. It's honestly really sad to me and almost makes me hate this world. 

I am not sure science and spirituality are compatible.
Well, we really don't know. I think you may be thinking more on an organized religion type route. Science and philosophy in my opinion have mostly debunked a lot of religion...which is good. We should be focusing on truths rather than trying to make false claims true. I respect and owe science for that and all of our achievements. But, we don't know what science will figure out in regards to spirituality. Like the test above, if the results are true.. i would say that is a win for spirituality. If we can figure out there are multiple universes, i'd say that's a win for spirituality. In honesty, i think the most crucial science in figuring out spirituality is quantum physics. I mean already, particles being waves when not measured, entanglement, and some others i think is a win for spirituality. Spirituality can mean many things to everyone. To me, it's simply is there a reality beyond ours that also has intelligence. One of these realities would be everything being a manifestation of an infinite consciousness. Right now, i think most of our science points to this. It could change... but can science be compatible with finding that this reality may not be the only reality... i think it might be able to. I say might bc you are also right they may never be compatible. Bc science is primarily for this reality. Figuring out our world and universe. Can it evolve to also figure out realities beyond this one, if true... i don't know. Maybe yes maybe no. Is dark matter elusive bc it comes from a different dimension? So, figuring that out will science start into that journey? Maybe... we'll just have to wait and see. 
Yassine's avatar
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Stephen, look at this:

=> Death toll in last week's Nigeria attack doubles to 130 [Fulani herdsmen] "The death toll from an attack last week by gunmen in northwestern Nigeria has doubled to more than 130, the Kaduna state governor has said. The attack appeared to have been a deliberate plan to "wipe out certain communities".

=> More than 130 Fulani villagers killed. (this week)

- 130 slaughtered -mostly women & children- TWICE, in Nigeria AND Mali. You Christians have been super busy this past month. 

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=> More than 130 Fulani villagers killed. (this week)

- 130 slaughtered -mostly women & children- TWICE, in Nigeria AND Mali. You Christians have been super busy this past month. 

Yes absolutely terrible.  And yes , the Western media once again  displaying an outpouring of  outrage and condemnation at the slaughter of innocent MUSLIMS  which is my whole point of the is thread. 

 Where is the outrage at the slaughter of Christians ? Where is the condemnation and outrage and mourning from the Western media when innocent Christians get blown to pieces?  Where are the muslims saying " not in my name" when  children and women get splattered all over Manchester by a muslim performing Islamic jihad on the instructions of Allah? Thank you for proving and highlighting exactly my point.

Did you miss the title of this thread . It concerns the cowardly WESTERN MEDIA bias when it come to muslims being slaughtered. As you have proven above. 

As to your  BBC link here>>  I suggest you also read it instead of just posting it and hoping no one will bother reading it thoroughly.

"More than 130 people were killed in an attack on a village in central Mali on Saturday by armed men wearing traditional Dogon hunters' clothing.

Clashes between Dogon hunters and semi-nomadic Fulani herders can occur over access to land and water.
The Dogon also accuse Fulanis of ties to jihadist groups. The Fulanis claim that Mali's military has armed the hunters to attack them.
Last year, hundreds of people died in clashes between Dogon hunters and members of the Fula ethnic group.

On Friday, a Mali-based al-Qaeda affiliate said it had carried out an attack last week on a military base that left more than 20 soldiers dead.
The militants said it was in response to violence against Fulani herdsmen.
One Ogossagou resident, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters news agency that Saturday's violence appeared to be in retaliation for the attack on the soldiers".

You Christians have been super busy this past month. 

Really?  OK lets see what or who it actually is that the DOGON worship.

First let me tell you, fewer than half of  the 300,000 Dogon are Muslim, and fewer still are ChristianMost practice traditional religion.

The religion of the Dogon rests on the belief that some 3,000 years ago amphibious beings from Sirius visited the Dogon.

 "The key spiritual figures in the religion were the Nummo/Nommo twins. According to Ogotemmêli's description of them, the Nummo, whom he also referred to as the Serpent, were amphibians that were often compared to serpents, lizards, chameleons, and occasionally even sloths (because of their being slow moving and having a shapeless neck). They were also described as fish capable of walking on land; while they were on land, the Nummo stood upright on their tails. The Nummos' skin was primarily green, but, like the chameleon, it sometimes changed colours. It was said to at times have all the colours of the rainbow."

 Well that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ all sounds rather heathen and primitive and superstitious to me and nothing at all like Christianity. But each to their own I say and as long as they don't try to convert me by the machete, eh?


