Contradictions in the Bible thread!!

Author: SkepticalOne


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PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

YOUR CONTINIOUS RUNNING AWAY QUOTE: "Sir, you are being a hypocrite. I do not see you addressing the 200 alleged contradictions. Your previous post was also full of accusations that I find out of place for those who profess Yeshua/Jesus. I also find, from your disclosure in Post 50 that you have a weak understanding of Scripture. "

Oh my, you represent just another fake Christian here on DebateArt, where you seem to be proud of this fact.  I am not here to address the alleged contradictions, where that has been proven that you and the equally inept fake Christian, Ethang5, are to perform this act. Remember I alluded to the notion that to try and save face, that you and Ethang5 will want others to address the contradictions because you couldn't and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath? Yes? Maybe?  You have a lot more to address of the 200 from the NT, therefore, I suggest that you get back to this ASAP.

Relative to my post and your perceived notion that I have a weak "understanding" of scripture, you have yet to show me that this is true, other than to continue to RUN AWAY from my post #50. How many times will you run away? Don't you realize that others are watching you perform this childish and revealing act?  How long will it be before you have the nerve to address said post? Do you need permission from someone in your paganistic thinking church? Yes?
What a laugh! Why would I take the time to answer your posts when you continue to disrespect me with your arrogant boasting and debasing attitude? Nevertheless, I will. But I'm not going to answer 200 alleged contradictions. I don't have the time nor the will, especially when no one is willing to respond to the ones I already addressed. 

YOUR EMBARRASSING QUOTE ONCE AGAIN:"You are judging me for my profession of faith. I am willing to formally debate it with you and find out what your foundation truly rests upon. You apply one scriptural reference while ignoring another. You actually make a big song and dance of a verse of Scripture I used. I will address it later once I think about your post further. I am not impressed. "
With your comical and ungodly DIVISION of Christianity, being the ruse of Preterism, then your faith stands out as a "false prophet,"  whereas this notion should be revisited post haste to show you what you have swallowed, therefore being duped since you accepted this faith. Talk about not being impressed, your faith is as ungodly as if Satan was at its helm!

What do you know about Preterism? Are you willing to formally debate the subject matter as to whether a futurist or Preterist view is biblical? If so, I will set up the debate when I find the time.

I don't need the latest ungodly decoder ring, or crystal ball to determine what our serial killer Yahweh/Jesus states within the scriptures in a literal form, barring some parables, etc., understood? Whereas you on the other hand, seemingly need further enlightenment to get out of bible contradictions, or to spin doctor away what are true Jesus represents.  Any further information, read my short biography in my Profile Page.
I already read it. It is a practice of mine to find out what those I exchange posts with think and believe.

It is no wonder that Jesus has continually sent me to DebateArt to clean up the fake Christians like you that make this their home, praise!

Since you are dishing out the ad hominems, bully for you! A self-appointed teacher and a swell Pharisee!

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
YOUR UNGODLY EMBARRASSING QUOTE: “Since God is Spirit those who worship [Him] must worship in spirit and in truth and that is obtained via Jesus Christ, the way and the truth. “

You have Satanically stated ad infinitum that our serial killer Yahweh God is a spirit only, and without a physical body. How do you sleep at night with your outright biblical ignorance regarding your claim?!
That is a rather cavalier statement --> "serial killer Yahweh."

First, what is the difference between you taking someone's life and God taking that same life? I await your answer.

Second, the very verse you critique says that "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)

That is what I said previously, as you record above. You called that satanic, my paraphrasing from Scripture? Now you, on the other hand, change what I said to "God is ONLY spirit." Nevertheless, in the Son becoming a human being God the Son, the living Word, took on an additional nature, that of a human, and there is a reason He did so. His human nature is different from His Godly nature. They are not the same nature yet within the Person of Jesus two natures reside. 

There are many instances within the scriptures that show our Jewish Yahweh as a physical being, like the time Moses saw our God’s ass!!!  For obvious reasons you seemingly forgot about this godly happening, eh? DO NOT be embarrassed about the facts of our Yahweh, understood? The TRUE Christians like myself accept these biblical axioms and just move on.
There are also instances where God is described as invisible, Spirit, not a man, etc., and heaven or the kingdom of God is described as another realm, not of this world, etc.

No, I never forgot about the many instances in the OT where God appeared in human or other forms (theophany) or where either God is described with human attributes (anthropomorphism) or takes on human form. But does that make God a human? The person of Jesus has two natures, a human nature and His godly nature. Somehow the two natures are evident in the one Person. Not only this but I believe He appeared as the Angel of the Lord in the OT and possibly in the instance with Moses you describe which was before His incarnation.  

Let me quickly address your bible ignorance, where ol’ Moses is chatting with our serial killer Yahweh “face to face” as one speaks to a friend. Moses asks Yahweh the following: “Show me your glory, I pray” (Exodus 33:8). But, Yahweh says; “You cannot see my face; for no one shall see me and live,” (Ex 33:20) A few verses before Moses talked “face to face” with Yahweh, but now Yahweh says Moses can’t see his face. Uh, okay.

Now in Ex 21:23 Yahweh says Moses can SEE HIM, partially that is, when He stated: “Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you WITH MY HAND until I have passed by. Then I will REMOVE MY HAND and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen.” (Exodus 21;23)

Yahweh once again shows us that he is anthropomorphic by having a “HAND like humans. Anyway, Yahweh then covers Moses face with his HAND and removes said HAND when He passes by Moses! Yahweh did show Himself and was seen by Moses, but only showed his backside, which equals Yahweh’s ASS! If Yahweh had a “HAND” therefore he had an ASS as well!  GET IT? Huh?
I find your statements crass and rude as well as irreverent and disrespectful in complete contrast to those whom God has made Himself known to. 

Isaiah 6:1-5 (NASB)
Isaiah’s Vision
In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called out to another and said,
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts,
The whole earth is full of His glory.”
And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke. Then I said,
Woe is me, for I am ruined!
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I live among a people of unclean lips;
For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.” 

Ephesians 5:3-5 (NASB)
But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.


The description of God having human attributes in the OT such as hands and feet, eyes and a mouth are figurative ways God uses to help us understand and relate to Him, as also He uses clouds and fire and other terms to describe Himself. Does that mean God is a cloud? Then there are also the appearances of God (i.e., the Angel of the Lord) where God takes on human form, yet God is not human. Then there is the incarnation where the Word becomes human and takes on an additional nature to His Godhood.    

Now, if you want to make a greater fool of yourself amongst the brethren of DEBATEART, try and spin doctor this narrative away with actual BIBLICAL vouchsafing instead of opinion dribble this time, understood? Jesus and I get so tired of addressing the most ignorant of His following in DebateArt.

YOUR STEPPING IN POO QUOTE, AGAIN: “It is through ignorance and misunderstanding of God's word that these alleged contradictions are charged. I tackled the first seven to give an example.”

GREAT, now to save what face you have left, you only have 293 left to Satanically decipher of the New Testament godly contradictions!  What are the next 7 are you going to bring forth?  Yahweh only knows that Ethang couldn’t defend our Yahweh God like our bible says to do, where at least you are “TRYING,” I repeat, “TRYING” to erroneously perform this ungodly act!

We are waiting, with NO EXCUSES, for you to continue in allegedly showing no contradictions is the said previous NT passages.  BEGIN.
I'm not going to waste my time explaining as many as I can. As I said, that would take more time than I care to spend on this subject when so far I have had no response to the two posts I tackled on the subject.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Tell us, why do you allow yourself to be made the fake Christian on DebateArt?
Who is "us"? The only person who you ever seemed to even slightly agree with has been banned for stupidity. Did you replace him with another moron?

And who is making me a fake Christian? It can't be you, because we've never spoken.

now you are being a namby pamby pretend Christian in front of DebateArt by not addressing each one of his alleged contradictions! Why?
I was waiting for you, the great Christian to do so first.

Where are your defenses? What? You haven't addressed any? I've addressed 2.

Stand up for Jesus or leave Christianity altogether because we...
We who? Your Hindu brother is gone. Or are you using the plural of majesty?

...don't want lilly-livered Christians amongst our ranks, understood?!
But you liked Hindus? Are you aware Hindus are not Christians?

And again, what "our ranks"? You seem to be one solitary illogical guy obsessed with Christianity.

