207 Killed In Sri Lanka by Muslims

Author: Vader


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WisdomofAges's avatar
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WisdomofAges's avatar
.......New WORLD News.........every since the elimination of the Abrahamic GODS to Comic Book Mythology in 2022 the Middle East has had 
an unprecedented surge in new infrastructure and cooperation among the up and coming generations....never before has there been such
unity and harmony among the people of this region where some of earliest and advanced cultures flourished 6 - 8 thousand years ago...

More excitement is building as researchers are discovering more and more amazing artifacts and information on these amazing ancient 

As the older generations DIE off and take their horrifically OBSOLETE and OPPRESSIVE Comic Book GODS and DOGMA
to the grave with them... a revitalization of the region has occurred in place of the CONFLICT - FEAR - VIOLENCE....which
dominated the region for 5000 years...

These are truly EPIC TIMES as all of HUMANITY has trashed the Abrahamic GOD construct for POWER and CONTROL of the MINDS 
and LIVES of BILLIONS....now that humanity is FREE from the parasite VAMPIRE bondage founded by the defunct Roman Catholic Church
and the MUSLIM Allah God garbage....it's like a perpetual spring time all over the planet...

Live WELL - LONG and PROSPER is the new MANTRA of humanity....a true breath of fresh air now that the HELL on EARTH Abrahamic
JEW - JESUS - ALLAH GOD are meaningless Mythology and Comic Books for entertainment only...

17 days later

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
The floor is yours child, supply citations.

There you go again. demanding proof, evidence and "citations" but fail miserably to do the same when called upon to prove your outrageous claims.

"we have evolved by exactly the same process as every other animal that has ever existed on this planet"? 

  "YOU PROVE IT"!  Simply back it up.  Explain to us all with supporting evidence  the appearance of humans. Just saying the words; "the theory of evolution" doesn't support what you claim. It is just a title of the proposed theory and nothing else.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
And we temporarily hold G.O.D in the palms of our hands.
And eventually we will be exceeded by the G.O.D. of our own creation.
And G.O.D. will be aware of all that is vital and all that is human nonsense.
And the few thousand years that that this will have taken us, is but a nanosecond of universe significance.
WisdomofAges's avatar
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WisdomofAges's avatar
HUMANS are genetically engineered....in the same way dogs and cats are bred...

During the 1950's experiments of grafting animals together led to the beginning of the modern organ transplant age...
in the 1970's the transplant of a MONKEY HEAD to another MONKEY BODY was done....since that time much has
been evolved in transplant and genetic engineering....POINT

Advanced HUMANS are creating new life forms and preparing to create transhuman = Ai + human body/brain enhancement
Obviously in time the brain will be transplanted to human grown and engineered avatars/body...

The AWAKE and AWARE humans know the TRUTH and will leave the HYPNOTIZED / BRAINWASHED human sheeple drones 
to die off...especially by WAR - DISEASE - ENGINEERED NATURAL DISASTERS..( Oklahoma / Iowa + other Midwest areas are
being tested now)  eventually 4 billion humans will be exterminated...globally

As always the Middle East GOD hoax of JEW - JESUS - ALLAH will be used to incite chaos and destruction...on an epic scale
as it is written in their COMIC BOOK Torah - Bible - Quran....these parasite VAMPIRES who control the Jew -Jesus - Allah
CULTS will manifest the "END of DAYS' scenario...who BENEFITS from the MURDER and DESTRUCTION of 4 billion + 
humans ?   the intellectuals....the new generation that cannot bring the masses of dumbed down brainwashed asszzes 
with them into a technologically advanced future...

Right NOW globally, the agitation and break down of Governments is escalating CHAOS in the Middle EAST rising...
CHAOS in Central and latin America is RISING....an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE is being engineered with CHINA
and AMERICA when the markets CRASH again it will be EPIC and the frustration of billions will reach the BREAK 
POINT.....the masses who will be affected the most are the WORKER DRONES...

It's just a matter of TIME...and NO...JESUS - JEW GOD - ALLAH will NOT BE AVAILABLE...however, the  HUMANS who
PLAY GOD "in the name of their GOD" will be here..and they will incite the "END of DAYS"  mass destruction...

Just like their COMIC BOOK GARBAGE says !   this gives the psychopath parasite VAMPIRES the key to DESTRUCTION !

As billions murder and destroy each other using their GOD hoax as an EXCUSE...the humans that benefit will be safe and
partying while the masses kill each other off for them !   

A new world emerges as billions are slaughtered...and the remaining humans will pursue a GRAND EXISTENCE...
without needing FEAR - INTIMIDATION - VIOLENCE....a true DEMOCRACY where the individual is empowered
and not led by PSYCHOPATHS cloaked behind GOD'S - GOVERNMENT - BUSINESS....

Believe as YOU WISH...your time here on this world is TEMPORARY....if a BRAIN full of GOD and RELIGIOUS VOMIT
works for YOU....have at it...soon enough YOU and YOUR idiot GOD hoax will vanish and be forgotten as all the other
HUMANS and GODS before YOU...

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
What was G.O.D. and what will G.O.D. be ?

And If you hadn't worked it out: G.O.D. is an acronymic metaphor for something.

And I am an atheist in the conventional sense by the way.

Perhaps we were always destined to be the architects of our own demise. Maybe material evolution has a clear purpose and soon we will have accomplished our part of the process. If we were allowed to continue meddling, who knows what damage we might do.

Purpose or chance: What do you think?