The Fula people or Fulani  number between 38 and 40 million people in total, are one of the largest ethnic groups in the Sahel and West Africa, widely dispersed across the region.[ Inhabiting many countries, they live mainly in West Africa and northern parts of Central Africa but also in, South SudanSudan and regions near the Red Sea coast.

Yassine's avatar
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Yes absolutely terrible.  And yes , the Western media once again  displaying an outpouring of  outrage and condemnation at the slaughter of innocent MUSLIMS  which is my whole point of the is thread. Where is the outrage at the slaughter of Christians ? Where is the condemnation and outrage and mourning from the Western media when innocent Christians get blown to pieces?  Where are the muslims saying " not in my name" when  children and women get splattered all over Manchester by a muslim performing Islamic jihad on the instructions of Allah? Thank you for proving and highlighting exactly my point.
- LOL! The mainstream media also reported on the conflict last month which left some 35 Christians dead as well. Don't pretend otherwise.

Did you miss the title of this thread . It concerns the cowardly WESTERN MEDIA bias when it come to muslims being slaughtered. As you have proven above.
- Umm... If anything, it proves your cowardice in not admitting the facts.

As to your  BBC link here>>  I suggest you also read it instead of just posting it and hoping no one will bother reading it thoroughly.
"More than 130 people were killed in an attack on a village in central Mali on Saturday by armed men wearing traditional Dogon hunters' clothing".
- Yes I read the article, & many others too. It's interesting though, you seem suddenly very keen on the inter-workings of the conflict that has been going on between the herdsmen & the hunters & the farmers over land rights & water supplies. It's not "violent Muslims slaughtering innocent Christians" anymore is it? 

Really?  OK lets see what or who it actually is that the DOGON worship.
- The Adara are Christian still. Yeah, busy Christians.

First let me tell you, fewer than half of  the 300,000 Dogon are Muslim, and fewer still are ChristianMost practice traditional religion.
The religion of the Dogon rests on the belief that some 3,000 years ago amphibious beings from Sirius visited the Dogon.
- I been there before, I've seen their masks. It's ironic though, when you were mentioning the Fulanis the other day, you weren't interested in their diverse religious traditions -belonging to Islamic & Christian & animist faiths. If the Dogon are not all Christian, the Fulanis are not all Muslim either.

The Fula people or Fulani  number between 38 and 40 million people in total, are one of the largest ethnic groups in the Sahel and West Africa, widely dispersed across the region.[ Inhabiting many countries, they live mainly in West Africa and northern parts of Central Africa but also in, South SudanSudan and regions near the Red Sea coast.
- Wow! Look at you all suddenly interested in all this. Your OP looks quite black & white for this, eh? 
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you seem suddenly very keen on the inter-workings of the conflict that has been going on between the herdsmen & the hunters & the farmers over land rights & water supplies.

Indeed your link, the link that you have provided as some kind of evidence to counter my point,  doesn't actually mention "christian" or muslim" now does it.  It just says herdsmen & farmers,  It does though mention that: 

 "a Mali-based al-Qaeda affiliate said it had carried out an attack last week on a military base that left more than 20 soldiers dead".

Al Qaeda? isn't that an ISLAMIC TERRORIST group?  

you seem suddenly interested

  Did you not expect me to read and research your link a little further.? I was curious as to why you would post a link that actually supports the point of this thread. 

And no, not "suddenly".  Since the MUSLIM TERRORIST ATTACK on 9/11/ 2001 I have been researching why it is that thousands upon thousands ( a very small number of the 1.5 billion I know) muslims want to murder anyone who isn't muslim,  .
 Yes my muslim awakening was right there, where on that day it took only 19 muslims to bring a massive US city to its knees murdering over 3,000 people and where muslims around the world actually celebrated this violent unprovoked attack. Nope, no outpouring of grief or outrage from the Western muslim communities. No marches by thousands of western muslims against the violence saying "not in my name", no songs of " give peace a chance",  in fact as you well know, MILLIONS ( a very small number of the 1.5 billion I know) of muslims around the world were very happy. 

I have found though from my own research 2001-2010 that it wasn't just white westerners that were woken up to the very real and serious threat of Islam , many muslims too realised the horror and violence of Islam and the violent instructions that are written in the Quran. And many became apostates.  So that can only be a good thing can't it.

You seem to have totally forgotten the point of this thread:

Seriously: Where Is The Outrage? Where is the Western Media? Do you see that word, WESTERN?