Now engage Steven because this is your fight
You mean it isn't the fight of you and your "ranks" of non-lilly-livered real Christians?

Jesus said to defend the faith and you, the great Christian on a white horse, are sending in a fake Christian? Lol. Where is your sword brother?

Look at you running away from the Hell bound Atheist named Steven....
Stephen, can I ask you a favor? 
Lol. Is "hellbound" Stephen in your "ranks" of stone livered Christians? Is he the replacement for your banned chris-Hindu partner?

now you are being a namby pamby pretend Christian...
It is no wonder that Jesus has continually sent me to DebateArt...
The next time you talk to Jesus, ask Him if it's "namby pamby" or "mamby pamby".

No good wasting all that wisdom at your fingertips eh?
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Jesus Himself was sent to the lost sheep.

Yes, the lost sheep of Israel NOT Christianity. Jesus the JEW makes that perfectly clear.  
But His message was for everyone. Your claim was that it was a contradiction. But Jesus and His message are different things. Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep, but His message was universal.

Your charge of contradiction is irrational.

No one cares about your biased opinion.

Don't you be so sure.
Everyone prefers facts. Please post some.

And yet Jesus helped her.

But not before she pointed out his hypocrisy.
Lol. Facts, not opinions jedthro. Don't simply blurt out nonsense, show your point.

Lol. Stephen posts a wall-o-text,...

You got exactly what you asked for...
No sir. I asked for contradictions, you mass dumped unsupported nonsense.

...and are now bleating and wailing instead of addressing those hundreds of very clear contradictions.
No one is going to address all your spam. But notice each one you have mentioned  has been debunked. You faked a quote by Jesus and you haven't addressed that yet.

And speaking of "wall to wall text"   have you must missed the pointless, drivelling babble posted by your dear friend pga who has at least attempted to explain away some of these contradictions that YOU challenged people to post?
And I've noticed you haven't touched his rebuttals either. What you will do, is later re-spam the same tired nonsense as  "contradictions" in some other thread.

Go look at the wall to wall of  text at posts 18-19-24-43-44-45-46-47-48-49, just mind your eyes don't bleed.
You posted a supposed "contradiction" to me. I told you that Jesus didn't say that.

Silence from you. What? Did you think all you had to do was post some lie and you had proven a contradiction?

Address PGA's rebuttals. He only did 8, you posted more than 200. If you expect us to address 200, why are you choking at his 8, and my 2?

Because as we said at the beginning, you don't want debate. You just want to post silliness and call it contradiction. That is why you mass dump, and cannot address the explanations already given.

If you are so right, why did you have to fake a quote by Jesus? If the "contradictions" are so clear, why can't you address the rebuttals?

Anger and bombast will never substitute for rational argumentation.

Now, pick out one "contradiction" you think is the strongest, and I will dismember it for you live on air. You will not be able to defend it, or address my rebuttals. 

I will show how what you consider your strongest "contradiction", is nothing but sloppy thinking and irrational bias on your part.

Or you can run by spamming 200 more bits of nonsense. Either way, the Gentle Readers see your fakery.
disgusted's avatar
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Who allowed this thang back
Stephen's avatar
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But His message was for everyone.

No it was not and you cannot prove it was.  I have to keep reminding you, Jesus was a JEW, not a Christian.  He was a JEWISH  priest NOT a Christian priest. He was king of the JEWS (even Pontius Pilate recognised this) NOT king of Christians. In fact I believe Jesus would have been totally appalled at the fact the a new religion had sprung up in his name.

Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep, but His message was universal.

The evidence proves otherwise. And you can ignore it all day long. Jesus himself says  “I was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of Israel.” <<<< see that? not a single mention of christians or you.

Add to this a further FACT you so  crave :

The twelve were sent with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” (Matthew 10:5–6) 

 See that? This is Jesus enforcing a strict command on who the disciples should and shouldn't preach to.  "the lost sheep of ISRAEL"  not Christians or YOU.  Not to mention the FACT that there were no Christians at the time of these commands. And this is regardless of what Paul may or may not say. Jesus himself laid down a strict commandment about who should and should not receive his word.

You are clutching at straws and simply dying for words to be in the scriptures that simply are not there. This is why you can never win an argument, because you constantly try to put words into the Christ's mouth that he didn't utter. You should be ashamed of yourself.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
But His message was for everyone.

No it was not and you cannot prove it was.
John 3:16 proves it. Jesus said so.

I have to keep reminding you, Jesus was a JEW, not a Christian. 
A Christian is one who follows Jesus genius. Who Jesus was has nothing to do with who His message was for.

He was a JEWISH  priest NOT a Christian priest.
Hebrews calls you wrong. Jesus is the first, last, and only priest for Christians. Have you read Hebrews?

He was king of the JEWS (even Pontius Pilate recognised this) NOT king of Christians.
There were no Christians before Jesus. Jesus is the King of kings. The king of everyone.

In fact I believe Jesus would have been totally appalled at the fact the a new religion had sprung up in his name.
Lol. Weird then that He accepted worship and encouraged His followers to pray to Him huh?

Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep, but His message was universal.

The evidence proves otherwise. And you can ignore it all day long.
You mean I can refute it all day long.

Jesus himself says  “I was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of Israel.” <<<< see that?not a single mention of christians or you.
Yes, Cletus. Jesus Himself was sent to only the lost sheep, but His message was for everyone.

Add to this a further FACT you so  crave :
It doesn't mean what you think it does. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that whomsoever believeth in Him...

That means His message is for everyone.

The twelve were sent with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” (Matthew 10:5–6) 
 See that?
I see. So what? At that time, they were restricted to Jews because of prophesy. Later, Paul and others were sent to gentiles. You are without reason, assuming that the message was never meant for gentiles, when Jesus Himself says it was.

This is Jesus enforcing a strict command on who the disciples should and shouldn't preach to.
At that time Jethro. Only at that time.

"the lost sheep of ISRAEL"  not Christians or YOU.
You don't know Jewish history. The disciples were restricted for a time, but the message never was.

Not to mention the FACT that there were no Christians at the time of these commands.
So what? 

And this is regardless of what Paul may or may not say. Jesus himself laid down a strict commandment about who should and should not receive his word.
He said whomsoever in the world believes, He would in no wise cast out. You are terribly confused.

You are clutching at straws and simply dying for words to be in the scriptures that simply are not there.
John 3:16 is there. Honest. Check it.

This is why you can never win an argument, because you constantly try to put words into the Christ's mouth that he didn't utter. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Lol. Would you like me to give you verses talking about the universality of Jesus' message?

Why do you assume that because disciples were restricted for a time, it was a universal restriction for all time? Why do you assume a restriction of the person means a restriction of the message?

You have still dodged the fake quote you tried to put on Jesus. Why?

This is your strongest "contradiction"? How is it even a contradiction? No wonder you tried a mass dump. You really don't want any one of your bits of silliness examined in detail.
Stephen's avatar
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He was king of the JEWS (even Pontius Pilate recognised this) NOT king of Christians.
There were no Christians before Jesus. Jesus is the King of kings. The king of everyone.

Only half right. There were no Christians. And he was king of The Jews. Well done! you're getting there.

Not to mention the FACT that there were no Christians at the time of these commands.
So what? 

Exactly, my you do catch only eventually don't you. There was no Christianity so they couldn't have been instructed to go preach his word to Christians  THAT'S WHAT!.

And this is regardless of what Paul may or may not say. Jesus himself laid down a strict commandment about who should and should not receive his word.
He said whomsoever in the world believes, ......

And that includes Eskimos, Incas, Mayans and Aborigines & Inuites  too did it?  Tell me, would he cast out those like myself who does not believe this Christ to be a god or even a son of a god?  Even though "he died that we may live"?   You are the one who is extremely confused you poor thing. 

John 3:16  "For God loved the world in this way".

Another contradiction. "god" hated the world that he created and man in particular and decided to destroy it.

This is why you can never win an argument, because you constantly try to put words into the Christ's mouth that he didn't utter. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Lol. Would you like me to give you verses talking about the universality of Jesus' message?

Is all I would like you to do is, instead of trying to put words into the mouth of the Christ, is to face the simple fact that the bible does indeed have contradictions. HUNDREDS of them.  Christians cannot even agree on the days the Christ was born, or who his father was or when he was crucified. 

SkepticalOne's avatar
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SkepticalOne's avatar
What could better illustrate contradictions in the Bible than a thread full of believers arguing over dissonant passages in the Bible? 

That being said, I think this topic gets much too much attention from the newly de-converted atheists and the entrenched believers. There are contradictions - so what? Most have very little significance to Christian theology. It is hardly worth a discussion, imo.
Mopac's avatar
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The bible is not intended to be an idol placed before God. The bible is used to direct people towards God and The Way. The bible itself is not God, nor is it The Way.

The bible is also not intended to be taken away from the context of the church. 

None of these believers you speak of are with the church except yours truly.

Stephen's avatar
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What could better illustrate contradictions in the Bible than a thread full of believers arguing over dissonant passages in the Bible? 

indeed,  and just like the gospel writers, they cannot agree on much , can they?  Even the so called synoptics are not synchronised or speak as one, do they.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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In addressing your ever so wanting post #61;

YOUR AMUSING TO YOURSELF QUOTE: “What a laugh! Why would I take the time to answer your posts when you continue to disrespect me with your arrogant boasting and debasing attitude? Nevertheless, I will. But I'm not going to answer 200 alleged contradictions. I don't have the time nor the will, especially when no one is willing to respond to the ones I already addressed.”

Why would you answer my posts when I disrespect you, but then you do it anyway? Do you know where you are at any given time in religious discussion? Obviously not.  I have the right to disrespect you because it needs to be done because you disrespect Jesus as you continue to slap Him in the face with your Satanic spin doctoring of His words! 

WAIT: you are not going to address the rest of the “alleged” bible contradictions?  The gauntlet was thrown down by the Hell bound Atheist Stephen, and now you are not going to defend Jesus by addressing ALL of the alleged contradictions in His name, therefore letting the Atheist Stephen OWN YOU and your faith? Really?  THINK; WWJD, runaway like you are doing, or stand ground and defend the faith? Just like the myriad of other FAKE Christians, you are all talk and no action when it comes to defending the faith, and why am I now surprised.  You will pay dearly upon Judgment Day, that is for sure!

JESUS STATED: "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, So that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. " (Titus 1:9).  

PGA2.0, go ahead, continue to make a mockery of Jesus by not even trying to prove that ALL of the “alleged” contradictions are false. May I ask what type of “running shoes” do you wear when discussing the faith? Are they NIKE, Adidas, or?    

YOUR REVEALING QUOTE TO ME: “What do you know about Preterism? Are you willing to formally debate the subject matter as to whether a futurist or Preterist view is biblical? If so, I will set up the debate when I find the time.”

I Know enough about your Devil Speak Preterism to realize that anyone that swallows this ungodly faith is either a minion of Satan, or Satan Himself, therefore, which one are you? I have forgotten more about Preterism than you will unfortunately ever know about it, where Jesus and I would make you the fool in any type of debate upon this ungodly faith, period!  Your non-christian faith, in part, hangs it hat upon Matthew 24:34 as you try and pull the wool over the equally inept in stating that Jesus has already accomplished His 2nd coming, what?  Listen, I have an orange bridge for sale in San Francisco, are you interested in it’s purchase? Its a real money maker, and I’ll give you some great terms of sale, okay?  Priceless.


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Sorry, but I have to address your bible ignorance again regarding your post #62.

YOUR LACK OF LOGIC 101 QUOTE: “First, what is the difference between you taking someone's life and God taking that same life? I await your answer.”

If I murdered someone, and our Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate murdered someone, I am not called “All loving and forgiving” like Jesus would be called in the irrational dichotomy that prevails in the aftermath, get it? Huh? Maybe? Do you need further clarification?  In turn, I await you wiping the egg from your face once again by making such an ignorant statement.

YOUR QUOTE WHERE YOU REMOVE ONE FOOT TO INSERT THE OTHER AGAIN: “His human nature is different from His Godly nature. They are not the same nature yet within the Person of Jesus two natures reside.” 

Jesus is Yahweh God incarnate, in three different forms, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Quit embarrassing yourself in front of the Religion Forum and promote His true modus operandi of His godly Triune, understood? Thank you.

YOUR CONTINUED BIBLICALLY IGNORANT QUOTE:  “ ….But does that make God a human?”

We can see that you are having a hard time in not only understanding that our God Jesus was HUMAN when He walked the earth, but also, you are having a really hard time in trying to Satanically spin doctor Exodus 21:23 away when God had “hands” and a “behind” when dealing with Moses.  Do you realize in how utterly inept you look when trying in vain to rewrite the scriptures? Huh?  Where do you get the authority to do this ungodly act as you call our God a LIAR for stating that He had hands and a behind in the passage in question! BLASPHEME!

YOUR “POT” QUOTE CALLING THE “KETTLE BLACK:  “I find your statements crass and rude as well as irreverent and disrespectful in complete contrast to those whom God has made Himself known to”

In turn, Jesus and I find your Satanic Devil Speak more than crass and rude where you continue to try and rewrite His true words, and by not understanding the most simple of biblical axioms, and by not defending Jesus like you have not done ad infinitum!!!! In simpler terms, YOU have no room to talk, understood?

YOUR GRASPING FOR STRAWS QUOTE: “The description of God having human attributes in the OT such as hands and feet, eyes and a mouth are figurative ways God uses to help us understand and relate to Him, as also He uses clouds and fire and other terms to describe Himself. Does that mean God is a cloud?

Listen, I have already addressed this notion earlier at your expense, remember? How deep do you want to dig your hole? Maybe to HELL?  Try this very simple proposition, and get help upon it if need be, now read the godly passage below, then add 2+2 and see if it equals 4, okay?

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

Did you get it?  Read the words again that say; “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them ….”  Therefore, our serial killer Yahweh God had HANDS and a BEHIND like we do because He created us in his IMAGE!!!   2+2=4, oil and water don’t mix, and PGA2.0 is sent here from Satan Himself to disrupt this forum!

YOUR REVEALING RUNAWAY QUOTE: “I'm not going to waste my time explaining as many as I can. As I said, that would take more time than I care to spend on this subject when so far I have had no response to the two posts I tackled on the subject.”

Again, you are all talk and absolutely NO ACTION as Jesus watches you run away from defending His faith! (Hebrews 4:13) Satan must be so proud of you as you continue to let Jesus down. (Titus 1:9) How shameful can you get?

PGA2.0, listen, do you think I like making you the blatant FAKE Christian on DEBATEART? No, I do not, therefore, maybe you should take a break from the action in pretending to be a Christian in front of this forum, where as blatantly shown, you are no more a Christian than Dr. Franklin or Tradesecret!


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR CHILD LIKE QUOTE IN POST #63 IN ME NOT DOING YOUR WORK: “I was waiting for you, the great Christian to do so first. Where are your defenses? What? You haven't addressed any? I've addressed 2.

Uh, what part of my statement where I said “Now engage Steven because this is your fight, and don't bury yourself further by putting the onus upon someone else to do your work” didn’t you understand?  Here, let me help you, go to this online “Reading Comprehension Class” and follow its instructions so you won’t make a continued fool of yourself when you return, okay? You can thank me later.

Therefore, once again, I am NOT going to do your work relative to the contradicting bible passages within this thread, do you understand?   Obviously you can't do anymore bible deciphering, therefore, just accept the fact that you and PGA2.0 are "RUNAWAYS" from defending Jesus' words and should be totally embarrassed! Simple, isn't it?

Relative to the rest of your convoluted, nonsensical  and grasping for straws that are not there statements in your post #63, I will have to leave those alone to save yourself further embarrassment in front of the members of DEBATEART.  Once again, you can thank me later.

Oh, and to educate you further, as usual, the following is shown at your expense, and yes, AGAIN!  :(

namby-pamby: lacking in character or substance : INSIPID

Do you want to remove one foot to insert the other again with me, or will your ignorance regarding the correct spelling of the term I used be enough proverbial egg upon your face to last awhile?  Let me know, okay? Thanks.


ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Exactly, my you do catch only eventually don't you. There was no Christianity so they couldn't have been instructed to go preach his word to Christians  THAT'S WHAT!.
Explain John 3:16

And that includes Eskimos, Incas, Mayans and Aborigines & Inuites  too did it?

Tell me, would he cast out those like myself who does not believe this Christ to be a god or even a son of a god?
Jesus said whomever believes. Whether the person is Jew or gentile doesn't matter. You have confused the person with the message.