Jacinda Ardern tells Christchurch service "New Zealand mourns with you" – as it happened

I am still waiting for the outpouring and candlelight vigils of mourning from the Dutch muslim communities for the victims of the muslim terrorists attack in the Netherlands.  You may remember this. It was first reported that this was all down to a "domestic dispute" by the media, until it simply couldn't be denied any longer that it was in fact a terrorist attack, then it was -  all quiet on the western front..
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.Indeed your link, the link that you have provided as some kind of evidence to counter my point,  doesn't actually mention "christian" or muslim" now does it.  It just says herdsmen & farmers
- How come your sources are talking about Christians & Muslims then? If not horrendously biased...

Did you not expect me to read and research your link a little further.? I was curious as to why you would post a link that actually supports the point of this thread.
- I suspect you can't differentiate between 'support' & 'disprove'.

And no, not "suddenly".  Since the MUSLIM TERRORIST ATTACK on 9/11/ 2001 I have been researching why it is that thousands upon thousands ( a very small number of the 1.5 billion I know) muslims want to murder anyone who isn't muslim,  .
Yes my muslim awakening was right there, where on that day it took only 19 muslims to bring a massive US city to its knees murdering over 3,000 people and where muslims around the world actually celebrated this violent unprovoked attack. Nope, no outpouring of grief or outrage from the Western muslim communities. No marches by thousands of western muslims against the violence saying "not in my name", no songs of " give peace a chance",  in fact as you well know, MILLIONS ( a very small number of the 1.5 billion I know) of muslims around the world were very happy. 
- Have you been living under a rock? 3000 American deaths vs. 4 million Muslim deaths. What a twisted sense you have, utterly despicable.

I have found though from my own research 2001-2010 that it wasn't just white westerners that were woken up to the very real and serious threat of Islam , many muslims too realised the horror and violence of Islam and the violent instructions that are written in the Quran. And many became apostates.  So that can only be a good thing can't it.
- LOL! Fantasy research, This is no new thing, these Westerns have been projecting their bloodlust savagery on others to invade & massacre them with no remorse for centuries. The world is changing buddy, the West is growing weaker, old attitudes don't work anymore & no one cares. What goes around comes around.

You seem to have totally forgotten the point of this thread:
Seriously: Where Is The Outrage? Where is the Western Media? Do you see that word, WESTERN?
- No buddy, it is you who has forgotten your own point...

 Jacinda Ardern tells Christchurch service "New Zealand mourns with you" – as it happened

I am still waiting for the outpouring and candlelight vigils of mourning from the Dutch muslim communities for the victims of the muslim terrorists attack in the Netherlands.  You may remember this. It was first reported that this was all down to a "domestic dispute" by the media, until it simply couldn't be denied any longer that it was in fact a terrorist attack, then it was -  all quiet on the western front..
- Where is your outpouring for the millions of Muslim deaths by western countries?
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Where is your outpouring for the millions of Muslim deaths by western countries?


It has been estimated that nearly 2,000,000 people demonstrated in London alone against the wars in Iraq. But again this is not about MY outpouring is it, There have been plenty of candlelight vigils and songs of peace from the western civilisation for others. No,this thread is about  the lack of condemnation from the so so integrated muslim community telling us in the west that they condemn and deplore what is done by muslims in the name of islam and Allah. No not once have heard the words "not in my name" coming from the followers of the "religion of peace".

The western media have soon forgotten those poor souls murdered in the terrorist attack on the train in the Netherlands, the day following the massacre at Christchurch. No, there were no candlelight vigils and songs of "give peace a chance " from the muslim population in utrecht there either.  Indeed this terrorist attack  by a Turkish muslim came straight on the back of the vile and inflammatory speech muslim Turkish Prime Minister  Erdogan gave against the west.

No, what we got instead from the muslim community in Christchurch is racial and religious hatred and inflammatory speech spouted at a "love and peace rally" by a muslim preacher who has spoken at the largest mosque in New Zealand and who had, just day before, had shared a platform with the silly NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who for some strange reason wore hijab,  the oppressive compulsory head covering that Iranian women are casting off  at the cost of imprisonment and torture.

Indeed,  " I won't mince my words" says  Ahmed Bhamji, "it was the local Jewish businesses that funded him [ Brenton Tarrant ] and Mossad were behind it" .  Yes, these inflammatory words of incitement where Ahmed Bhamji chose to point the finger at local jewish neighbours  came at a Love Aotearoa (NZ) Hate Racism rally . 

He certainly didn't hold back
Ahmed Bhamji  deliver his hate filled rant here in this 5min video >>>

And no one to my knowledge, to date has taken this preacher to task  over his inflammatory hate speech in public. Although the local chrsitchurch jewish community had this to say:

 " Bhamji's words  "are dangerous lies,” and that  “They put the Jewish community at risk, at a time of heightened security concerns"  

I am sure the muslim apologists will have us believe that these Jews are nothing but  irrational nasty "islamophobes" .