Even though "he died that we may live"?

You are the one who is extremely confused you poor thing. 
I have not confused the person with the message. That is you.

Another contradiction.
Deal with the rebuttals you are running away from before oozing to yet another false claim.

..all I would like you to do is, instead of trying to put words into the mouth of the Christ,
You posted a fake quote you attributed to Christ. And though I have pointed that out to you 3 times now, you have pretended not to have seen it and deleted it from your lame replies.

People like you who think the Gentle Readers don't see your fakery are funny.

is to face the simple fact that the bible does indeed have contradictions.
OK. We'll take it on faith because you said it.


ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
What could better illustrate contradictions in the Bible than a thread full of believers arguing over dissonant passages in the Bible? 
Only 3 believers have posted to this thread, and they have not once disagreed with each other.

But you will not see your bias crippling your perception. What you see are,  "believers" arguing over dissonant passages in the Bible.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
There are contradictions - so what? Most have very little significance to Christian theology. It is hardly worth a discussion, imo.
That must be why no one can post and defend an actual contradiction.

A Biblical contradiction seems to be like abiogenesis. Atheists are all sure it exists, but can never produce an example of one.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Maybe because I didn't bold, underline, and post it in all caps. Hmm?

“I was waiting for you, the great Christian to do so first. Where are your defenses? What? You haven't addressed any? I've addressed 2.

Uh, what part of my statement where I said “Now engage Steven because this is your fight,...
I blew you off because you don't assign fights for me. And since you call yourself a Christian, its your fight too. I've addressed now 3. You're still at zero, and you claim to have a direct line to Jesus! Are you getting static on your line brother?

 Here, let me help you, go to this online “Reading Comprehension Class” and follow its instructions so you won’t make a continued fool of yourself when you return, okay? You can thank me later.
I read you fine. I just don't accept you as some sort of authority over me. I know that will surprise and hurt you, but you're just a weird guy on the internet, not in authority, and the sooner someone hips you to that, the better for you.

Therefore, once again, I am NOT going to do your work relative to the contradicting bible passages within this thread, do you understand?
Sure, you say your Lord commands all believers to defend the faith, but somehow its only work for others, not you. Yet you insist you're a believer. Go figure.

Still, both PGA and I have done more than you, and you say you're a "true" believer.

Obviously you can't do anymore bible deciphering,
The bible is not in code, and thus needs no deciphering...
(funny, deb-8-a-bull just used the same weird word deciphering for the bible instead of interpreting. Has anyone ever seen deb and brother Thomas in the same room?)

therefore, just accept the fact that you and PGA2.0 are "RUNAWAYS" from defending Jesus' words and should be totally embarrassed! Simple, isn't it?
In your head it certainly is.

Relative to the rest of your convoluted, nonsensical  and grasping for straws that are not there statements in your post #63, I will have to leave those alone to save yourself further embarrassment in front of the members of DEBATEART.  Once again, you can thank me later.
Lol. OK.

Oh, and to educate you further, as usual, the following is shown at your expense, and yes, AGAIN!  :(

namby-pamby: lacking in character or substance : INSIPID

Did you see a picture of you next to the definition?

Do you want to remove one foot to insert the other again with me, or will your ignorance regarding the correct spelling of the term I used...
I didn't call your spelling wrong. I encouraged you to ask your best bud Jesus. Instead you went to some chick named Merriam Webster. What sort of "believer" are you. enough proverbial egg upon your face to last awhile?  Let me know, okay? Thanks.
I checked. There's no egg on my face. Perhaps the rotten egg scent you smell is coming from something closer to your nose.

Lol. I really thought this guy would be tougher.

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar


“What a laugh! Why would I take the time to answer your posts when you continue to disrespect me with your arrogant boasting and debasing attitude? Nevertheless, I will. But I'm not going to answer 200 alleged contradictions. I don't have the time nor the will, especially when no one is willing to respond to the ones I already addressed.”

Why would you answer my posts when I disrespect you, but then you do it anyway? Do you know where you are at any given time in religious discussion? Obviously not.  I have the right to disrespect you because it needs to be done because you disrespect Jesus as you continue to slap Him in the face with your Satanic spin doctoring of His words! 
I answer your posts to expose others to the groundlessness of your biblical knowledge, not because I enjoy your insults. From what you have revealed about yourself you are a self-proclaimed Pharisee and teacher of the law

WAIT: you are not going to address the rest of the “alleged” bible contradictions?  The gauntlet was thrown down by the Hell bound Atheist Stephen, and now you are not going to defend Jesus by addressing ALL of the alleged contradictions in His name, therefore letting the Atheist Stephen OWN YOU and your faith? Really?  THINK; WWJD, runaway like you are doing, or stand ground and defend the faith? Just like the myriad of other FAKE Christians, you are all talk and no action when it comes to defending the faith, and why am I now surprised.  You will pay dearly upon Judgment Day, that is for sure!
I have answered enough of them to show that they are groundless. No one has engaged in refuting them. Thus, I have done all I need to for the meantime. 

JESUS STATED: "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, So that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. " (Titus 1:9).  

PGA2.0, go ahead, continue to make a mockery of Jesus by not even trying to prove that ALL of the “alleged” contradictions are false. May I ask what type of “running shoes” do you wear when discussing the faith? Are they NIKE, Adidas, or?    
Please, stop with your unbounded wit and irony! It is overwhelming to poor old me.

I can only afford sandals (Birkenstocks). 


 “What do you know about Preterism? Are you willing to formally debate the subject matter as to whether a futurist or Preterist view is biblical? If so, I will set up the debate when I find the time.”

I Know enough about your Devil Speak Preterism to realize that anyone that swallows this ungodly faith is either a minion of Satan, or Satan Himself, therefore, which one are you? I have forgotten more about Preterism than you will unfortunately ever know about it, where Jesus and I would make you the fool in any type of debate upon this ungodly faith, period!  Your non-christian faith, in part, hangs it hat upon Matthew 24:34 as you try and pull the wool over the equally inept in stating that Jesus has already accomplished His 2nd coming, what?
Then I will challenge you to a debate on Preterism versus your futurism on the Olivet Discourse and the Second Coming. 

Listen, I have an orange bridge for sale in San Francisco, are you interested in it’s purchase? Its a real money maker, and I’ll give you some great terms of sale, okay?  Priceless.

Keep your rickety old bridge built on sand. I don't want it. Orange is not my colour and San Francisco is not a place I even want to visit. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

“First, what is the difference between you taking someone's life and God taking that same life? I await your answer.”

If I murdered someone, and our Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate murdered someone, I am not called “All loving and forgiving” like Jesus would be called in the irrational dichotomy that prevails in the aftermath, get it? Huh? Maybe? Do you need further clarification?  In turn, I await you wiping the egg from your face once again by making such an ignorant statement.
All life is God's to give and take. It is not ours. Since God is sovereign the commandments do not apply to Him. For instance, how can He steal? He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He owns all things. How can He covet what He already owns? How can He lie? It is impossible for Him to lie. How can He worship other gods? There are none, just those that are called gods. They do not have the power or majesty, nor are they worthy of worship. How can He murder? Murder is unjustifiable killing. God forbids the taking of innocent blood. When you murder you kill someone made in God's image and likeness. When you murder you are killing something that belongs to God. It is not your right to do so. It is His to take and in His time. And He will never take an innocent life without restoring it because He is loving, pure, and just. Thus when the Son subjected Himself to the Father by becoming human His life was restored because of His innocence. 

But regarding killing, can God do with what belongs to Him whatever He likes? Yes, and you will notice that any time God brought a nation against another nation is was in judgment for that nation's unrighteousness and evil. Thus, His justice and goodness were made known to those who rejected Him. Would you say it is good for a judge to do what is wrong and ignore punishing the guilty? For those innocents whose life was taken, He would restore that innocent life because God is just. 

God is also loving, thus He has set in place a way that those who are guilty may be forgiven. That means is the Son who became flesh and blood - human. The Son did this to meet God's righteous decrees and laws, something no other human being could do. The Son did this on behalf of those who would believe. Thus our righteousness is met in faith in Jesus/Yeshua. Not only this, our past sins and any sins we may commit in the future are fulling paid for in Jesus since He also took the wrath of God in our place. He suffered the consequences for those sins on behalf of the believer. 


“His human nature is different from His Godly nature. They are not the same nature yet within the Person of Jesus two natures reside.”

Jesus is Yahweh God incarnate, in three different forms, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Quit embarrassing yourself in front of the Religion Forum and promote His true modus operandi of His godly Triune, understood? Thank you.
No, you are mistaken. Jesus is not Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is a Oneness Pentecostal doctrine and does not comply with God's Word. Jesus is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. God the SON became incarnate and became a human being. 


“ ….But does that make God a human?”

We can see that you are having a hard time in not only understanding that our God Jesus was HUMAN when He walked the earth, but also, you are having a really hard time in trying to Satanically spin doctor Exodus 21:23 away when God had “hands” and a “behind” when dealing with Moses.  Do you realize in how utterly inept you look when trying in vain to rewrite the scriptures? Huh?  Where do you get the authority to do this ungodly act as you call our God a LIAR for stating that He had hands and a behind in the passage in question! BLASPHEME!
No, God became incarnate in human form. God said,

"21 She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” 22 Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 23 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.”

Isaiah 9:6 (NASB)
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

The child is born, the Son is given. Do you see the difference? 

John 3:16 (NASB)
16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

The Son is given, the child is born. 

As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me.

Jesus *said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.

God's will in Jesus was to live a righteous life to restore humanity to relationship with God. 

Thus just as a man sinned (Adam) and brought sin into the world, so also a Man (Jesus) lived a completely righteous life before God to restore that relationship that was broken when Adam was cast out of the Garden. Thus, Jesus acted solely in His human capacity when He, the Son, became flesh and blood. If He acted in His godly capacity then a human would not have met the righteous requirements of God. 


“I find your statements crass and rude as well as irreverent and disrespectful in complete contrast to those whom God has made Himself known to”

In turn, Jesus and I find your Satanic Devil Speak more than crass and rude where you continue to try and rewrite His true words, and by not understanding the most simple of biblical axioms, and by not defending Jesus like you have not done ad infinitum!!!! In simpler terms, YOU have no room to talk, understood?


“The description of God having human attributes in the OT such as hands and feet, eyes and a mouth are figurative ways God uses to help us understand and relate to Him, as also He uses clouds and fire and other terms to describe Himself. Does that mean God is a cloud?

Listen, I have already addressed this notion earlier at your expense, remember? How deep do you want to dig your hole? Maybe to HELL?  Try this very simple proposition, and get help upon it if need be, now read the godly passage below, then add 2+2 and see if it equals 4, okay?
Hah! No, you have delusionally thought you have. 

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

Did you get it?  Read the words again that say; “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them ….”  Therefore, our serial killer Yahweh God had HANDS and a BEHIND like we do because He created us in his IMAGE!!!   2+2=4, oil and water don’t mix, and PGA2.0 is sent here from Satan Himself to disrupt this forum!
Hands and feet? That is called anthropomorphisms. Anthropomorphisms are figurative or symbolic language that gives human attributes and characteristics to God to help humanity understand God more fully. It gives us images or forms we can understand to picture God. Thus, when it says that God's eyes look upon the earth, it means He sees and understands all things. Theophanes are appearances of God when He takes on a human or angelic form to make Himself known, such as the Angel of the Lord which many look upon as a pre-incarnation appearance of Jesus Christ. Finally, God becomes incarnate in which He becomes a human being. What does that mean? It means that God takes on an additional nature, that of a man and a human being. 

What you are teaching is similar to a Mormon doctrine that God has a physical body. Again, it is false teaching. The image of God is similar to God's nature - reasoning, logical, loving, thinking, knowing, etc.  


“I'm not going to waste my time explaining as many as I can. As I said, that would take more time than I care to spend on this subject when so far I have had no response to the two posts I tackled on the subject.”

Again, you are all talk and absolutely NO ACTION as Jesus watches you run away from defending His faith! (Hebrews 4:13) Satan must be so proud of you as you continue to let Jesus down. (Titus 1:9) How shameful can you get?
This is very hypocritical of you. You talk and provide absolutely NO ACTION. You watch as others defame His word by accusing God of contradictions while you do nothing except judge those who defend it. If you have a better explanation then present it instead of being critical of others while you sit silently by to the alleged contradiction. When I see someone who is defending the faith I will sometimes jump in to give assistance, time permitting. Not you. Instead, you attack those defending the faith. You see the Samaritan on the wayside and you pass on by. 

If you think God's word is being debased by the 200 alleged contradictions and do nothing you are as bad (if not worse) as those you accuse. Not only this, do you think I am going to spend hours upon hours answering 200 alleged contradiction when no one will read them or respond to the posts and posts and posts? Where has anyone responded to my posts to refute them? If anyone did I answered them. 

PGA2.0, listen, do you think I like making you the blatant FAKE Christian on DEBATEART? No, I do not, therefore, maybe you should take a break from the action in pretending to be a Christian in front of this forum, where as blatantly shown, you are no more a Christian than Dr. Franklin or Tradesecret!
You should be sure of who you attack before you attack them. You have one helluva chip on your shoulders, the self-deceived, self-proclaimed, and self-appointed judge of others. 

"I am a TRUE Christian..."
"It matters not when Jesus and I enter a debate, or comment upon debates, in whether we win or lose, because it is all about spreading the TRUE word of our Lord and Savior to the ignorant fake Christians of the world that are guilty this passage: "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3)
crossed's avatar
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crossed's avatar
It is amazing at the amount of #### the bible gets.none of these are true. Here is an audio version of the bible.

Secondly  every one right after i looked at it i could explain it.I do not have ten hours but i will come back to it in a while i am busy

Jesus' lineage was traced through David's son Solomon. Mt.1:6.
Jesus' lineage was traced through David's son Nathan. Lk.3:31.

luke 3:31

1 the son of Melea, the son of Menna,
the son of Mattatha, the son of Nathan,
the son of David,

Nathan is not davids son but grandson. David had solomon. Solomon had does not say son of david is says the son of david which is Solomon. that had nathan

Matthew 1:6 New International Version (NIV)
6 and Jesse the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife,

your second one was where jesus was lost when he was twelve and Jesus was with  a bunch of wise men who were amazed at how smart he was.His parents found him and were worried he said don't you know i have to be where my father business.

Jesus' parents were told of their son's future greatness. Mt.1:18-21; Lk.1:28-35.
Jesus' parents knew nothing of their son's potential. Lk.2:48-50

 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.”
49 And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about rMy Father’s business?” 50 But sthey did not understand the statement which He spoke to them
They knew jesus was gods son.but they did not understand that that was what he was saying when he said this particular moments.They did not realize he was talking about how he was the son of god.

Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about rMy Father’s business?” 50 But sthey did not understand the statement which He spoke to them
it is like if i say i was going to go camping in 2 weeks. 2 weeks later camping trip arrives and i leave the house and say camping see you in a week and my parents do not understand me.

crossed's avatar
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crossed's avatar
I was taking a break. from this site but i am back

crossed's avatar
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So, plainly this then is not a universal message. And again we see it with the encounter with the Canaanite woman:

[Jesus denied her plea to heal her daughter, saying] “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

Jesus first mission was to preach to the jews.Before he preached to the world.

Jesus later told them hay now that we are finished here lets go preach to the gentiles.
Peter had a problem with this.He was told to eat with gentiles and tell them of jesus.Peter did not like this they were unclean.So God sent him a vision.In the vision it was a bunch of unclean animals  like lizards ostriches weird bird  pigs and in the vision.While he was seeing all these unclean animals a chanting voice said kill and eat kill and eat

he fell into a trance and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him: "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." But Peter said, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean." And the voice came to him again a second time, "What God has made clean, do not call common." This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven. (Acts 10:9-16)

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR SATANIC PRETERIST QUOTE: “No, you are mistaken. Jesus is not Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is a Oneness Pentecostal doctrine and does not comply with God's Word. Jesus is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. God the SON became incarnate and became a human being.”

NOW I SEE YOUR PROBLEM!!!  You Satanically deny Jesus' divinity in the Trinity Doctrine, which is BLASPHEME on your part!  No wonder you weren't making any godly sense!  Now you really are a FAKE CHRISTIAN, in name only, and you will definitely pay upon Judgment Day because of your unrighteousness to the true word of Jesus!  

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). 

The curtain is thrown back, now all of your Devil Speak makes sense, not only because of your pagan Preterist faith, but by also not believing in Jesus as our Jewish Yahweh God incarnate!!

YOUR PRETERIST SATANIC QUOTE: " For those innocents whose life was taken, He would restore that innocent life because God is just.”

First thing, thank you for accepting the biblical fact that our Yahweh was a serial killer by taking innocent life away in many brutal and horrific ways, which to you is loving and just? 

An example of this alleged love that you purport Yahweh to have, can you believe the outright horror of a mother watching her innocent babies drowning in Yahweh’s Great Flood?  Can an innocent baby that knows not of what their parents did to make Yahweh mad really be evil where they need to die a drastic drowning death? Imagine an innocent baby hopelessly treading water in our Jesus’ Great Flood for an hour as they cry out in drastic horror to their mothers? Picture their muscles burning due to large amounts of lactic acid production, where when they finally give up, they went under and held their breaths as acidic carbon dioxide eroded their lungs until the unbearable pain forced them to inhale, where there was no air for them to breathe, and then they died suffocating!!!  What makes this even worse for me, is the biblical fact that our Yahweh/Jesus god was watching these precious little innocent babies drowning a ghastly death and did nothing to save them! (Proverbs 15:3) To you this is loving and just???!  HUH?

Therefore, listen up! It is delusional and psychotic for YOU to postulate that under the above godly scenario, that our Jewish God Yahweh was loving and just!!!  A true Christian like me accepts the fact that our Yahweh was truly a SOB at times, and moves on. Therefore, don’t be a fool in front of others by turning yourself into a pretzel by trying in vain to spin doctor away our God’s true modus operandi! Understood?  You look foolish, where it is no wonder the millennials on back are not going into Christianity!

YOUR PRETERIST SATANIC QUOTE: “Not only this, our past sins and any sins we may commit in the future are fulling paid for in Jesus since He also took the wrath of God in our place.”

First off, Jesus’ 3 day tomb nap and the pain He went through upon the cross was NOT a true sacrifice, because He did NOT truly die to save our sins, but arose upon the 3rd day alive again, get it? A real sacrifice is that you remain DEAD, period!  A true sacrifice was done by our armed forces in WW2, where they would have loved to come back to life after being killed, but they did not! Get it?  Furthermore, if Jesus has paid for all of our sins in our total life time, then there is no incentive not to sin! HELLO? Whereas the Hell bound Atheists that live a moral and ethical life without any type of sin hanging over them, are nonetheless destined for Hell upon their demise! Huh? How is that godly logical?  

YOUR PRETERIST BIBLE IGNORANCE HAS NO BOUNDS: “Thus just as a man sinned (Adam) and brought sin into the world, ….”

Jesus H. Christ, we can see that by being a Preterist, your ignorance upon the bible is without question!  It was EVE that brought sin into the world first, and not Adam!  “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” (1 Timothy 2:14). Your bible ignorance is tiring me, and if you don’t step up to the plate with true biblical knowledge for as change, I do not have the time to engage you as one of the most inept Christians on DEBATEART, understood? Yes?

YOU FAILED TO REMOVE CONTRADICTIONS FROM ALL 200 NT VERSES:  Unfortunately, you are who you pretend to be, and that is a defender of Christianity, which is the farthest from the actual truth.  Let us just accept the fact that you cannot in any way show DEBATEART that the passages in question that are contradicting can be shown by you not to be contradicting!!!  You have failed this endeavor in the eyes of Jesus with some of the most embarrassing excuses that Jesus and I have ever seen, and the sad part is the fact that you don’t have the sense to feel embarrassed about your failure!  NO MORE EXCUSES, PERIOD! YOU ARE DONE!

Now, like I’ve said before, you are going to have to show some knowledge of the bible to have the Brother D. in discussion with you, understood?  I understand that you have a great weight upon your shoulders by swallowing the pagan and Satanic Preterist faith, and by not believing the biblical axiom that Jesus is our brutal serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, BUT, barring these two factions, either arise to the occasion of serious biblical discussion, or forever be known as a FAKE Christian and be equal to the equally bible inept Ethang5!   Understood?

You are excused.


PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

 “No, you are mistaken. Jesus is not Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is a Oneness Pentecostal doctrine and does not comply with God's Word. Jesus is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. God the SON became incarnate and became a human being.”

NOW I SEE YOUR PROBLEM!!!  You Satanically deny Jesus' divinity in the Trinity Doctrine, which is BLASPHEME on your part!  No wonder you weren't making any godly sense!  Now you really are a FAKE CHRISTIAN, in name only, and you will definitely pay upon Judgment Day because of your unrighteousness to the true word of Jesus!
No, I do not. In the one person of the Son, who became human, there resides two natures, that of God and that of Man. The NT makes a distinction when speaking of Jesus is acting in His human capacity as opposed to His godliness. The point is that at a point in time God stepped into humanity as a man to fulfill the righteous requirements no other human ever could and thus fulfill not only the law but restore those who believe to the right relationship with God once again.  

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). 

The curtain is thrown back, now all of your Devil Speak makes sense, not only because of your pagan Preterist faith, but by also not believing in Jesus as our Jewish Yahweh God incarnate!!

I worship Jesus as God. I also understand that He is also a human being. God became human at a point in time. Thus, Jesus has two natures in the one Person.


" For those innocents whose life was taken, He would restore that innocent life because God is just.”

First thing, thank you for accepting the biblical fact that our Yahweh was a serial killer by taking innocent life away in many brutal and horrific ways, which to you is loving and just? 

I spent an elaborate amount of time in showing that God is not a murderer yet you do what cults and cultists are so good at, you twist my words to suit your purposes. 

The fact that you do not recognize that God is love and always does what is good (love is just and also longsuffering) tells me you are an idolater. As a loving Being, God hates sin and hates wrongful actions and justly punishes it.  

An example of this alleged love that you purport Yahweh to have, can you believe the outright horror of a mother watching her innocent babies drowning in Yahweh’s Great Flood?  Can an innocent baby that knows not of what their parents did to make Yahweh mad really be evil where they need to die a drastic drowning death?
News for you. We all die. Some God takes before others. Those who are innocent (i.e., in the sense that they have never done anything wrong) He restores to life with Himself. 

 Imagine an innocent baby hopelessly treading water in our Jesus’ Great Flood for an hour as they cry out in drastic horror to their mothers? Picture their muscles burning due to large amounts of lactic acid production, where when they finally give up, they went under and held their breaths as acidic carbon dioxide eroded their lungs until the unbearable pain forced them to inhale, where there was no air for them to breathe, and then they died suffocating!!!  What makes this even worse for me, is the biblical fact that our Yahweh/Jesus god was watching these precious little innocent babies drowning a ghastly death and did nothing to save them! (Proverbs 15:3) To you this is loving and just???!  HUH?
You are really good at presenting fallacious arguments of outrage!

Sin brought death into the world and we all die physically because of sin. Show me one human being who does not die physically.

Therefore, listen up! It is delusional and psychotic for YOU to postulate that under the above godly scenario, that our Jewish God Yahweh was loving and just!!!  A true Christian like me accepts the fact that our Yahweh was truly a SOB at times, and moves on. Therefore, don’t be a fool in front of others by turning yourself into a pretzel by trying in vain to spin doctor away our God’s true modus operandi! Understood?  You look foolish, where it is no wonder the millennials on back are not going into Christianity!
Again, you will have to answer before God for your disrespect (i.e., SOB) and for calling Him things He has Himself said He is not. You are the soin doctor in suggesting that God is not loving because He judges evil in humanity. 


“Not only this, our past sins and any sins we may commit in the future are fulling paid for in Jesus since He also took the wrath of God in our place.”

First off, Jesus’ 3 day tomb nap and the pain He went through upon the cross was NOT a true sacrifice, because He did NOT truly die to save our sins, but arose upon the 3rd day alive again, get it?
Since it is impossible for God to die it was the human nature that died upon the cross and was resurrected three days later. Thus, it was a true sacrifice. Jesus, in His humanity, felt the same pain of suffering and death that human beings experience due to sin and death. You read into Scripture what it does not say or imply. Thus, you again expose you are ignorant of the scriptural teaching.  

A real sacrifice is that you remain DEAD, period!  A true sacrifice was done by our armed forces in WW2, where they would have loved to come back to life after being killed, but they did not! Get it?  Furthermore, if Jesus has paid for all of our sins in our total life time, then there is no incentive not to sin! HELLO? Whereas the Hell bound Atheists that live a moral and ethical life without any type of sin hanging over them, are nonetheless destined for Hell upon their demise! Huh? How is that godly logical?
Again, you once again show your ignorance of Scripture. Not only do you unwisely call God an SOB, but you also mock Jesus' sacrifice and claim He did not die. The animal sacrifices gave their animal lives for the sins of the people. They were a substitutionary sacrifice. Their lives were offered in place of the sinners to restore fellowship with God. Animal sacrifices could never take away sin, just cover it until a sacrifice that could take away sin was offered. That sacrifice was Jesus Christ. A man sinned and a Man lived a righteous life before God and paid the ultimate price for sin - His human life. No other human being lived a completely spotless life before God. Thus all die. God had no reason to deny Jesus His human life. And all those who are in Christ Jesus (trust, honour, obedience, love) are also resurrected from the dead (death and separation from God) to once again be included in His presence. 


“Thus just as a man sinned (Adam) and brought sin into the world, ….”

Jesus H. Christ,
What does the 'H' mean and where do you find it in Scripture?

we can see that by being a Preterist, your ignorance upon the bible is without question! 
You are good at projection. That is all you ever do.

It was EVE that brought sin into the world first, and not Adam!  “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” (1 Timothy 2:14). 
Since Adam was made first, it was Adam who represented humanity. He was given the federal head by God.

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned—

With the text you give you are once again very selective. Here is the rest of the context. 

1 Timothy 2:12-14 (NASB)
12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

Adam was created first. It was Adam that God held accountable for the sins of the world because just like Jesus Christ, Adam represented us before God. Adam, the first man sinned. Jesus, the Second Adam, did not.

Adam was not deceived. How do you explain this statement?

Your bible ignorance is tiring me, and if you don’t step up to the plate with true biblical knowledge for as change, I do not have the time to engage you as one of the most inept Christians on DEBATEART, understood? Yes?
The feeling is mutual. Ibid!

YOU FAILED TO REMOVE CONTRADICTIONS FROM ALL 200 NT VERSES:  Unfortunately, you are who you pretend to be, and that is a defender of Christianity, which is the farthest from the actual truth.  Let us just accept the fact that you cannot in any way show DEBATEART that the passages in question that are contradicting can be shown by you not to be contradicting!!!  You have failed this endeavor in the eyes of Jesus with some of the most embarrassing excuses that Jesus and I have ever seen, and the sad part is the fact that you don’t have the sense to feel embarrassed about your failure!  NO MORE EXCUSES, PERIOD! YOU ARE DONE!
Buck, buck, buuuck. 

Now, like I’ve said before, you are going to have to show some knowledge of the bible to have the Brother D. in discussion with you, understood?  I understand that you have a great weight upon your shoulders by swallowing the pagan and Satanic Preterist faith, and by not believing the biblical axiom that Jesus is our brutal serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, BUT, barring these two factions, either arise to the occasion of serious biblical discussion, or forever be known as a FAKE Christian and be equal to the equally bible inept Ethang5!   Understood?

You are excused.
I suggest we debate Preterism as opposed to your view. I'll set up the debate. Are you game? I think we have run the course of civil debate. Oh, wait, your first post started out rather barbaric. So is a debate in your future? (Run, Forest, run!) What are you wearing? Nikes? Adidas? 

Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

YOUR PSYCHOTIC QUOTE: “Since it is impossible for God to die it was the human nature that died upon the cross and was resurrected three days later. Thus, it was a true sacrifice. Jesus, in His humanity, felt the same pain of suffering and death that human beings experience due to sin and death. You read into Scripture what it does not say or imply. Thus, you again expose you are ignorant of the scriptural teaching. “

I have seen some really far-fetched explanations from truly ignorant fake Christians before, but you take the cake with your Twilight Zone rigamarole in explaining Jesus the way you did in your comical diatribe above! My sides hurt because of the laughter you gave me!

Your Satanic Cult of Preterism states with specificity that Jesus is divine as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as within the Triune Doctrine. It DOES NOT say that Jesus is only in two separate and laughable entities like you proffer at the expense of laughter towards you by the members of DEBATEART! 



Regarding your complete failure in even trying to attempt to address all of the biblical contradictions that Stephen has brought forth, your response to me was “Buck, buck, buuuck.”  Again, this proves beyond any doubt that you cannot even come close to dealing with biblical contradictions, other than to RUN AWAY from them, and we thank you for accepting the fact that you blatantly FAILED in this respect in front of the members of DEBATEART, and in front of the eyes of Jesus the Christ! (Hebrews 4:13).  SATAN IS SO PROUD OF YOU!


JESUS’ TRUE WORDS:  “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” (1 Timothy 2:14)

PGA2.0 LYING WORDS REPRESENTING SATAN:  “Adam was created first. It was Adam that God held accountable for the sins of the world because just like Jesus Christ, Adam represented us before God.”

Godly logic 101, that Jesus has given His creation,  stipulates that since Eve partook of the forbidden fruit FIRST, she is held responsible for initiating original sin, period! Otherwise, why did our serial killing Jesus punish her by giving her severe pain at child birth and telling Eve that Adam shall rule over her?!  In turn, Adam got a slap on the wrist for eating the forbidden fruit, even though he did not know good from evil until he ate from the fruit, to begin with. get it? Huh? Why do you allow yourself to be laughed at here on DEBATEART?

YOUR EVER SO LAME QUOTE OF DENIAL:  “I spent an elaborate amount of time in showing that God is not a murderer yet you do what cults and cultists are so good at, you twist my words to suit your purposes.”

One of a “plethora” of examples of our Jesus, as the Hebrew God Yahweh incarnate, committing murder was as follows: “At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.”

Now, you can turn yourself into a pretzel and spin doctor this proposition until you turn blue, but the fact remains that our Jesus, as God, MURDERED innocent children that knew not of what Pharaoh did to get our serial killer Jesus so upset, UNDERSTOOD?  Then to make it even more embarrassing for you, you state under the above scenario, that Jesus nonetheless loves the little children that he MURDERED!!!  With skewed logic like this, it is no wonder that the millennials on back jettison Christianity all together!

You give Christianity a bad name for believing in the way you do, and not accepting the plain old facts like I do in that Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate, is a serial killer, period!  I have accepted this notion and move on and DO NOT make excuses for his factual murders.

YOUR EQUALLY LAME DENIAL OF JESUS MURDERING INNOCENT CHILDREN:  “News for you. We all die. Some God takes before others. Those who are innocent (i.e., in the sense that they have never done anything wrong) He restores to life with Himself.”

Your notion shown above admits that our God murders innocent life, thank you as you are finally coming around to Jesus true MO!  As in the case of drowning babies in His Great Flood, and it matters not to the mothers that watched in horror their drowning babies go under the waters of the sea for the last time, do you understand?!  Our Jesus is truly an SOB, and we have to accept this as FACT without any psychotic Satanic spin doctoring to the contrary like you perform ad infinitum, do you understand? YES? Maybe?

YOUR GRASPING FOR STRAWS QUOTE REGARDING JESUS: “No other human being lived a completely spotless life before God.”

SIN: an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

Jesus as the Hebrew Yahweh God incarnate, murdered innocent children within the scriptures and is held accountable for such actions, whether He is God, the Son, the Fed Ex driver, or Homer Simpson, therefore Jesus sinned and is to be considered a serial killer. To state otherwise is psychotic and laughable.  2+2=4.

For laughable entertainment purposes, I will “discuss” your Satanic Preterism within the confines of this forum because I am on the road with my “Road to Heaven Bus” and do not have electric hook ups at all times for my computer, thus the time limits in the Debate area is not comparable.  Now, if this isn’t good enough for you, and you need to run away to save further embarrassment because of your ungodly division of Christianity, then so be it, do you understand?  In other words, I do not have access to this forum on a 24/7/365 basis, which in turn, is a godsend for you!

To use a more appropriate passage regarding your Preterism and foolish ungodly rhetoric, I will use this passage relating to you: “Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.” (Proverbs 26:5)

Once again you are excused to follow one of the most Satanic Cultist divisions of Christianity, and that is, PRETERISM!


Paul's avatar
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Paul's avatar
Thou shalt not kill. Dt.5:6-21

If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are
round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare,neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die. Dt.13:6-10

PGA2.0's avatar
Debates: 7
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PGA2.0's avatar
YOUR PSYCHOTIC QUOTE: “Since it is impossible for God to die it was the human nature that died upon the cross and was resurrected three days later. Thus, it was a true sacrifice. Jesus, in His humanity, felt the same pain of suffering and death that human beings experience due to sin and death. You read into Scripture what it does not say or imply. Thus, you again expose you are ignorant of the scriptural teaching. “

I have seen some really far-fetched explanations from truly ignorant fake Christians before, but you take the cake with your Twilight Zone rigamarole in explaining Jesus the way you did in your comical diatribe above! My sides hurt because of the laughter you gave me!

Your Satanic Cult of Preterism states with specificity that Jesus is divine as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as within the Triune Doctrine. It DOES NOT say that Jesus is only in two separate and laughable entities like you proffer at the expense of laughter towards you by the members of DEBATEART! 


Regarding your complete failure in even trying to attempt to address all of the biblical contradictions that Stephen has brought forth, your response to me was “Buck, buck, buuuck.”  Again, this proves beyond any doubt that you cannot even come close to dealing with biblical contradictions, other than to RUN AWAY from them, and we thank you for accepting the fact that you blatantly FAILED in this respect in front of the members of DEBATEART, and in front of the eyes of Jesus the Christ! (Hebrews 4:13).  SATAN IS SO PROUD OF YOU!


JESUS’ TRUE WORDS:  “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” (1 Timothy 2:14)

PGA2.0 LYING WORDS REPRESENTING SATAN:  “Adam was created first. It was Adam that God held accountable for the sins of the world because just like Jesus Christ, Adam represented us before God.”

Godly logic 101, that Jesus has given His creation,  stipulates that since Eve partook of the forbidden fruit FIRST, she is held responsible for initiating original sin, period! Otherwise, why did our serial killing Jesus punish her by giving her severe pain at child birth and telling Eve that Adam shall rule over her?!  In turn, Adam got a slap on the wrist for eating the forbidden fruit, even though he did not know good from evil until he ate from the fruit, to begin with. get it? Huh? Why do you allow yourself to be laughed at here on DEBATEART?

YOUR EVER SO LAME QUOTE OF DENIAL:  “I spent an elaborate amount of time in showing that God is not a murderer yet you do what cults and cultists are so good at, you twist my words to suit your purposes.”

One of a “plethora” of examples of our Jesus, as the Hebrew God Yahweh incarnate, committing murder was as follows: “At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.”

Now, you can turn yourself into a pretzel and spin doctor this proposition until you turn blue, but the fact remains that our Jesus, as God, MURDERED innocent children that knew not of what Pharaoh did to get our serial killer Jesus so upset, UNDERSTOOD?  Then to make it even more embarrassing for you, you state under the above scenario, that Jesus nonetheless loves the little children that he MURDERED!!!  With skewed logic like this, it is no wonder that the millennials on back jettison Christianity all together!

You give Christianity a bad name for believing in the way you do, and not accepting the plain old facts like I do in that Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate, is a serial killer, period!  I have accepted this notion and move on and DO NOT make excuses for his factual murders.

YOUR EQUALLY LAME DENIAL OF JESUS MURDERING INNOCENT CHILDREN:  “News for you. We all die. Some God takes before others. Those who are innocent (i.e., in the sense that they have never done anything wrong) He restores to life with Himself.”

Your notion shown above admits that our God murders innocent life, thank you as you are finally coming around to Jesus true MO!  As in the case of drowning babies in His Great Flood, and it matters not to the mothers that watched in horror their drowning babies go under the waters of the sea for the last time, do you understand?!  Our Jesus is truly an SOB, and we have to accept this as FACT without any psychotic Satanic spin doctoring to the contrary like you perform ad infinitum, do you understand? YES? Maybe?

YOUR GRASPING FOR STRAWS QUOTE REGARDING JESUS: “No other human being lived a completely spotless life before God.”

SIN: an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

Jesus as the Hebrew Yahweh God incarnate, murdered innocent children within the scriptures and is held accountable for such actions, whether He is God, the Son, the Fed Ex driver, or Homer Simpson, therefore Jesus sinned and is to be considered a serial killer. To state otherwise is psychotic and laughable.  2+2=4.

For laughable entertainment purposes, I will “discuss” your Satanic Preterism within the confines of this forum because I am on the road with my “Road to Heaven Bus” and do not have electric hook ups at all times for my computer, thus the time limits in the Debate area is not comparable.  Now, if this isn’t good enough for you, and you need to run away to save further embarrassment because of your ungodly division of Christianity, then so be it, do you understand?  In other words, I do not have access to this forum on a 24/7/365 basis, which in turn, is a godsend for you!

To use a more appropriate passage regarding your Preterism and foolish ungodly rhetoric, I will use this passage relating to you: “Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.” (Proverbs 26:5)

Once again you are excused to follow one of the most Satanic Cultist divisions of Christianity, and that is, PRETERISM!

I am no longer open to your largely insulting drivel. If you want to formally debate Preterism I will set up the debate challenge. If not, thank you for the discussion!
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


Okay, I will add you to the ever growing list of FAKE CHRISTIANS that had to leave the discussion about their division of Christianity because they could NOT defend it and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath. The godly logic that Jesus has given you, He expected you to use, and not in any way try and Satanically rewrite his bible like you have tried in vain to do, and at your expense upon Judgment Day!

You bailed out at the right time, because I didn't even start to show you how biblically ignorant you truly are in front of the members of DEBATEART, whereas you were leading yourself down the path to committing the Unpardonable Sin, of which there is no forgiveness whatsoever.   

Let DEBATEART know, and actually see, that you have utterly failed Christianity by RUNNING AWAY from it as explicitly shown with your last feeble post #88, where you must not forget, Jesus watched you easily perform this ungodly act.  Jesus is NOT smiling in your behalf, but disgusted with you and your pagan acceptance of your Satanic cult named "Preterism!"

With your Satanic presence here on DEBATEART, barring your avoidance, I was explicitly following the words of Jesus to prevent you from furthering your Devil Speak to the naive Christians that would believe your ungodly diatribe, as stated, to wit: "I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive." (Romans 16:17-18)

You are embarrassingly excused for the last time, and there is no need whatsoever for you to continue to remove one foot from your mouth to insert the other with spewing forth any more Devil Speak, accept your humiliating loss and try and move on the best way you can.



PGA2.0's avatar
Debates: 7
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PGA2.0's avatar
Okay, I will add you to the ever growing list of FAKE CHRISTIANS that had to leave the discussion about their division of Christianity because they could NOT defend it and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath. The godly logic that Jesus has given you, He expected you to use, and not in any way try and Satanically rewrite his bible like you have tried in vain to do, and at your expense upon Judgment Day!

You bailed out at the right time, because I didn't even start to show you how biblically ignorant you truly are in front of the members of DEBATEART, whereas you were leading yourself down the path to committing the Unpardonable Sin, of which there is no forgiveness whatsoever.   

Let DEBATEART know, and actually see, that you have utterly failed Christianity by RUNNING AWAY from it as explicitly shown with your last feeble post #88, where you must not forget, Jesus watched you easily perform this ungodly act.  Jesus is NOT smiling in your behalf, but disgusted with you and your pagan acceptance of your Satanic cult named "Preterism!"

With your Satanic presence here on DEBATEART, barring your avoidance, I was explicitly following the words of Jesus to prevent you from furthering your Devil Speak to the naive Christians that would believe your ungodly diatribe, as stated, to wit: "I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive." (Romans 16:17-18)

You are embarrassingly excused for the last time, and there is no need whatsoever for you to continue to remove one foot from your mouth to insert the other with spewing forth any more Devil Speak, accept your humiliating loss and try and move on the best way you can.


You can show others in the debate I challenged you to but don't expect me to subject myself to your ridicule and ad hominem attacks. Those ad hominem tactics are morally devoid of truth and what happens when we engage in then is a muddle slinging match that goes nowhere. Ad hominems are false arguments because they bypass giving evidence to support a view. Instead, they focus on attacking the other person. All that happens is that we both lose ground.